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Using UVC light on disinfectants makes them safer to use

A new study from the University of Waterloo has found that applying UVC light to common disinfectants makes them safer to use against COVID-19.
death in type-2 diabetes

Drinking tea & coffee reduces risk of death in type-2 diabetes by 63%

A new study has found that drinking 4 cups of green tea or 2 cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of death in type-2 diabetes by 63%.
diabetic ketoacidosis

Surge in T2D children presenting diabetic ketoacidosis during pandemic

A new study from Children's Hospital Los Angeles has revealed a surge of pediatric patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Omega-3 index

High Omega-3 index reduces premature death

New research shows that people with a high Omega-3 Index are 13% less likely to die prematurely compared to those with low levels.
the aviation industry

How can the aviation industry cut emissions?

Graham Chapman, a sustainable product and business expert and owner of Powerguard, explores how the aviation industry can reduce its carbon emissions.
south africa johnson & johnson, africa mutation

South Africa will use Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine

After stopping rollout in response to blood clot investigations, South Africa are now preparing to start using Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines.
green and sustainable recovery, vestre

How can we make a truly green and sustainable recovery?

Romy Rawlings, Commercial Director at Vestre Ltd, explains how using an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) could be the key helping customers ensure the sustainability of their everyday choices.
supply chain strategy

How to manage business demand with a supply chain strategy

Calum Lewis, Founder and Principal Consultant of OP2MA, explains why businesses need to harness their supply chain strategies to cope with demand surges.
covid cases per city, eviction

Scientists say evictions will create 49,000 more COVID cases per city

The researchers found that COVID cases per city could increase by 49,000 to 53,000, if evictions are allowed to continue for atleast 1% of households.
indigenous societies, land management

Indigenous societies responsible for “millennia” of biodiversity

An interdisciplinary research team found that conservation efforts aiming to "return land to a pristine state" without humans will fail - as Indigenous societies are responsible for "millennia" of biodiversity.
hospitalised COVID patients, obesity COVID

Study finds 30.8% of hospitalised COVID patients are obese

An international study examined hospitalised COVID patients across 11 countries - finding that obese patients are 73% more likely to need invasive respiratory support.
online education providers

Regulating all online education providers

The time has come for online education providers to become accredited by the British Government, says David McCarthy, Director of Education at Sophia Technologies.
willing to get vaccinated

84% of young people willing to get vaccinated

Data from a MyVoice national survey has found that the percentage of young people who say they're willing to get vaccinated has risen to 84%.
plant-based consumption

European plant-based consumption grows by 49% in two years

Plant-based consumption has increased by 49% in two years across Europe, according to Nielsen data, the first and only report of its kind, published by the Smart Protein project.
2021 North America

April 2021 North America Analysis

In the Spring edition of North America Analysis, we hear from Robert Lembo, from the National Institutes of Health, who turns the spotlight on training physician scientists and clinician investigators through the process of graduate medical education in the United States, and more.
peat soils

Peat soils: Climate killer or climate saver?

Experts in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Bernd Lennartz, Franziska Tanneberger and Nicole Wrage-Mönnig discuss the complex effects of peat soils on the climate.
johnson & johnson vaccine, astrazeneca

US stops Johnson & Johnson vaccine to investigate blood clot risk

US authorities paused the use of the Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccine as they look into six cases of blood clots that developed in women aged between 18 and 48.
illegal mining in amazon, mercury amazon

Illegal mining in Amazon releases mercury into Indigenous lands

The illegal mining of the Amazon rainforest continues through the COVID pandemic, with Indigenous communities experiencing the double-hit of mercury poisoning and "imminent violence".
kingdom of saudi arabia

Advancing sustainability in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Open Access Government maps the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainable development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
HIV patients, intimate partner violence

One in four HIV patients experience intimate partner violence

According to the CDC, one in four HIV patients in the United States experience intimate partner violence - which could be anything between physical assault to stalking.

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