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workplace change

How organisations respond to the demand for workplace change

Fintan Burke and Alison White of independent workplace designers, PLACEmaking, explore how organisations can meet the demand for workplace change post-COVID.
partisan ideology victim blaming, sexual assault

Study finds link between partisan ideology and victim blaming

When it comes to discussions about sexual assault, a new study suggests a link between strong partisan ideology and victim blaming.
racial prejudice, covid-19

Racial prejudice: Why Asian Americans are still blamed for COVID-19

Racial prejudice, fuelled by poor coping mechanisms and biased social media consumption, has shaped how the public view Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Openness: Key for universities in the 2020s

European University Association President, Michael Murphy, argues that openness is key for the success of universities in the new decade.
democracy and media

New aspirations for democracy and media – yet to be met

Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, argues that new aspirations for democracy and media are yet to be met.
drug markets

COVID-19 and drugs in the European neighbourhood partnership countries

The EU drugs agency explores the impact of COVID-19 on drug markets, use and services in the European neighbourhood partnership countries.
get COVID-19 vaccine

Third of Americans say they are unlikely to get COVID-19 vaccine

A new study by the University of California, Davis has found that a third of Americans are either unlikely or hesitant to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available.
social media trends

2021 social media trends for government and public sector

Joanne Sweeney, Chief Executive Officer of Public Sector Marketing Institute, shares the top three social media trends for 2021 that relate to government and public sector specifically.
security threats

Cyber security threats against global governments increase exponentially

Nigel Thorpe, technical director at SecureAge, looks at the growing cyber security threats to global governments and suggests that it is time for a new approach to data protection.
online schools

Are online schools the future of Education?

David McCarthy, Director of Education at Sophia High School, answers the question as to whether online schools are the future of Education by reflecting on past mistakes and learning from them.
public sector organisations, malware

FBI warning on election interference applies to public sector organisations

Pascal Geenens, director of threat intelligence for Radware, looks at the misinformation risks facing public sector organisations in 2020 - who is to blame?
private sector and government, COVID

Post-pandemic: Can the private sector and government work together?

Mary Martin, director at UN Business and Human Security Initiative, LSE IDEAS, explains the necessity of open collaboration between the private sector and government.
human rights defenders, COVID-19

The consequences of a global pandemic on human rights defenders

Nishat spoke to Ed O’Donovan, Head of Protection at Front Line Defenders, to dissect pandemic obstacles faced by human rights defenders - especially Indigenous communities in Brazil.
citizen engagement

Five principles for citizen engagement

Here, Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General of Eurocities discusses five principles for citizen engagement.
next big pandemic

Antimicrobial resistance: The next big pandemic?

Josep Figueras and Anna Sagan from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies focus here on antimicrobial resistance and ponder whether or not this could be the next big pandemic.

Why ‘micro-efficiencies’ matter to clinicians

Dr Owain Rhys Hughes, Founder and CEO at Cinapsis, explores the future of primary care and how, despite the popularity of grand reformations and sweeping initiatives, it's the micro-changes which add up to make the biggest difference to patient care.
south korea COVID-19, economy

The science behind the South Korea COVID-19 strategy

Jongeun You explains how the South Korea COVID-19 strategy flattened the curve, without destroying the economy.
social value

Social value: How can the construction sector deliver a more tangible impact?

Bev Hurley CBE, Chair of the Institute of Economic Development, ponders how construction spend can address the significant inequalities facing disadvantaged and left-behind communities.
UK test and trace, second wave

UK test and trace system not ready for schools to reopen

Researchers say the UK test and trace system needs to improve in four weeks, to prevent a two-times larger COVID second wave.
Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis

Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis – Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI)

Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis is currently Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI), President of the educational organisation Atheneum Liberal Studies and Professor at Uninettuno University.

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