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cycle path

Exeter cyclists to benefit from different speed routes

Following a public consultation that revealed commuters want a mix of quiet and fast routes, Devon County Council has approved plans to create both… Cycling is a vital part of green transport plans, cutting down emissions, but also keeping people healthy. Devon County Council is one local authority that has...

European rail supply industry

Natasha Marie Levanti, Association for Consultancy and Engineering discusses the European rail supply industry and outlines what the new EU resolution means for the sector...  On 9 June the EU Parliament has adopted the Resolution on the competitiveness of the European rail supply industry (2015/2887(RSP)), which will serve to...

Long-term sick employees should have right to ‘return to work’

Employees with long-term health conditions and disabilities should have the same rights as new mums, to return to work within a year, study says… A report by The Resolution Foundation is aimed at improving the employment rate of people with disabilities and calls for a 12-month ‘right to return’ period...

A national approach to supporting STEM in Ireland

Niamh Lyons, Interim Director of communications, Education and Public Engagement at Science Foundation Ireland highlights the importance of STEM in Ireland, and how the funding agency is supporting projects in this arena A St. Patrick’s Day card I received this year told that the Intel Quark chip which is powering...
eu open door immigration

EU Referendum: immigration, security and beer mats

For the past few weeks the focus has been on getting the student population to vote. Now, attention has turn another part of society: expats. The Electoral Commission has urged this group to ensure they are registered to vote in the referendum before the upcoming 7 June deadline. The Leave...
eu referendum medicine

EU Referendum: could it damage the health service?

This time next month the EU referendum vote will be over and the UK will be dealing with the fallout. Whether you are for or against staying the vote is undoubtedly a momentous event, one that has the potential to significantly change our nation. It is also an issue...

Tom Brake: why remaining in the EU is the right choice

Tom Brake MP, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs tells AG why he thinks the UK should stay in the EU... The request by AG to write a short commentary on why I think we are better off in the EU was more challenging than you might think. It's nearly impossible...

Treasury report warns Brexit would cause recession

A new analysis from the Treasury claims Britain would enter a recession, with some 500,000 jobs lost if the UK votes to leave the EU… At least 500,000 jobs will be lost as a result of a Brexit, with GDP dropping by 3.6 per cent. The claims were made in...

Ljubljana – European Green Capital 2016

The European Green Capital team outline why Ljubljana is the first and only European green capital in central and south Eastern Europe… Ljubljana is a city that will surprise you and exceed your expectations. It is unique – small by surface area, but huge in its hospitality and quality of life....

CIPD warns pay growth is “stuck in the slow lane”

A new survey from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has revealed the growth in wages is likely to remain in the slow lane until the end of the decade… The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has warned wage growth will remain “stuck in the slow lane”...

Government funding to support local coastal landmarks

Coastal projects have been awarded funding to help restore local landmarks and return them to a high standard… Communities Minister Mark Francois has revealed 15 projects have benefit from a share of £700,000 funding to restore local landmarks. The projects, which have been awarded up to £50,000 each, aim to...
circular economy

The circular economy – an investment with a triple win

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for the Environment highlights why Europe needs a circular economy. Everyone who looks closely at the economic and environmental realities of the world today agrees that the ‘take, make, use and throw away’ economy is the model of the past. In an age where the global...
young researchers

Funding and supporting young researchers in Denmark

Peter Munk Christiansen, Danish Council for Independent Research on how independent research funds were awarded to a record-high number of young researchers

EU Referendum: what it means for science, holidays and emigration

The EU Referendum campaigns were temporarily overshadowed by the Chancellor’s Budget announcement on Wednesday. Although not one to waste an opportunity, George Osborne used his speech as a platform to push the pro-EU agenda, stating, “Britain will be stronger, safer and better off inside a reformed European Union.” He also...

Nearly 500 staff take voluntary redundancy at Edinburgh Council

Edinburgh City Council loses hundreds of staff to redundancy in an attempt to find savings of £148m… Nearly 500 council staff have chosen to take redundancy as part of plans to restructure City of Edinburgh Council. The local authority is seeking to cut £148m from its budget over the next four years as part...

Twenty-four councils awarded funding for low carbon heat projects

Some £1.5m funding will be divided between 24 local authorities to support low carbon heating projects… The government has released £1.5m to be invested in green heating projects. The money, which will be split between 24 local authorities, will be used to support 27 low carbon heat projects, including biomass,...

Warwickshire CC awards nearly half a million to help small businesses

Small businesses in Warwickshire have benefited from funding from the county council to help them grow… A total of £427,736 worth of funding has been granted by Warwickshire County Council. The funding is being used to help small businesses to develop. Since October 2015, the county council has awarded grants to...

Government warns UK weaker outside EU

A government analysis will suggest the UK would be “weaker, less safe and worse off” outside the European Union… A new analysis from central government will warn of the perceived dangers of leaving the European Union. The assessment, published today, comes as the campaign to remain in the EU starts...

Dorset environment is worth £1.5bn a year to its economy

A new report commissioned by Dorset County Council has shown the environment is worth some £1.5m a year to the local economy… A team of experts have published a report outlining the economic strength of Dorset’s environment. The report, ‘The Dorset Environmental Economy’, was commissioned by the county council and led by...

East Dunbartonshire Council implements digital system for repairs

Tenants in East Dunbartonshire requesting repairs to their homes will be able to utilise a new digital technology service… East Dunbartonshire Council is rolling out a new digital service to help residents request repairs to their property. The scheduling system will include a text message service, as well as Dynamic Scheduling...

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