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Five-year multi-billion plan for railway unveiled

Preparing for future increased commuter demand is a key focus of Network Rail’s London North Western (LNW) route’s business plan for railway over the five years
global smart cities

Singapore, London and Barcelona named top global smart cities

A report by Philips Lighting and SmartCitiesWorld has named Singapore, London and Barcelona as top global smart cities Naming Singapore, London and Barcelona as the world’s best smart cities, a report by Philips Lighting and SmartCitiesWorld reveals that visionary leadership is the factor that would make the biggest difference to...
changing world of work

UK addresses the challenges of the changing world of work in the modern economy

Millions of workers will receive new rights under major government reforms as the UK addresses the challenges in the changing world of work The government has set out new proposals to ensure that workers know their rights and receive the benefits and protections they are entitled to, and that action...
Trans-Pennine road

Progress made for £242 million Trans-Pennine road improvements

Plans for £242 million investment on the Trans-Pennine route take a step forward with the launch of statutory consultation The A57 improvement on the Greater Manchester side – featuring new dual and single carriageways between the M67 and Woolley Bridge – is the centrepiece of the Trans-Pennine Upgrade programme and...
blockchain and artificial intelligence

Blockchain and AI research at the University of Nicosia

Prof. Spyros Makridakis and Prof. George Giaglis, Directors of IFF at University of Nicosia lift the lid on the institution’s blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) research, including the launch of The Institute For the Future (IFF) 2018 may prove to be a historic year: as a number of technological innovations...
benefit cap

45,000 households move away from benefit cap and into employment

A study from the Office for National Statistics employment statistics, shows that 107,000 households are no longer limited due to the benefit cap, with 45,000 moving into full-time or part-time work The report also shows that a record high of 32.2 million people are currently in work in the UK. There...
defence technology

Adapting defence technology to business enterprise: Autonomous unmanned vehicles

Paddy Bradley, Director of the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership outlines the development of autonomous vehicles technologies for today’s defence industry The development of autonomous vehicles technologies has the potential to revolutionise logistics and distribution from the use of drones through to innovation in agri-tech and energy applications. Defence industry-related...

Integrating nanomaterials safety data so that it is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable

Professor Iseult Lynch from University of Birmingham, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences explores the amazing opportunities offered by nanotechnologies Nanotechnologies and the ability to manipulate matter at the nanoscale (1-100nm) have opened up amazing new opportunities for industry and consumers. Nanotechnology has been identified as a key enabling...
Digital revolution

Space: An essential sector for Europe at a time of digital revolution

Sebastien Moranta, coordinator of studies at the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) explores why space is an essential sector for Europe during a time of digital revolution The international space community recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik 1 (October 4th, 1957), humankind’s first step into the...
research, science and innovation

Promoting research, science and innovation in Europe

The work of European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas is placed under the spotlight by Open Access Government European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas was previously Secretary of the State to the Prime Minister of Portugal. One of Moedas’s main priorities today is social...
Higher Education and Research

Increasing the quality of higher education and research

Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, former Minister of Education and Research reveals his ambitions to increase the quality of higher education and research in Norway These are interesting times for education, research and innovation policy. Policy development is taking place against a backdrop of an increasingly volatile world, with climate change, an...
labour market strategies

County councul offers views on developing local labour market strategies

Cllr Simon Henig, County Councils Network spokesman for Industrial Strategy & Growth and leader of Durham County Council offers his views on developing local labour market strategies Localis’ recent report, ‘In Place of Work’, paints a challenging picture for growth in England’s county areas. It identifies three main issues that,...
children and families

Essex County Council – creating a golden thread of support for children and families

Emma Toublic, head of education information and business systems at Essex County Council explains how the secure sharing of key information can make a difference to the support received by children and families When key information can be shared securely and efficiently between teams working with children and families, it...
Battery Storage

Can the UK be a global leader in battery storage?

Senior market research analyst at BSRIA Ltd, Henry Lawson provides an expert perspective on the potential for battery storage in the UK today In a speech in November 2017, the UK Energy Secretary Greg Clark set out an apparently ambitious vision of UK energy policy in general and for battery...
Labour Market

Keeping pace with today’s rapidly changing labour market

Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility offers her thoughts on today’s rapidly changing labour market To succeed in today’s rapidly changing labour market, you need skills. And “static” skills will not be enough. Your skills have to evolve along with changes in the world of...
job search

Improving job search through better information: A low-cost approach

This article by Philipp Kircher at the European University Institute and University of Edinburgh, outlines how the internet can be used to provide information to jobs seekers in a way that changes how they seek work Getting unemployed people into work is a major policy concern. Among the multiple ways...
Crypto Valley

Switzerland, blockchain’s spiritual home

The Crypto Valley Association’s Tom Lyons argues that along with its competitive advantages, decentralised culture and democratic tradition have made Switzerland an epicentre of the blockchain revolution Few places in the world are more idyllic than the Swiss city of Zug. Situated on a pristine alpine lake, snow-capped peaks in...

The role of the bioeconomy in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan recently revealed his thoughts on the role of a well-functioning bioeconomy in Europe, during a speech at Bio-based Industries Joint Stakeholder Forum At the Juncker Commission, we are convinced that a well-functioning bioeconomy can provide solutions to many of the challenges facing the EU, particularly in relation...
Speech, language and communication

Speech, language and communication skills

Director of Education at I CAN, Deirdre Fitzpatrick turns the spotlight on speech, language and communication skills (SLCN) As I CAN’s Director of Education I’m proud to be able to say our schools, Dawn House School in Nottinghamshire and Meath School in Surrey, provide an environment where all children and...
European cities

A sustainable future for cities is within our grasp

Abdeluheb Choho, deputy mayor of Amsterdam and chair of EUROCITIES Environment Forum shares his thoughts on the sustainable future for European cities As European cities, we are committed to making the transition to a circular economy. Building a more sustainable economy is an urgent environmental necessity and vital to our...

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