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healthcare data - search results

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Scotland's broadband

Solving Scotland’s broadband shortfall

Richard Watts, Head of Business Development at VXFIBER assesses whether the open access model can allow local authorities to solve Scotland’s lack of high-speed broadband connectivity.
lone worker risk

Understanding and managing lone worker risk

Javier Colado, SVP of International Sales at Everbridge shares his views on understanding and managing lone worker risk, with a focus on helping to keep people safe and businesses running.
health and social care

Blockchain supports nurses in the continuity of health and social care

Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN), Paul De Raeve explains how blockchain technology supports nurses in Europe where the continuity of health and care is concerned Blockchain has the potential to modify the way health and social data are traditionally collected, interpreted and connected, shifting from...
digital transformation

Public sector digital transformation is critical in light of cyber-attack threat

When introduced efficiently, digital transformation undoubtedly has a positive impact on the quality and accessibility of public services in the UK, with investment in digital tools becoming a key element of the government’s future planning strategies
blockchain technology platform

HEX innovation introduce blockchain technology platform for medical use

During the Hybrid Summit 2018 in Bangkok, software providers HEX Innovation launched a blockchain platform enabled service to be used by the medical sectors.
digitisation fund

New health secretary pledges £475 million digitisation fund in first speech

Matt Hancock, the new health secretary, has unveiled a £475 million digitisation fund to help the NHS invest in technology

The role of research in Canada for the future of ageing

Dr Yves Joanette, Scientific Director at the CIHR Institute of Aging explores how Canada’s researchers are meeting the needs of an ageing population, now and in the future

Blockchain in the European Union: How the European Parliament approaches DLTs

Eva Kaili, MEP, Rapporteur of the European Parliament of the Blockchain Resolution, explains her thoughts on blockchain technology in the European Union today
tackling preventable diseases

Modernising health policy, building up knowledge and tackling preventable diseases

The work of Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health & Food Safety, with responsibility for modernising health policy, building up knowledge and tackling preventable diseases

Prevention, early detection and effective therapy in melanoma

Dr Bettina Ryll from the Melanoma Patient Network Europe gives a patient advocacy perspective
international research, education and innovation

Diabetes: A commitment to growing international research, education and innovation

Janet Jarvis from Leicester Diabetes Centre tells us about their international research, education and innovation in the field of diabetes
Diabetes Prevention

Digitally enabled pathway personalisation: Journey to Diabetes Prevention 3.0

From Diabetes Prevention 1.0 to Prevention 3.0, Hitachi Consulting explains a digitally enabled pathway personalisation when it comes to diabetes

Pesticides: A contributing factor to the increase in asthma?

Pamela J. Lein at the University of California, Davis discusses the evidence suggesting that pesticides are risk factors for asthma

The governance of emerging nano-risk in the semiconductor industry

Dr Dimiter Prodanov from IMEC sheds light on the governance of emerging nano-risk in the semiconductor industry in this summary workshop report.

WiFi connectivity enhancing the patient hospital experience during the NHS’s 70th anniversary

Innovative, state-of-the-art WiFi is the key to ensuring patients have the best hospital experience

HSCN Security: Sharing the responsibility, halving the problems

With cyberattacks like WannaCry grabbing the headlines and bringing the NHS under increased scrutiny, it is now essential that healthcare organisations have their affairs in order when it comes to security and data protection
Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes in the UK: Priorities for improving patient care

Professor John Wilding from the University of Liverpool charts priorities for improving patient care in the UK when it comes to the prevalent condition, Type 2 diabetes
digital transformation

Digital transformation in the public sector

Peter Miller from Visionist explains the challenge of enabling digital transformation in the public sector, including progressive ways of working such as Agile

Blockchain: Potential to benefit public services and modernise bureaucracies

Stig Østergaard Nielsen from the Nordic Blockchain Association argues that blockchain can benefit public services and modernise bureaucracies
paediatric cancer

The role of collaboration in tackling paediatric cancer

Prof. Martin Schrappe, President of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology details the vital role of collaboration in tackling paediatric cancer across Europe

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