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Supporting healthy forests across America

Open Access Government highlights the role of forests within biodiversity and how the USDA supports agroforestry in America

Prioritising investment for research in Norway

Open Access Government outlines how research in Norway is tackling key challenges and details the Ministry for Education and Research’s long-term plan Norway’s Minister for Education and Research, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen believes that times of economic and political uncertainty require a greater investment in innovation. He called investment in research...
precision livestock farming

Solving challenges through precision livestock farming

Daniel Berckmans, Catholic University of Leuven asks if precision livestock farming could help to monitor health and environmental impacts of farming
green energy

Green energy is the solution to a number of challenges

Morten Helveg Petersen, Member and VP of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee at the European Parliament discusses the importance of green energy.

Harmonising the bio-based economy policies

Standardisation can accelerate bio-based economy growth. Here, Suzan van Kruchten, Standardisation Consultant, NEN explains Bio-based products represent an important part of the bio-economy, which is seen as a major source of economic growth and employment for Europe in the 21st century. Standardisation can accelerate bio-economy growth as several projects of...

From disease orientation to health promotion

Scientific stakeholder and demand analysis for the establishment of a health centre in the Donnersberg district, ensuring a successful implementation the services of health promotion Supply shortages in rural regions, long waiting times for therapy places and the demographic change call for the development of new structures for the promotion...
green paper

Green Paper: Providing a roadmap for food and agriculture

Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Christian Schmidt, outlines how the Green Paper process is helping to build bridges between farmers and consumers

Fighting food insecurity through global cooperation

Eradicating food insecurity remains a global challenge. In a speech, EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan highlights why working in partnership is vital The goal of eradicating global hunger has never been as high on the international policy agenda as it is today. This fact is to be welcomed, because there is...

Meeting sustainable development goals must be a priority

European Economic and Social Committee’s Luca Jahier calls for the EU to become a world leader when it comes to meeting sustainable development goals

Creating a modern transportation network for Canada

Marc Garneau, Minister for Transport in Canada outlines the importance of the transportation network for Canadian communities as well as the economy
research and society

Building bridges between research and society in Portugal

Joana Camilo, Executive Director, Creating Health outlines how Universidade Catolica Portugesa (UCP) is a leading research university
newton fund

Newton Fund: helping with novel development opportunities

Melvin Hoare, University of Leeds discusses how the UK's Newton Fund is helping developing nations to engage in science and research.

Sustainable water treatment with Arctic attitude

Professor Riitta Keiski, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu talks about the importance of sustainable water treatment in Northern Finland

Reducing energy consumption requires communication

Thomas N. Mikkelsen highlights how Natconsumers has developed a methodology to communicate more effectively with consumers to reduce energy consumption

NHS spending plans delayed because of financial pressures

The King’s Fund has revealed NHS spending across a number of areas is expected to be cancelled or delayed due to money difficulties

Thousands of family doctors could be lost due to Brexit

GP leaders are warning more than 2,000 family doctors could be lost if the status of EU citizens living in the UK is not protected during negotiations

Demountable construction enables structural diversity

University of Luxembourg’s Prof. Dr.-Ing. Danièle Waldmann-Diederich explains how demountable construction responds to changing structural demands
Labour manifesto pledges £48.6bn funding for services

Labour manifesto pledges £48.6bn funding for services

Some £48.6bn worth of pledges have been put forward as part of the Labour manifesto and will fund a range of services

Climate research gains €8.2m EPA funding

The Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland has made available some €8.2m available for climate research

Utilising cryogenic technologies in demanding environments

Peter Iredale, Engineering Lead at Honeywell Hymatic talks about using cryogenic technologies for precision tactical and space applications

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