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global dust emissions

Climate change and the dust environmental impact in the Middle East and North Africa

Professor Georgiy Stenchikov, Chair of Earth Sciences and Engineering Program at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), explains how MENA accounts for more than half of global dust emissions, and the immense strain on the environment dust can cause.
decisive action

Climate change: Decisive action needed

Steve Malkin, CEO and Founder of the Planet Mark, argues that when it comes to climate change, decisive action is needed, not debate.
climate change in south africa, labour

Climate change in South Africa could cost up to 20% of GDP

The impact of climate change in South Africa can be seen in economic productivity, healthcare outcomes and labour availability - but what could it cost the population in the future, if left unchecked? 
executive orders on climate, biden

President Biden signs bundle of executive orders on climate change

Yesterday, President Biden signed a slew of executive orders on climate change, describing the new proposals as a way to fight an "existential threat".
move the tropical rain, rain

Climate change will move the tropical rain belt by 2100

Researchers at the University of California found that climate change will move the tropical rain belt by 2100 - significantly impacting the food security of billions.
Thai Hommali Rice

Can Thai Hommali Rice survive climate change?

A new strain of climate-ready Thai Hommali Rice (THM) is hoping to save the world winning rice from extinction due to extreme changes in climate.
closing the carbon cycle, climate

Fighting climate change by closing the carbon cycle using membrane technology

Patricia Luis from UCLouvain highlights fighting climate change by closing the carbon cycle using membrane technology.
cloud seeding

Can cloud seeding partially mitigate the environmental impact of climate change?

Darrel Baumgardner, Chief Scientist at Droplet Measurement Technologies LLC asks if cloud seeding can partially mitigate the environmental impact of climate change, in this the first part of a series of special articles, starting with some basic principles.
energy transition in cities

Europe: Climate change and energy transition in cities

Editor of Open Access Government, Jonathan Miles, focuses our thoughts on aspects of climate change and energy transition in Europe’s cities.
sea ice decreases, ICE2ICE

Historic sea ice decreases caused sudden climate change

In the glacial period, sea ice decreases occurred at a similar time to drastic climate change and created intensive debate among scientists - now, the ICE2ICE project has a conclusive answer for what happened.
HIV risks for women, drought

How is climate change increasing HIV risks for women?

When it comes to HIV risks for women, researchers found that natural disasters force vulnerable women to take any chance to secure resources - whether through transactional sex or engagement in early marriage.
WeThaw Project - examining the permafrost

WeThaw project – The impact of climate change on the permafrost

The WeThaw project carries out in-depth research to examine Arctic rivers - windows into organic carbon stabilisation in permafrost soils.
climate change and decarbonisation

Hydrogen, climate change and decarbonisation

Dr Gareth Hinds, Science Area Leader in Electrochemistry at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), tells us what we need to know about hydrogen in the UK, including broader comment on climate change and decarbonisation.
prevent climate change, environmental

Are we fighting a losing battle to prevent climate change?

Our climate is global and the challenge of preventing catastrophic environmental damage will require the cooperation of all nations - but is it too late to prevent climate change?
slow climate change, energy

How can nanotechnology help us in our fight to slow climate change?

All forces are being brought to bear in our challenge to slow climate change, in an attempt to preserve our planet for future generations - where does nanotechnology fit in?
think about climate change, research

What do Americans really think about climate change?

Climate Insights 2020 assessed 27,661 people across different States, to explore what Americans really think about climate change.
contraception and climate change

What is the association between contraception and climate change?

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores what the association between contraception and climate change is and how it can save the planet.
economic development, climate change

How does economic development impact climate change?

Professor Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), discusses how economic development impacts climate change.
wild bee

94% of wild bee and plant species lost due to climate change and agricultural...

According to researchers from York University, climate change and agricultural developments are responsible for a 94% loss of wild bee and native plant species networks.
climate scientists

Combatting climate change: Can we help climate scientists?

Here we explore the ways in which climate scientists are working to combat climate change and what we can do to help.

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