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organic battery

Scientists design organic battery to power medical implants

Scientists in Belfast have designed a flexible organic battery which could revolutionise how medical implants are powered and remove patient discomfort Devices like pacemakers could be powered by the new organic battery, which is flexible and lasts three times longer than current medical batteries as well as being made of...
PAN-LNG project bus Hungary

PAN-LNG Project: Developing Trans-European transport in Hungary

With funding from the Connecting Europe Facility, the PAN-LNG Project is developing a Trans-European transport infrastructure, starting in Hungary MGKKE, the Hungarian NGV Association, developed the PAN-LNG Project for the liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuelling infrastructure, which has been selected in 2015 for co-finance by the INEA under the Connecting...

Cenergia focuses on daylight in The Living Light Box project

Danish engineering company CENERGIA looks to daylight as an essential component for healthy and happy homes in cooperation with Copenhagen and the EU

Investigating the application of biocatalysis for industry

Cristina Otero from the Biocatalysis and Bioenergy Group outlines how the laboratory is applying the biocatalysis for food, cosmetics, and renewable energy

Understanding changes to extreme rainfall

Rainfall data can be used to help us adapt to climate change. Hayley Fowler, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Newcastle University explains

Precision phenotyping for efficient animal agriculture

MoSAR, INRA’s Research Director, Nicolas Friggens, explores the role of precision phenotyping in agriculture and explains how it is driving animal research

Open Access Government August 2017

Open Access Government August 2017 highlights key topics such as health and social care, research and innovation, the environment, energy, education, ICT and cyber security. A selection is detailed below: Fighting against antimicrobial resistance Antimicrobial resistance is a global problem that requires commitment to tackle it, shares EU Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis...

Are m-CHP systems the answer to reducing emissions?

José Luis Viviente from TECNALIA explains how micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) systems can help to reduce CO2 emissions in rural communities

Nuclear fusion faces delays until 2050

Experts have claimed that we may have to wait until the second half of the century for nuclear fusion energy Nuclear fusion is a process of superheating the nuclei of light atoms such as hydrogen, causing them to join together and generate massive amounts of energy in the process. Essentially, it...

The future of circular economies: Achieving zero waste to landfill

Richard Walker, Marketing Manager at Reconomy shares the benefits of setting a 0% landfill target and explains why it is an achievable goal for businesses

The development of low-permeability hydrocarbon resources

Professor and NSERC/Chevron Industrial Research Chair, David W. Eaton, talks about the need to ensure hydrocarbon resources are developed responsibly

Electric cars could be used to help power the grid

New research into whether or not electric cars could return power to the National Grid is set to gain ÂŁ20m government funding

Sweden must continue to push climate reform

Climate reform is a necessity to safeguard the future of the planet. Open Access Government’s Ciara Ruane explains what Sweden is doing to ensure this

Why you shouldn’t ignore environmentally friendly construction

Reconomy's Richard Walker shares the value of environmentally friendly construction and why everyone should continue to push the green agenda

Sustainable water treatment with Arctic attitude

Professor Riitta Keiski, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu talks about the importance of sustainable water treatment in Northern Finland

Using surplus heat to create healthier environments

Surplus heat from cities and industry can help create healthier environments. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences’s Håkan Sandin explains

Tackling climate change in Sweden

Open Access Government’s Editor Laura Evans examines how Sweden is tackling climate change and the targets in place to help the nation become carbon neutral Air pollution and climate change is a huge challenge all over Europe. In Sweden, it is estimated that air pollution contributes to around 5,500 premature...

Carbon neutrality: Phasing out coal by 2030 in Finland

Riku Huttunen, Director General, Energy Department at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment shares Finland’s ambition to achieve carbon neutrality

From bright white glaciers to dark and dusty ice

Martin Hoelzle and Kathrin Naegeli, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg share how glaciers are altering in fast-changing landscapes

The role of metals in the sustainable production of chemicals

Martin Warren, Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Kent and co-director of the Metals in Biology Network describes how a recent meeting of academic and industrial scientists helped to cross-fertilise research on the role of metals in the sustainable production of chemicals and the removal of pollutants.

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