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A national approach to supporting STEM in Ireland

Niamh Lyons, Interim Director of communications, Education and Public Engagement at Science Foundation Ireland highlights the importance of STEM in Ireland, and how the funding agency is supporting projects in this arena A St. Patrick’s Day card I received this year told that the Intel Quark chip which is powering...
pupils character

Schools to receive funding boost to help develop pupils character

A £6 million funding boost aimed at improving pupils character traits such as resilience and respect is now welcoming applications Children and Families Minister Edward Timpson has announced a £6 million fund aimed at developing pupils’ character is now accepting applications. Schools that are using a range of activities aimed at...
university fees

University fees to increase through new Government plans

Minister Jo Johnson has unveiled new plans increase university fee with an aim to increase teaching standards in institutes across England

The brain health challenge: reducing the economic impact

Prof David Nutt, European Brain Council on the economic impact of poor brain health & how they are calling for new thinking towards how it is treated

Dementia to become trillion dollar disease by 2018

Marc Wortmann, Executive Director of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), outlines the major impact dementia has worldwide and the urgent need for governments to help provide a better quality of life for people with the condition… The World Alzheimer Report 2015 estimates that someone in the world develops dementia every 3 seconds....

Internationalisation through the Linnaeus-Palme programme

The Swedish Council for Higher Education outlines the benefits of exchange programmes such as Linnaeus-Palme… Linnaeus-Palme is an international exchange programme that supports long-term, bilateral collaboration at the department level between higher education institutions in low and middle income countries, and Sweden. In 2015 the qualitative effects of the programme...

Stoical leadership in a ‘bear market’ in higher and further education

Professor Jill Jameson, Professor of Education and Director, Centre for Leadership and Enterprise at the University of Greenwich discusses stoical leadership... In 2016, in a difficult global environment, stoical, trustworthy leadership of higher and further education is needed more than ever before. In harsh times, the deeper values and purposes of authentic educational...

What GDPR means for data protection

Sébastien Houzé, Secretary General of FEDMA asks what happens now the General Data Protection Regulation has been adopted... The European co-legislator reached an agreement on the General Data Protection Regulation in Strasbourg on the 15th December 2015. While the formal adoption still remain to happen, the rest of the world can start working...
global climate

Staking a Carbon Claim

Carbon sequestration is a concept that has been pervasive in discussions of climate change research and policy. The idea is simple enough. Any process, for example photosynthesis, that extracts CO2 from the atmosphere and stores it somewhere else will reduce the greenhouse effect and therefore should be encouraged. One...

The circular economy opportunity

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation sheds light on the circular economy and why it is an opportunity not to be missed…  Today’s linear economy – in which resources are extracted, made into products, sold and ultimately thrown away – arguably faces its biggest challenges, on a number of fronts. A range...

Dorset environment is worth £1.5bn a year to its economy

A new report commissioned by Dorset County Council has shown the environment is worth some £1.5m a year to the local economy… A team of experts have published a report outlining the economic strength of Dorset’s environment. The report, ‘The Dorset Environmental Economy’, was commissioned by the county council and led by...

Herts County Council to increase council tax

Hertfordshire County Council has delivered services despite major cuts, but will now need to increase council tax to meet budget shortfalls… Despite its revenue budget falling every year since 2010 and facing challenges such as an increasing ageing population, Hertfordshire County Council said it has managed to deliver essential services. The council...

Making Europe safe for all

AG highlights comments from the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Dimitris Avramopoulos from a speech in 2015 regarding the European Agenda on Security, In today’s world, what does security mean? Feeling safe in your own home, your own town or even your own country. In the last few months, Europe...

GDPR adopted: what now?

The European co-legislator reached an agreement on the General Data Protection Regulation in Strasbourg on the 15th December 2015. While the formal adoption still remains to happen, the rest of the world can start working on what it actually means. We will have two years to dissect these new rules,...
climate change

How much does it cost to save the world?

Georgina Dowling, Associate at Ramboll UK outlines the importance of investment in infrastructure to help tackle climate change In December, 195 nations reached a landmark agreement ‘to keep a global temperature rise this century well below 2°C and to drive efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C...

The circular economy opportunity

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation sheds light on the circular economy and why it is an opportunity not to be missed Today’s linear economy – in which resources are extracted, made into products, sold and ultimately thrown away – arguably faces its biggest challenges, on a number of fronts. A range...

Transforming ageing into an opportunity for Europe

Ilias Iakovidis and Bruno Alves from DG CONNECT at the European Commission explain how digital transformation can turn demographic change into an opportunity for Europe The challenges resulting from demographic change are well documented and have been moved over the years from technical to strategic and recently to political debate...
©-Thomas-Photiou HIV

Funding the future of HIV in the UK

Debbie Laycock, Head of Policy at the Terrence Higgins Trust sheds light on the future of HIV among budget cuts and already stretched key services  Many readers will remember HIV and AIDS in the 1980s – the gravestone adverts and the public health campaign that we recently heard Margaret Thatcher...

How does Europe meet 21st Century challenges

The EU and its Member States have faced unprecedented challenges in recent years. Citizens rightly demand more jobs and long term sustainable growth. They expect a more effective response to migration. They want to see all governments maintain stability in and outside EU borders. These issues directly affect Europe’s...

Funding the future of HIV in the UK

Debbie Laycock, Head of Policy at the Terrence Higgins Trust sheds light on the future of HIV among budget cuts and already stretched key services…  Many readers will remember HIV and AIDS in the 1980s – the gravestone adverts and the public health campaign that we recently heard Margaret Thatcher...

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