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The EU Urban Agenda for our cities of tomorrow

European Parliament MEP, Lambert van Nistelrooij outlines why cities are the engine for economic growth and are integral for the EU Urban Agenda Cities have the future. While the regions in Europe always had the ‘first’ attention from Brussels, the spotlights nowadays have to be in the cities as well....

Implementing Bioeconomy with Electrobiorefinery

Food, chemical and industrial sectors are challenged with the growing population, increasing longevity and quality of life. In consequence, the demand for fossils energy sources, agricultural land and drinking water what will lead to irreversible changes in climate with unpredictable consequences. A recent declaration of G7 leaders that in...

Leading employers fighting for top graduates

An improvement in the jobs market has led to the UK’s leading employers fighting over top candidates… A new report has found top graduates are receiving multiple job offers, leaving leading firms to fight over these candidates. The report from the High Fliers market research company found around 1,000 graduates turned...

Peer work in mental health – The major break-through of obstinacy?

Now we see it happen again: an apparently new term appears in the sky of psychiatry: "peer work".  It means that now ill people treat the ill; and what are the professionals, also called skilled persons, going to do? They are, of course, still allowed to treat, but where...

Local homes to receive energy funding help

Private properties in Wrexham County Borough, North Wales are to receive support to help tackle fuel poverty in low income households... Wrexham County Borough Council’s Housing Service have secured funding from the Welsh Government’s Warm Homes Arbed energy performance investment programme. The programme was set up in 2009 to help eradicate...

Birmingham council boss criticises austerity

The newly-elected leader of Birmingham City Council has lambasted government austerity measures as he faces making £250m in cuts… The new head of Birmingham City Council John Clancy has warned government austerity is not working. He said the size and continuity of budget cuts were a clear signal measures enacted...
gas fire

Fuel Poverty: lower bills and healthier homes

Maria Wardrobe, Director of External Affairs at National Energy Action outlines the importance of tackling fuel poverty in the UK… Fuel poverty remains a bigger killer across the UK than road accidents, alcohol or drug abuse combined. In our UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2014-2015 we estimated that in addition to 125,000...
© Denis7563 north sea oil

Maintaining momentum in the North Sea

There is plenty of life left in the North Sea oil and gas industry, insists UK Minister of State for Energy, Andrea Leadsom MP The oil and gas industry is an essential part of the Government’s plans to provide a secure, reliable energy source to UK homes for decades to...

Lower bills and healthier homes

Maria Wardrobe, Director of External Affairs at National Energy Action outlines the importance of tackling fuel poverty in the UK Fuel poverty remains a bigger killer across the UK than road accidents, alcohol or drug abuse combined. In our UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2014-2015, we estimated that in addition to 125,000...

Transforming Europe’s energy system

Research and innovation could accelerate Europe’s energy transformation, as outlined by EU Commissioner for Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete in a speech at the SET-Plan Conference A rapidly changing energy and climate landscape require a realignment in the way we work. That is why the vision we have for the SET-Plan...

Sustainable Sweden

Open Access Government looks at how Sweden is aiming to become a sustainable nation, highlighting the government’s key environmental priorities Sweden has gone through something of a recycling revolution in the past decade. More than 99% of all household waste is recycled in one way or another – compared to...
blue economy

Time to invest in the blue economy

The European Union has high hopes for the marine and maritime economy, but, for the blue economy’s potential to be developed, we need more cooperation between the public and private sectors, argues Adam Banaszak of the European Committee of the Regions  I was nominated by my fellow local politicians to...

A solid footing for the Arctic

EU Commissioner for the Environment, Karmenu Vella highlights the need for climate action and environmental protection in the Arctic As preparations for the UN climate conference (COP 21) in Paris this December move into full swing, one region undeniably affected by the changing climate is high on the international agenda....

The urban dimension of Cohesion Policy

Corina Crețu, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy outlines how Europe should be exploiting urban areas to their full potential An important responsibility was bestowed upon me when I came into office as Commissioner for Regional Policy: to lead this policy into the next decade and to exploit its full potential in...

The challenge of recruiting more women

Recently-installed IET President Naomi Climer has made it her mission to improve recruitment of women into engineering and technology roles, with oil and gas just one area under the spotlight Name a famous engineer or technologist and most people would undoubtedly mention Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Isambard Kingdom Brunel or...

The Impact of engineering in biology and medicine: the biomedical engineer (BME)

In 2014, WHO stated: “trained and qualified biomedical engineering professionals are required to design, evaluate, regulate, maintain and manage medical devices, and train on their safe use in health systems around the world”1. In response, the European Economic and Social Committee stated: “Biomedical Engineering is not simply a subset of...

What’s so special about STEM?

Gill Collinson, Head of the National STEM Centre highlights the significance of STEM in modern life ‘STEM’ is the buzz word of the moment in education. Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan, summed it up last year 1 when she said: “the subjects that keep young people’s options open...

Crossrail is creating a skills vacuum

According to new analysis, Crossrail’s demand for skilled workers is leaving many parts of the UK with shortages. New analysis from specialist recruiter Randstad CPE has revealed more than a quarter of Crossrail’s workforce is based in regions more than 30 miles away. Crossrail, which has cost billions to build and...

University dropout rates fall after the increase in tuition fees

A new report has examined the impact of increased tuition fees on the number of students completing university courses. In 2006 university tuition fees increased to around £3,000. The move, while highly contentious, has had at least one positive outcome: it has reduced the number of dropouts. A report carried out...
energy efficiency

Energy efficiency and housing: what next for local authorities?

Ian Hutchcroft, Head of Local Delivery at the Energy Saving Trust explains how local authorities can retrofit for energy efficiency and deliver benefits for carbon reduction, health, jobs and growth There is no doubt that the drivers for local authority action on housing energy efficiency are strong, and getting stronger. With...

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