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Construction and concessions

Making all the difference: Construction and concessions in Europe

Eiffage is a major European player in construction and concessions, as this insightful article by the company explains

Agriculture sustainability: a question of crowd control!

Cristina Cruz from FCiencias.Id discusses agriculture sustainability, high demand and the need for the use of fertilizers We all know how much pressure agriculture is under. An increasing and more demanding population is pushing farmers towards an intensive and super-intensive farming to supply the markets with quality, cheap and safe food....
urban trees

Greening the inner city: How do we choose the best trees?

Nina Bassuk from the Urban Horticulture Institute, School of Integrative Plant Science Cornell University shares her thoughts on the value of green spaces in inner cities and how we should choose the best trees for this purpose
world food production systems

The importance of world food production systems: Healthy food for all people

The importance of reviewing world food production systems for mankind is examined by Horticulturist at the Swedish University of Agriculture, Håkan Sandin in terms of the need for humanity to eat more healthy food and to produce it in a way that does not harm nature
After Horizon 2020

After Horizon 2020: Linking research, innovation and education

Director of Research and Innovation, European University Association, Lidia Borrell-Damián shares her thoughts on what lies ahead after Horizon 2020, in which she envisions a new kind of impact by linking research, innovation and education.
Europe’s environmental performance

Critical gaps remain in Europe’s environmental performance despite improvements

Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), Hans Bruyninckx shares his thoughts on the critical gaps present in Europe’s environmental performance.
local governance

Is local governance ready for climate change?

A group of researchers from the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) ask if local governance is ready for the effects of climate change.
renewable heat incentive

BSRIA supports renewable heat incentive

BSRIA is in support of the “reformed and refocused scheme” for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) The incentive was issued by the government on Friday 9 February following an industrial-wide consultation. Such reforms will ensure: a focus on long-term decarbonisation: promoting the deployment of the right technologies for the right uses...
global smart cities

Singapore, London and Barcelona named top global smart cities

A report by Philips Lighting and SmartCitiesWorld has named Singapore, London and Barcelona as top global smart cities Naming Singapore, London and Barcelona as the world’s best smart cities, a report by Philips Lighting and SmartCitiesWorld reveals that visionary leadership is the factor that would make the biggest difference to...

Swedish West Coast’s Creative Hot Spot

Creativity, innovation and a strong focus on social and cultural aspects of sustainability are at the very heart of developing the Municipality of Varberg
ageing research

Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing (PANINI)

Prof. Anna C. Whittaker from University of Birmingham’s School of Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences looks at the need for ageing research in Europe Current demographic trends indicate that by the year 2020, almost 1 in 5 of the European population will be aged 65 years or over. Although life...
semiconductor material

GaN on Si: An example of the links between academic research and innovation in...

GaN is a young semiconductor material full of promises for research and development, in the view of Director of Research at the CNRS, Fabrice Semond Semiconductor material represents a market of more than $350billion. It is largely dominated, in terms of market, by silicon. However, there are other semiconductor materials,...
marine biodiversity

Towards healthy and productive seas with strong marine biodiversity

Hans Bruyninckx of the European Environment Agency (EEA) explores climate change and marine biodiversity in this insightful article Marine biodiversity, the global climate and our economy and social wellbeing all depend on healthy seas. Despite some improvements, our assessments show that the way we currently use Europe’s seas remains unsustainable....
deregulation and innovation

Deregulation and innovation: evidence from the electricity industry

Giacomo Valletta from EDHEC Business School sheds light on the key issues concerning deregulation and innovation in the European electricity industry Over the last three decades, the electric industry has changed enormously in terms of deregulation and innovation. Many western Governments have undertaken reforms to break apart and privatize monopoly...
eco-friendly plastics

Less plastic waste in the future

Can plastics be removed from the environment and be biologically degraded? Chemical engineers at TU Wien (Vienna) are working on it The use of plastics offers several advantages: they are cheap, versatile and easy to shape. However, they are responsible for today’s severe ecological problems. Plastics are difficult to degrade,...

The outermost frontiers of knowledge

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency to further scientific progress, as Open Access Government reveals The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure...
workplace productivity

We’re working more than ever – but we’re losing workplace productivity

Against a backdrop of lethargic growth and productivity, is technology the answer to unlocking future gains in workplace productivity? In 2014, a Bank of France study reported an “impressive slowdown” in developed countries’ workplace productivity growth between 2000 and 2014.  In the period between 2007 and 2013, multi-factor productivity (MFP)...

Healthy food and environments for all people in Sweden

In this special report, SSEC (Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration) focus on their exciting and successful work concerning the production of both healthy food and environments for all people in Sweden SSEC (Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration) is a research and development programme at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, that began...

SSEC: Utilising residual heat and other resources

SSEC is a network that enables sustainable food production and better living environments, through the use of residual heat and other unutilised resources SSEC consists of a steering group and a program management, which represents the parties that have joined the cooperation. Fifteen parties have joined the network, large and...
water resource

Permafrost ice as an important water resource for the future?

Martin Hoelzle, Martin Scherler and Christian Hauck from the University of Fribourg explore the possibility of melting ice-rich permafrost as a water resource

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