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€8.5bn investment announced for Horizon 2020

The budget for 2017 has been set at €8.5bn for the European Commission’s research programme Horizon 2020… The European Commission has announced the research and innovation budget for its flagship programme Horizon 2020 (H2020) will stand at €8.5bn during 2017. The announcement was made following an update to the Work Programme...

The future of solar power: what it means for small businesses

Phil Foster, Managing Director of Love Energy Savings shares his thoughts on the future of solar power and what this may mean for small businesses... Whilst less than 2% of the world’s electricity is currently generated through solar photovoltaic technology, a recent report estimated that this figure could increase to as much...

Reconnecting Europe

Markku Markkula, President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) tells AG why Europe needs to connect and deliver better investment in order to benefit cities and regions…  The outcome of the UK referendum was another sure sign that the EU must change the way it does business. It needs...

City of York Council releases sustainability plans

The City of York Council has revealed 10 key principles that will help improve sustainability in the area… ‘One Planet York’ is a new plan that puts sustainability at the heart of the City of York Council. The plan, which focuses on 10 key principles, aims to address how the city...
downing street

Theresa May reshuffles cabinet as she takes office

In the past 24 hours new Prime Minister Theresa May has been making ministerial appointments. AG looks at who is in and who is out… As Theresa May settles into her new position as Prime Minister she undoubtedly has a monumental task ahead of her. Negotiating Britain’s exit from the...

Creating climate solutions for agriculture and forestry

AG Editor, Laura Evans speaks to Rachel Steele, National Climate Hub Coordinator at the U.S Department of Agriculture about how they are helping to reduce the impacts of climate change for farmers and foresters… Agriculture plays a key role in society worldwide. Seen as the backbone of the economic systems...

IUSS launches the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024)

Following the International Year of Soils 2015, the International Union of Soil Sciences has proclaimed the International Decade of Soils to increase the momentum of raising awareness of the importance of soil for life... The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) is the global union of soil scientists and the...
timer plug

Is now the right time for variable surge pricing?

Bill Watts, Senior Partner at Max Fordham talks about the role variable surge pricing could have in the energy sector... By now you’ve probably heard of Uber, the mobile app that’s changed the way people book a cab, all over the world. You might also be familiar with their demand-based, variable ‘surge’ pricing....

World class mechanical property assessments

Colin Small, Chief Operating Officer at Swansea Materials Research and Testing (SMaRT) Ltd outlines how the company provides industry and academia many forms of mechanical property assessment… Swansea Materials Research and Testing Ltd (SMaRT) is a specialist spin out materials testing company created incorporated by Swansea University in 2009 to...
offshore wind

£1.5m funding for Scottish offshore wind research project

The Scottish government has revealed £1.5m will be made available to support research and innovation in the offshore wind sector… A total of £1.5m funding will be used by the Carbon Trust to develop and support an offshore wind innovation programme. The Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) research and design scheme aims...

8 ways the referendum vote could affect your business costs

Phil Foster, Managing Director of Love Energy Savings outlines what impact the EU referendum vote could have on businesses... British history is about to be made, and despite the 23rd June Referendum being on the horizon, we have no clue as to which way the public will be voting. This uncertainty extends...
radiator thermostat

Oxford City Council investigates city-wide heat network

A study into how buildings in Oxford use heat and electricity is being conducted by the city council and its partners… A new study examining how buildings that use a lot of heat and electricity can reduce their carbon foot print is being undertaken by Oxford City Council and its...

COP21 and the Paris Agreement

Dr Daniela Jacob, of the Climate Service Center talks about COP21 and the role of climate services... After the dust has settled on COP21 – and now that the Paris Agreement is open for signature – it remains the case that the agreement represents a very important step forward in relation to...

Soil organic carbon – the most precious substance on the planet

Arwyn Jones and Emanuele Lugato, European Commission Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, outline the importance of soil... When the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei wrote 400 years ago, “What greater stupidity can be imagined than that of calling jewels, silver, and gold 'precious,' and earth and soil 'base'?”, he was highlighting the undervalued...

Reducing challenges and increasing skills in the aerospace sector

John Laughlin, Aerospace Programme Lead Innovate UK answers questions from AG on the UK aerospace sector and challenges that lie ahead
circular economy

The circular economy – an investment with a triple win

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for the Environment highlights why Europe needs a circular economy. Everyone who looks closely at the economic and environmental realities of the world today agrees that the ‘take, make, use and throw away’ economy is the model of the past. In an age where the global...

Fall in coal use is helping to reduce emissions, figures show

Figures released by The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) show a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions last year due to a fall in coal use… The figures show that total carbon emissions have fallen by 3.4 per cent – dipping below 500 million tonnes for the first time. Despite...

Budget 2016: Infrastructure gains a boost

The Budget revealed a number of major infrastructure projects would be given the go ahead, and funding was earmarked for flood defences… Infrastructure came out on top in the Budget, with more funding to be set aside for a number of major projects including HS3 and Crossrail 2. Additionally money...

Twenty-four councils awarded funding for low carbon heat projects

Some £1.5m funding will be divided between 24 local authorities to support low carbon heating projects… The government has released £1.5m to be invested in green heating projects. The money, which will be split between 24 local authorities, will be used to support 27 low carbon heat projects, including biomass,...
climate change

How much does it cost to save the world?

Georgina Dowling, Associate at Ramboll UK outlines the importance of investment in infrastructure to help tackle climate change In December, 195 nations reached a landmark agreement ‘to keep a global temperature rise this century well below 2°C and to drive efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C...

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