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IUU fishing – A global fight worth fighting

Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard highlights the devastating effects of illegal and unreported fishing… Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a devastating reality facing the world’s fisheries today. This criminal activity undermines the responsible fish management practices of nations and threatens the sustainability...

Harnessing opportunities for agri-food in Ireland

Michael Creed, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine in Ireland highlights the Food Wise 2025 strategy and its aims to tackle the challenges facing the Irish agri-food sector… Food Wise 2025, the ten year strategy for the Irish agri-food sector published in July last year, is the successor to...

£34k Smart Technology investment for Cardiff

The City of Cardiff Council has invested £34,000 in Smart Technology to help Civil Enforcement Officer… Forty-eight Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO) across Cardiff will be equipped with Smart Technology to help with safety. Body cameras will be attached to the uniform and can capture both sound and video in high definition....
health computer

Working towards an EU health information system

Petronille Bogaert, Robine Jean Marie, and Prof. Dr. Herman Van Oyen discuss the BRIDGE Health project and how it is developing an integrated and sustainable EU health information system Bridge Health is a European project under the third European Union (EU) Health Programme. The acronym stands for Bridging Information and...

A softer footprint in the Arctic snow

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for the Environment details why a stronger and more focused approach is needed to protect the Arctic… If there is one place in the world where climate change is plainly visible, it is the Arctic region. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest...
ETH Zurich

Concrete Infrastructure: Durability screening of new blended cements

Portland cement has for decades been the most used type of cement to build reinforced concrete infrastructure. Experience and research on corrosion of reinforcement in concrete made of Portland cement have shown that the very high alkalinity of the pore solution ideally protects the steel. The disadvantage is that...

Carnivore research can shape wildlife management policies

John D C Linnell, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research discusses how using large carnivore research can be used to inform wildlife management policies in Norway Conflicts associated with the recovery of populations of wolves, bears, lynx and wolverines in Norway during the last 30 years have motivated intensive research projects. The...

£2.75bn funding to aid agriculture research

European Commissioner Phil Hogan has announced £2.75bn will be made available to support agri-innovators… Speaking at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association conference in Denmark, European Farming Commissioner Phil Hogan revealed £2.75bn funding is set to be plugged into the agriculture and research sector. The funding will help to finance...
radiator thermostat

Oxford City Council investigates city-wide heat network

A study into how buildings in Oxford use heat and electricity is being conducted by the city council and its partners… A new study examining how buildings that use a lot of heat and electricity can reduce their carbon foot print is being undertaken by Oxford City Council and its...

A new Sustainable Development Strategy for Switzerland

Daniel Dubas, Head of the Sustainable Development Section at the Federal Office for Spatial Development outlines the Federal Council’s Sustainable Development Strategy and its aims… In Switzerland, sustainable development is a constitutional obligation. To ensure that the country continuously meets this obligation, the Swiss Federal Council (government) recently renewed its...

Strengthening partnerships between cities

Hella Dunger-Löper Member of the European Committee of the Regions (COR) outlines the core principles that should shape the EU’s new Urban Agenda… A wall once ran through my city. When it came down, two halves had to be connected, neglected areas restored, new communities created, a shared direction agreed....
digital health

Our daily digital health – is everyone ready?

Marc Lange, Secretary-General and Diane Whitehouse, Member of the Secretariat at European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) outlines how digital technologies are helping to transform health service delivery… Our daily life is becoming increasingly digital, and people are considering this move as the way to go for more and more activities. Digital...

Ljubljana – European Green Capital 2016

The European Green Capital team outline why Ljubljana is the first and only European green capital in central and south Eastern Europe… Ljubljana is a city that will surprise you and exceed your expectations. It is unique – small by surface area, but huge in its hospitality and quality of life....

The brain health challenge: reducing the economic impact

Prof David Nutt, European Brain Council on the economic impact of poor brain health & how they are calling for new thinking towards how it is treated
circular economy

The circular economy – an investment with a triple win

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for the Environment highlights why Europe needs a circular economy. Everyone who looks closely at the economic and environmental realities of the world today agrees that the ‘take, make, use and throw away’ economy is the model of the past. In an age where the global...

Providing data to manage soils sustainably

Dr Andrew Tye, Soil Scientist & Process Geochemist at the British Geological Survey looks at soil management and how it can help ensure sustainability for future generations. Society in the past has generally payed scant regard to its soils. However, as global population increases, pressures on the land we use...

Swindon council launches the first UK community solar farm

Local residents have been offered the chance to invest in a community solar farm under a new initiative launched by the council… A £4.8m project will give local people the opportunity to invest in a community solar farm. The initiative from Swindon Borough Council and peer-to-peer investment platform Abundance will...

Climate Change: Ignore the ocean at your peril

Niall McDonough, Executive Secretary at the European Marine Board outlines why the ocean should be part of the climate change discussion The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP21 meeting in Paris in December delivered an ambitious agreement on mitigating the effects of climate change. Before Paris, many commentators...

Materials characterisation in support of power generation

Mechanical characterisation of high-performance materials has been a long-standing area of expertise at Swansea University. A succession of academics has promoted an intimate relationship with the power generation industry, in particular, working on alloys aligned to gas turbine technologies. A world-renowned research group focussing on high-temperature creep, fatigue and...

Transforming ageing into an opportunity for Europe

Ilias Iakovidis and Bruno Alves from DG CONNECT at the European Commission explain how digital transformation can turn demographic change into an opportunity for Europe The challenges resulting from demographic change are well documented and have been moved over the years from technical to strategic and recently to political debate...

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