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Office Estate

The rationalisation of the UK public sector’s extensive office estate

Alison White, co-founder of PLACEmaking details her perspective on the rationalisation of the nationwide public sector’s extensive and expensive office estate Whilst the UK’s Government Property Agency (GPA) focuses on centralising ownership of the government estate and, by charging market value rents to departments applying downward pressure to reduce the...
Global Health Needs

The role of geography in addressing global health needs

Senior Research Advisor from the American Association of Geographers, Yonette Thomas discusses the important role that geography can play in addressing global health needs, both in research and in practice The American Association of Geographers (AAG) is a non-profit scientific and educational society, founded in 1904. For over 100 years...
blockchain and artificial intelligence

Blockchain and AI research at the University of Nicosia

Prof. Spyros Makridakis and Prof. George Giaglis, Directors of IFF at University of Nicosia lift the lid on the institution’s blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) research, including the launch of The Institute For the Future (IFF) 2018 may prove to be a historic year: as a number of technological innovations...
New medical treatments

Sam Gyimah announces £70 million funding to help develop new medical treatments

Industrial strategy boost will help speed up the development of new medical treatments with £70 million funding The £70 million of funding will be used to create new manufacturing centres to help speed up the development of new medical treatments according to new Science Minister, Sam Gyiamah. The money forms part...
Cryto payment network

Blockchain in business: Telegram app said to launch its own crypto payment network

In this article, the founder and co-founder of the Blockchain Federation provide insight into the use of blockchain in business, including how the Telegram app is said to launch its own crypto payment network Ever since the smartphone, we all know Telegram as a worthy and very secure alternative to...

Leading Portugal’s blockchain revolution

In a special interview with Open Access Government, Justin Wu from Etherify sheds light on the firm’s role as a leader in Portugal’s exciting blockchain revolution Etherify is the first Ethereum consulting and software development firm in Portugal. Etherify was started in April 2017 by two young entrepreneurs: Justin Wu...
Pernicious Anaemia

Pernicious Anaemia: The world’s forgotten disease

Chairman of The Pernicious Anaemia Society, Martyn Hooper MBE lifts the lid on the history, causes and diagnosis of the world’s forgotten disease From the time it was first described in the mid-nineteenth century, the cause and treatment of Pernicious Anaemia became the subject of some of the most inquisitive...

Cross-sector procurement: Whereby birds of a kind flock together

Paul Lloyd from The Public Purse explores the key issues around cross-sector procurement Decentralisation and autonomy are vital to our concepts of good and effective local government. It’s also important to all public bodies, such as the blue lights, healthcare and the education sector. The ability to make their own...
green homes

Homes for people and wildlife- how to build green homes in a nature-friendly way

New guidelines published by The Wildlife Trusts show how new housing developments can be built in a way that provides people with green homes The government has recently committed to building a further 300,000 homes a year until 2022, meaning that about 36 square miles will be given over to...

CCS answers

How CCS can help to eliminate CO2 emissions through the storage of carbon dioxide
government property

Maximising the potential of your empty property portfolio

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians, discusses the implications and opportunities of the shrinking public sector estate The public-sector estate is shrinking as both the Government Property Unit (GPU), in tandem with municipal and other authorities, seeks to utilise property assets more efficiently and effectively. The way we work as a...
One Public Estate

Supporting cross-public sector working – One Public Estate

In this joint feature from the Government Property Unit and the Local Government Association, we find out more about the delivery of The One Public Estate (OPE) programme that supports cross-public sector working The One Public Estate (OPE) programme is jointly delivered by the Cabinet Office Government Property Unit (GPU)...
Health Promotion

Reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases in Finland

Minister of Social Affairs and Health in Finland, Pirkko Mattila explains how she aims to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases in Finland Finland has a long successful history of health promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCD’s). Activities to influence the NCD’s were started in the early 70’s when...
Speech, language and communication

Speech, language and communication skills

Director of Education at I CAN, Deirdre Fitzpatrick turns the spotlight on speech, language and communication skills (SLCN) As I CAN’s Director of Education I’m proud to be able to say our schools, Dawn House School in Nottinghamshire and Meath School in Surrey, provide an environment where all children and...

Three million EU nurses leading digitalisation

Dr. Paul De Raeve, Secretary-General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) explains why the deployment of eHealth services in nursing and social care are key drivers for modern societies today The deployment of eHealth services in nursing and social care are key drivers for modern societies. However, the...
European cities

A sustainable future for cities is within our grasp

Abdeluheb Choho, deputy mayor of Amsterdam and chair of EUROCITIES Environment Forum shares his thoughts on the sustainable future for European cities As European cities, we are committed to making the transition to a circular economy. Building a more sustainable economy is an urgent environmental necessity and vital to our...
teacher recruitment

How can we reverse the teacher recruitment and retention crisis?

Emma Hollis, Executive Director of the National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers sheds light on the issues around teacher recruitment and retention With issues around teacher recruitment and retention going way beyond discussions in staff rooms and school corridors and into the public eye, those of us at the heart...

Rise of the robots in the public sector

Paul Tomlinson, CEO of IEG4, argues that the public sector stands to benefit most from Artificial Intelligence A government report published last month: “Growing the artificial intelligence industry in the UK” highlights that increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can bring major social and economic benefits to the UK, offering...
marine biodiversity

Towards healthy and productive seas with strong marine biodiversity

Hans Bruyninckx of the European Environment Agency (EEA) explores climate change and marine biodiversity in this insightful article Marine biodiversity, the global climate and our economy and social wellbeing all depend on healthy seas. Despite some improvements, our assessments show that the way we currently use Europe’s seas remains unsustainable....
the current european commission

Günther H. Oettinger, the current European Commission

Günther H. Oettinger European Commissioner in charge of budget and human resources European Commission The latest statistics show eight million jobs created in the European Union since the current European Commission took office. At the same time, over the past two years the EU’s economic growth has surpassed that of...

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