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Carbon capture brought to the forefront of the UK’s climate targets

Carbon capture and storage is a key player in the challenge to meet reduced emission targets by 2015, according to the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)
Harnessing data to transform city management

Harnessing data to transform city management

Data is being used in city management to overcome many urban challenges. Here, Upendra Dharmadhikary, Vice President at Tech Mahindra explains
climate protection tree covered building Turin

Climate protection: Investing in a low-carbon Europe

Investment in climate protection is vital to overcome environmental challenges. Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environment Agency explains Our climate is changing. We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit the rate of climate change, and at the same time, take measures that help us prepare for current and future...
Software solutions data centre servers

Delivering software solutions

Jean-Michel Letennier, President and CEO of Atomic Information Systems (AIS) Corporation, outlines how their software solutions can change how organisations think AIS Corporation is a full service application software development firm with its headquarters in Delaware County, New York. It was founded in 2015 by several industry veterans and is continuing...
food neuroscience fresh fruit veg and nuts

Food neuroscience: The fascinating world of eating behaviours

Professor Raffaella Rumiati shares some insights into food recognition and eating behaviours that are emerging from food neuroscience research at SISSA In recent years there has been growing interest in finding out how our brain processes food cues and directs our food choices. Food is essential because it provides the...
The case for Cohesion Policy: A better Europe will emerge

The case for Cohesion Policy: A better Europe will emerge

The case for Cohesion Policy beyond 2020 in creating a better Europe, according to the President of the European Committee of the Regions, Markku Markkula These are testing times for Europe. The worst of the economic crisis may have passed, but the economies of many regions are still far too...
Scotland's draft climate change plan landscape

Scotland’s draft climate change plan: Roseanna Cunningham sets out ambitions

The Scottish Environment Secretary, Roseanna Cunningham MSP, sets out the key aims of Scotland’s draft climate change plan for Open Access Government The publication of our new draft Climate Change Plan represents an opportunity to build on the ambitious approach that has seen Scotland gain recognition in the international community for...
economic roadmap

Dissecting the government’s new economic roadmap

Dr Julian Francis, Director of Policy and External Affairs, ACE, discusses the government’s new Industrial Strategy and economic roadmap
modern industrial strategy education

May intends to ‘grasp the bigger prize’ with modern industrial strategy

Theresa May is to set out her flagship Modern Industrial Strategy today, the policy which sits at the core of her government’s vision for post-Brexit Britain The Prime Minister is using her first regional Cabinet meeting today to launch a new, more interventionist industrial strategy aimed at bridging the productivity...
2050 climate action plan Barbara Hendricks

OAG takes a look at Germany’s 2050 Climate Action Plan

Germany’s ambitious 2050 Climate Action Plan is now well underway, as Open Access found out from Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks Germany is pressing ahead with climate reduction targets following the Paris meeting at the end of 2015. Through their Climate Action Plan 2050, the German government is committed to...
Paris climate agreement meeting in Marrakech Morocco

UK ratifies Paris climate agreement

The UK government ratified the Paris climate agreement this week after a 21-day period for parliamentary scrutiny expired with no objections The Paris climate agreement came into force on 4 November when more than 55 countries representing more than 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions ratified the deal. The European...
Firn and ice of the Grenz glacier

Measuring the fever of the glaciers’ firn and ice

The firn and ice of glaciers can be at temperatures far below freezing point, writes Professor Martin Hoelzle of the University of Fribourg Glacial ice acts as a natural climate and environmental archive and is able to preserve important information about the past atmosphere. Measurements of firn and ice temperatures,...
cohesion in Bratislava

Promoting cohesion in Bratislava

Pavol Frešo, President of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region outlines to AG, why events such as the COR Summit back in July are so important to for cohesion in Bratislava and the rest of Europe The summit of regions and cities, held in Bratislava on 8-9 July 2016, was the biggest...

An integrated approach to climate change

Floriane Cappelletti and David Donnerer from the Covenant of Mayors Office outline how the organisation will play a key role in achieving the EU’s Energy Union… European cities are home to 360 million people or 72% of Europe’s population and account for 70% of the continent’s energy consumption. These areas...

Towards cleaner and smarter mobility

Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director at the European Environment Agency explains how cleaner and smarter transport can meet Europe’s need for mobility… Transport connects people, cultures, cities, countries and continents. It is one of the main pillars of the modern society and economy, allowing producers to sell their products across the...

Is CCS an affordable route to carbon reduction targets?

Andrew Green, Programme Manager at the Energy Technologies Institute, outlines the possible role of carbon capture and storage in meeting the UK’s carbon reduction targets… In theory, the United Kingdom (UK) should be well placed to develop a carbon capture and storage (CCS) industry that offers the most affordable route...

Look to the Arctic

Gunn Sissel Jaklin, Communications director at the Norwegian Polar Institute talks about the Arctic and global warming... The Arctic is a hotspot – literally, as it is more affected by global warming than the rest of the world, but also in the sense that several nations are directing their political...

How will Brexit affect the UK’s shale gas industry?

Claire Brook, Partner at law firm Bond Dickinson, asks how the UK’s regulatory regime for unconventional hydrocarbon development might be impacted post-Brexit… We are in interesting and uncertain times. Attempting to predict the future for the shale gas industry in the current economic and political climate is not easy. In...

The environmental aspect of agriculture

Czesław Siekierski, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Parliament, outlines how agriculture can benefit the environment… The environmental aspect of farming, and in general the modern agribusiness, is continuously receiving more and more attention and the spread of good practices in agriculture benefits both...

Tougher emission standards for vehicles announced by the EC

The European Commission has revealed tougher standards for cars and vans in a bid to cut transport emissions and improve air quality… A new package of measures to reduce transport emissions caused by vehicles has been announced by the European Commission. The UK, alongside other EU member states, has committed to...

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