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genetics project, GlaxoSmithKline

UK launches £200 million genetics project

The UK government announced the launch of a huge genetics project, working with GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca, to understand diseases like dementia and cancer.
european commissioner, EU

EU: Who are the new European Commissioners?

Here, we discuss the freshly elected European Commissioners of the 2019-2024 period, including their duties and a vision of the EU their work attempts to shape.

Precision medicine: Cost-effectiveness of breakthrough treatments

Dr Gerry Morrow shares his thoughts on the precision medicine, defined as the cost-effectiveness of breakthrough treatments and explains why this area is a priority for both researchers and government.
ai in healthcare

What are the data protection challenges of using AI in healthcare?

This article considers the increasing political interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and considers how data protection legislation may help to build greater understanding and trust.
risks in the workplace

Assessing nanomaterials health risks in the workplace

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group assesses nanomaterials health risks in the workplace, starting with an overall perspective on the topic that includes risk assessment policies.
NHS technology

Government to invest over £130 million in new NHS technology

Patients will benefit from significant government investment in new NHS technology to improve treatment, diagnosis and care options for diseases including cancer.
Elderly Health Service

A look at the Hong Kong Elderly Health Service

With a growing elderly population – and with it, a growing number of carers – Hong Kong’s Elderly Health Service has an increasingly important role in promoting both good physical and mental health, as this article reveals.
research and innovation

UK priorities for science, research and innovation

The UK is focusing on international partnerships and ground-breaking sector deals in order to remain a global leader in science. Here, we find out about the work of Chris Skidmore MP, the UK’s Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation and the Office for Life Sciences.
functional nanomaterials, chemistry focus

Chemistry focus: Advances in engineering functional nanomaterials research

Katharine Moore Tibbetts, Assistant Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, shares with us her expertise on advances in engineering functional nanomaterials, an area of chemistry research that has benefitted society in various ways.
digital health era

Cardiovascular disease: Opportunities and challenges in the digital health era

In this interview, Chair of the ESC Digital Health Committee, Professor Martin Cowie, details the opportunities and challenges in the digital health era when it comes to the field of cardiovascular disease.
health and productivity

Flexible working vital for employee health and productivity 

Flexible working not only makes life more convenient for many Brits, but new research also shows that it can improve both health and productivity.
medical cannabis access

UK and Ireland medical cannabis access programmes and education slowly progress

GreenLight Pharmaceuticals Ltd is advancing clinical research and education in UK and Ireland; Though government progress on access and prescribing recommendations lags behind much of Europe.
artificial intelligence revolution

Artificial intelligence revolution: Can we trust AI in UK Government?

Civica recently sat down with central government leaders to discuss whether the public sector is prepared for the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution and the ethics behind the technology. Steve Thorn, Executive Director, Civica shares his views from the event.
protect hospices

Prime Minister announces £25 million cash boost to protect hospices

PM Boris Johnson has announced a £25 million cash injection to protect hospices and palliative care services which support around 200,000 people at the end of their lives.
microfluidic devices, solid tumours

Microfluidic devices: The future is here

Dr Stefan H. Bossmann and Dr Christopher T. Culbertson, Professors of Chemistry at Kansas State University, explain why microfluidic devices are in their view, the future.
health the priorities, the european commission

Health: The priorities of the European Commission

The priorities of Vytenis Andriukaitis, the current European Commissioner for Health & Food Safety are explained here.
join the NHS, NHS leaders

NHS calls on A-level students to join the NHS

As nearly half a million students got their A-level results yesterday, NHS leaders are calling on young people to consider a career in nursing and join the NHS.
future of europe, role of chemistry

Chemistry for the future of Europe

Alex Schiphorst, Science Communication and Policy Officer discusses the vital role of chemistry when it comes to the future of Europe.
fitness trackers

NHS patients will get free fitness trackers to cut Type 2 diabetes

Thousands of people who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes will receive wearable tech such as fitness trackers as part of efforts by the NHS to combat the condition, caused by obesity.
sitting down

Office workers spend 75% of their waking hours sitting down

Research from the British Heart Foundation shows Brits spend around 67 hours a week sitting down– making us inactive for up to three out of seven days.

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