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smart working

Is smart working heralding the slow ‘death’ of the traditional office?

Alison White, co-founder of PLACEmaking, shares her thoughts on the extent to which modern working practices are slowly eroding the outdated office culture of previous generations
universal health coverage

Universal health coverage in Africa and the public good

Associate Professor at University of Oslo, Dr Ruth J. Prince provides an overview of universal health coverage (UHC) and why this is important in Africa when it comes to the state, citizenship, healthcare and welfare
collaborative economy

Reinventing the collaborative economy with blockchain

The ERC research project P2P Models aims to use blockchain-driven Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) to boost a collaborative economy which is decentralised, democratic and where profits are distributed, as the university’s researcher, Professor Samer Hassan reveals
debt support

Research finds lack of awareness about debt support systems

New research has found severely low levels of awareness about the support systems available to utility customers who find themselves in circumstances of vulnerability
science and innovation

Research, science and innovation in Europe

Open Access Government places the excellent work of European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Carlos Moedas under the spotlight

The illusion of cancer and death: Illusion of the self

Sumith A Kularatne, PhD, discusses his thoughts on the illusion of cancer and death
AI & blockchain

AI & blockchain to empower 1 billion entrepreneurs by 2040

The ORS GROUP explains to us their expertise in delivering sophisticated AI-based optimisation software solutions to a large international client base, including how AI & blockchain will empower 1 billion entrepreneurs by 2040
variety of life on earth

Biodiversity: The extraordinary variety of life on Earth

Pamela S. Soltis, Director of the University of Florida Biodiversity Institute provides a fascinating analysis of her department’s research on biodiversity – that is, the extraordinary variety of life on Earth

Blockchain technology for the public good: Design constraints in a human rights context

Tomaso Aste and Geoff Goodell from University College London’s Centre for Blockchain Technologies share their views on why blockchain technology is for the public good and about the fundamental design constraints and digital identity protocols in a human rights context
sharing cities

Cities getting smarter by sharing

Anna Lisa Boni, secretary general, EUROCITIES, shares her thoughts on how Europe’s cities are getting smarter by sharing
refugees in national systems

Including refugees in national systems: Examples from Ethiopia

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency details the facilitation of refugees in national systems – with interesting examples from Ethiopia
After Horizon 2020

After Horizon 2020: Linking research, innovation and education

Director of Research and Innovation, European University Association, Lidia Borrell-Damián shares her thoughts on what lies ahead after Horizon 2020, in which she envisions a new kind of impact by linking research, innovation and education.
choosing a university

New research highlights top factors students consider when choosing a university

A study commissioned by SPCE labs, the research department of student lettings app SPCE has listed the most important factors that students take into consideration when choosing a university to attend.
world's sole currency

deVere CEO: Bitcoin will not become the world’s sole currency

Bitcoin will not become the world’s sole currency in 10 years - there will be many successful cryptocurrencies - and Ethereum is likely to take over Bitcoin’s dominant status, affirms the boss of one of the world’s largest independent financial services organisations
fosbury flop

Blockchain – a “Fosbury flop” for the insurance industry?

Jags Rao, from Swiss Re explores how a maverick mentality can turn the tables on tradition and have a global impact
international trade

International trade changes needed to tackle agricultural challenges

A conference organised by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) in Brussels, Belgium, on 8 March has discussed the current international agricultural trade rules and how to establish fairer international trade
delivery of healthcare

Using innovative digital technologies for the delivery of healthcare in the UK

Jonathan Evans, communications manager at the Association of British Healthcare Industries explains the need to innovate when it comes to using digital technologies for the delivery of healthcare in the UK.
internet safety

UK government outlines steps to enhance internet safety

The prime minister has announced plans to make the UK the safest place to be online, making sure that what is illegal offline is illegal online As set out in the Internet Safety Strategy Green Paper which was published last year, the government is clear that abusive and threatening behaviour...
blockchain in security

Six use cases for blockchain in security

Blockchain has the potential to improve encryption and authentication as these six use cases for blockchain in security demonstrate It has become something of a priority for industry leaders, especially in financial services, energy and manufacturing. Authenticating Bitcoin payments has perhaps become the most cited use case, but this technology...
cryptocurrency adverts

Facebook bans cryptocurrency adverts

Facebook's ban on cryptocurrency adverts has led to an 11% drop in the value of bitcoin Investors have become spooked by Facebook's advert ban on cryptocurrencies, causing bitcoin to drop to its lowest value since November 2017. The popular social media platform has decided to ban all ads promoting cryptocurrencies, in...

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