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marine biodiversity

Towards healthy and productive seas with strong marine biodiversity

Hans Bruyninckx of the European Environment Agency (EEA) explores climate change and marine biodiversity in this insightful article Marine biodiversity, the global climate and our economy and social wellbeing all depend on healthy seas. Despite some improvements, our assessments show that the way we currently use Europe’s seas remains unsustainable....
aviation sector

The key role of the aviation sector in the UK economy

Graham Bolton, Chairman of the British Aviation Group provides an insight into the role of the aviation sector within the UK economy The aviation sector plays a key role in the UK economy, contributing some £20 billion per annum to the economy and directly supporting around 230,000 jobs. The national...
research funding cuts

European Commissioner for Budget promises no research funding cuts

Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, has 'guaranteed' no research funding cuts after the current period ends
open government

Welcome to the era of open government

Director, Policy & Community at BCS David Evans provides an expert insight into the world of open government digital services
Bitcoin value hits

Bitcoin value hits record high of nearly $10,000

Bitcoin value hits a new high in its record-breaking trajectory, rising 4.5% to $9,700, nearly 10 x its value at the start of the year
canadian youth

Promoting the issues affecting Canadian Youth

Jonathan Miles from Open Access Government profiles the work the Minister of Canadian Heritage and what she does for Candian youth

UK workforce falls for the first time in 2 years

Despite unemployment continuing to fall at a steady rate the UK workforce has seen a decline in numbers for the first time in 2 years
cancel brexit

Article 50 author says it is possible to cancel Brexit

Article 50 author Lord Kerr has said that it would still be possible for the UK government to cancel Brexit, even if a date for departure is set
rising employment

Real wages fall despite rising employment

Data shows that when inflation is taken into account wages are declining despite the rising employment broadcasted by the government
supporting biotech

How is the UK supporting biotech to create innovative medicines?

CEO of the BioIndustry Association (BIA), Steve Bates explores how the UK government is supporting biotech in order to create innovative medicines
workplace mental health

Workplace mental health: Healthy workforce, healthy society

The European Brain Council (EBC) highlights the challenges around workplace mental health, following World Mental Health Day on 10th October
drinks containers

Zero Waste Scotland on the government’s drinks containers return scheme

Zero Waste Scotland reveals their thoughts on the Scottish Government’s plans for a drinks containers deposit-return scheme
space programme

Dstl launches £50 million space programme marking the launch of Sputnik

The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) has launched a 5-year space programme and is partnering with UK companies
northern powerhouse rail

Government pledges £300 million for Northern Powerhouse rail

Chancellor Phillip Hammond has announced an extra £300 million in funding for Northern Powerhouse rail projects, hoping to connect the North

Why the public sector must improve data literacy

Simon Blunn from Qlik explains why the UK public sector must improve its data literacy and train staff to be digitally savvy
school funding

Parents being asked to contribute to school funding

New data shows that 40% of parents in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland are being asked to regularly contribute to school funding

Xenophobia fears rise in the face of Brexit negotiations

The government is investigating accusations of EU nationals facing xenophobia in applying for jobs and housing as Brexit negotiations continue
Canadian agriculture

The 21st Century belongs to Canadian agriculture

Canadian agriculture has deep roots and the government is working to build a future for the next generation of farmers, says Minister Lawrence MacAulay
british coast

Government pledges £40 million to boost the British coast

Towns across the British coast are set to receive a share of the £40 million Coastal Communities fund from the government to boost local economies

Britain’s aerospace sector could suffer after Brexit

Experts have warned that Britain's aerospace industries could suffer a loss of investment from companies like Airbus in the event of a hard Brexit

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