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developing MBA students graduation

Developing MBA students: The leaders of tomorrow

UK business schools and businesses should work together on developing MBA students and their careers as future leaders writes AMBA chief Andrew Main Wilson As the global labour market becomes increasingly heated and economies remain an uncertainty, employers need a new breed of leader to launch and execute future-proof strategies....
banana supply UK

Exeter University tackles banana supply chain threat

The future of the UK’s favourite fruit hangs in the balance, but researchers from Exeter University are tackling the threat to the banana supply chain Researchers at the University of Exeter have been awarded £1.2 million to investigate the resilience of the UK’s banana supply. Bananas are the most popular...
crop science research partnership ireland

UCD and Origin unveil €17.6m crop science research partnership

A new €17.6m precision agriculture and crop science research partnership has been established between UCD and Origin, supported by Science Foundation Ireland The agri-services group Origin Enterprises and University College Dublin (UCD) have unveiled a dedicated digital, precision agriculture and crop science research partnership. A €17.6m investment co-funded by Origin and...
STPs for NHS nurse arms folded

King’s Fund report backs controversial STPs for NHS

A report published today by The King’s Fund says Sustainability and Transformation Plans – STPs – for the NHS are the right way forward despite issues Despite criticising the controversial Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs), a report released today by health think tank The King’s Fund finds that STPs for...

Encouraging communities to get healthy

Beki Cadd and Stephanie Bradbeer from Action PR highlight the importance of increasing leisure participation amongst disengaged groups within communities… According to statistics from Sport England, 15.8 million adults play sport at least once a week. This represents an increase of 1.75 million since 2005, indicating the 2012 Olympic legacy...

Pioneering agriculture projects win £17.8m of funding

Ground-breaking projects to improve agriculture and food production have been awarded funding of £17.8m under the Government’s Agri-Tech Catalyst… Projects that include lobster farming, scallop cultivation and whisky distillation are among the 21 successful bids to be awarded funding under the latest round of the innovative scheme. The Agri-Tech Catalyst offers...

Soil biodiversity: keeping the Earth alive

Arwyn Jones and Alberto Orgiazzi, European Commission Joint Research Centre Sustainable Resources Directorate - Land Resources Unit, discuss the importance of soil biodiversity... Soil condition underpins food security, green growth, bio-economies and aboveground biodiversity; it regulates climate, the hydrological and nutrient cycles, while mitigating climate change. Soils provide resilience against floods and...

Engineering innovation factory

Gunilla Silvard, KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Production and Engineering Management, discusses innovation in product realisation... Individualisation and sustainability increase the demand for innovation concerning new materials, technologies and combined system solutions. This rises the needs for collaboration between various disciplines within an organisation, to coordinate perspectives, sharing information and...

The measurement conundrum in healthcare    

Dr Benjamin Van Voorhees, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, talks about the role of quantitative measurements in healthcare to ensure high standards of medical practice... “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”. “What you can’t count, doesn’t count”.  These bromides of the corporate world found a home in the...

What are the key values of an MBA?

Andrew Main Wilson, chief executive of the Association of MBAs (AMBA) outlines why an MBA qualification is worthwhile and what they can offer any graduate While the nature of our global economy makes future gazing virtually impossible, our increasingly volatile world has a huge appetite for quality MBA graduates. These...

Exploring computational scientific methods  

Effectiveness and efficiency of computational scientific methods are not enough, says Sandra Gesing, Research Assistant Professor at the University of Notre Dame... Computational scientific methods tackle an increasing breadth and diversity of topics – analysing data on a large scale and accessing high-performance computing infrastructures, cutting-edge hardware and/or instruments. In the last decade...

MPs call on DfT to create clear air quality strategy

MPs on the Environmental Audit Committee have called on the government to develop a clear strategy to meet air quality targets… A new report from the Environmental Audit Committee calls upon the Department for Transport (DfT) to do more to meet air quality targets. The report, ‘Sustainability in the Department for...

On the way to more sustainable concrete structures

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Elsener, Head Durability Research Group at The Institute for Building Materials ETH Zurich outlines the durability screening of new blended cements... Portland cement has for decades been the most used type of cement to build reinforced concrete infrastructure. Experience and research on the corrosion of reinforcement...

European energy policies in light of climate ambitions

Jukka Leskelä, the incoming CEO of Finnish Energy discusses European energy policies and how they must work towards climate targets Since the Paris agreement last December there has not been a lack of ambition in global climate. Holding the global warming to “well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels” requires quick...

Bridging the European healthcare gaps

Bridge Health Coordination highlight the three main functions of public health. Public health policy and organisations aim to prevent disease, and to promote health and the quality and quantity of the life of populations. Public health has 3 main functions: (1) the continuous follow-up of the health populations and of...

The environmental aspect of agriculture

Czesław Siekierski, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Parliament, outlines how agriculture can benefit the environment… The environmental aspect of farming, and in general the modern agribusiness, is continuously receiving more and more attention and the spread of good practices in agriculture benefits both...

Embracing Horizon 2020

The French National Research Agency explain their investment in Horizon 2020 in order to tackle societal challenges, such as climate change and food security… As a funding agency, one of the greatest challenges of The French National Research Agency (ANR) lies in coordinating the different funding instruments that exist at...

Innovation in health and social care

John Bowis OBE, Honorary President of Health First Europe and former Member of the European Parliament, outlines how healthcare innovations are a key instrument to achieving sustainable healthcare solutions… “Health care providers are currently faced with an extremely complex challenge characterised by rising demand, increasing cost and insufficient funding. In...

Improving the long-term health of childhood cancer survivors

SIOPE – the European Society for Paediatric Oncology highlights the importance of strengthening collaborations to ensure childhood cancer survivors lead a healthy life… All childhood cancer survivors should be able to lead a normal life. In Europe however, in spite of the increase of the survival rates, many of them...

Europe’s transition to a circular economy – let’s speed it up

Cillian Lohan, environmental scientist and a member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), outlines why we must push ahead with the transition to a circular economy… The Circular Economy is not about one big circle, but rather a series of interconnected and inter-influential circles. It is much more than...

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