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Coronavirus outbreak

How should employers handle the Coronavirus outbreak?

Paul Holcroft, Associate Director at Croner, highlights some of the main issues that will affect employers regarding the recent Coronavirus outbreak and how to deal with them.
cure for tinnitus

Developing effective treatments or even a cure for tinnitus

Dr Will Sedley provides his opinions on how to objectively ‘measure’ tinnitus – the first crucial step in developing effective treatments or even a cure – as an example of the kind of project that Action on Hearing Loss is funding.
Student paramedics

Student paramedics to receive yearly £5,000 payment support

For the first time under NHS funding, student paramedics will receive £5,000 a year to support them whilst they are at university.
solving the obesity epidemic

Solving the obesity epidemic: Is Artificial Intelligence the answer?

Dr. S. Vincent Grasso, Global Practice Lead: Healthcare & Life Sciences at IPsoft discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) may hold the key to solving the obesity epidemic and relieving pressure on healthcare services.
vitamin d in pregnancy, human development

Human development: The role of vitamin D in pregnancy

The role of vitamin D in pregnancy is an example of work by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, investigating human development.
traumatic brain injury, disease control

Controlling and preventing diseases: A focus on traumatic brain injury

The work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, within the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services is examined here, with a special focus on traumatic brain injury.
treating anxiety

How can cannabis help in treating anxiety?

Today, people use cannabis products such as CBD for numerous medicinal benefits, here we find out how it can help in treating anxiety.
materials research

Supporting science in the United States: A focus on materials research

Here, Writer Megan Warrender, focuses on materials research as an example of how science is supported in the United States by the National Science Foundation.
national toxicology program

The National Toxicology Program: Needs and opportunities

Open Access Government spoke to Dr Brian Berridge, Associate Director of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) in the U.S., about the needs and opportunities he sees within the NTP.
Cardiovascular side effects

Cardiovascular side effects of night-time train noise

The cardiovascular side effects of night-time train noise is placed under the spotlight here by a group of experts from Gutenberg-University Mainz in Germany and the Danish Cancer Society.
cannabinoid extraction

From Cannabis flower to final products: Extractions for Phytopharmaceuticals

Dr Nikos Xynos, PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences/Natural Products Chemistry and MD a Nomad Labs, explores the various pathways to cannabinoid extraction, refining and purification technologies.
Psoriasis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, cannabinoids

Cannabinoids in Medicine Part 3: Psoriasis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Following the first two articles that discussed the treatment of cancer and pain, this third piece will focus on the use of cannabinoids to treat psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.
next-generation biobanking, institute of pathology

BRoTHER: Regional cooperation for visionary work in next-generation biobanking

Prof Dr Christoph Brochhausen-Delius from Institute of Pathology at the University Regensburg, charts the BRoTHER project that concerns regional cooperation for visionary work taking place in new technologies for next-generation biobanking.
UK’s medical cannabis industry

The UK’s medical cannabis industry

Dr. Frank D'Ambrosio, CMO of Block Commodities Plc, provides an insight into the UK’s medical cannabis industry.
cell organelles, microfluidic isolation

Microfluidic isolation and analysis of cell organelles

Here, Prof. Dr. Christopher T. Culbertson, Prof. Dr. Stefan H. Bossmann, Jay Sibbitts and Courtney Johnson discuss microfluidic isolation and analysis of cell organelles.
cannabinoid research

Closing gaps in cannabinoid research to make progress in pain management

David Shurtleff, PhD, Deputy Director at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, National Institutes of Health (NIH), shares his thoughts on closing gaps in cannabinoid research to make progress in pain management.
is birth necessary, the kinsey institute

Is birth necessary? And if so, why?

Dr. Sue Carter, Distinguished University Scientist and former Director of the Kinsey Institute, asks if birth is necessary, and if so, why?
obesity prevention strategies

Sugar tax: Noncommunicable disease and obesity prevention strategies

The Global Food Research Program, University of North Carolina in the U.S. share their perspective on how taxes on sugary beverages are important components of noncommunicable disease and obesity prevention strategies.
inflammatory lung diseases

Fine dust air pollution (PM2.5) as a cause of chronic inflammatory lung diseases?

Michael Roth, Research Group Leader at University Hospital Basel asks if fine dust air pollution (PM2.5) is a cause of chronic inflammatory lung diseases and provides a most engaging response.

Giving oncology its power back: A clinical technology revolution is conquering the US from...

However, the majority of clinical standards for diagnosis and treatment in modern oncology are traditionally birthed solely from biological investigations.

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