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Bristol – UK’s first European Green Capital

Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson discusses how the City will build on its new international status as 2015 European Green Capital, leading the way in the UK for environmental change The year 2015 marks a new chapter in Bristol’s history as it becomes the first European Green Capital in the UK....
© Michel Bussieres flooding

A future flood resilient built environment

One in 6 homes is now under threat of flooding from rivers, sea and surface water. BRE’s Centre for Resilience is calling for a new approach to dealing with the risks along with investment and the development of innovative technologies to improve flood resilience. Director of the Centre, Dr...
© Artjazz

Promoting fair and sustainable growth

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at the European Commission gives an overview of his priorities for the coming year The overall aim of the new European Commission, in office since November 2014, is to help improve the everyday lives of people across the continent. Creating and investing...

Volcanoes and geothermal energy

Taking advantage of the power of the Earth interior Prof. Joan Martí is the leader of the Group of Volcanology at the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, CSIC, of Barcelona, Spain. The research of his group addresses different aspects of the volcanological science, including dynamics of volcanic systems, hazard...
© Chris Dorney

The Disintegration of the Housing Debate

In addressing the urgent need for more housing, Professor of Environment and Spatial Planning, Alister Scott believes that key participants in the housing question need to embrace the economic, social and environmental drivers of development in a more joined-up discussion As we move inexorably towards the general election in 2015,...
21st Century agriculture

21st Century agriculture

AG looks at the key areas the European Commission is focusing on in regards to agriculture, and how new Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan hopes to bring the agriculture sector into the 21st Century The agriculture sector is integral to European society in order to meet the...
Is social care the latest casualty of austerity?

Is social care the latest casualty of austerity?

As the problems in social care continue to grow, the head of the Local Government Association has called for an extra £1.1bn funding to allow councils to maintain a “civilised level of care” It is no secret that many public services are suffering as a result of austerity measures. For...

Silica and scaling problems in geothermal power plants

A possible profitable solution - Geothermal systems in Iceland Iceland is a volcanic island straddling the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge, a mid-ocean ridge where two major tectonic plates pull apart from each other. It is also sitting directly over a mantle plume – a localised upwelling of hot magma from the mantle. This unique...
carbon footprint

Managing the carbon footprint

David Fatscher Head of Market Development for Sustainability at BSI explains how a new standard for measuring greenhouse gas emissions at the city level, is helping London manage its carbon footprint. With an estimated 50% of the planet’s population becoming urban citizens by 2030, making cities more sustainable has become...
A renaissance of cities – sustainable Germany

A renaissance of cities – sustainable Germany

Dr Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building & Nuclear Safety in Germany gives an overview of how her country is making ‘cities of the future’. Compared to Tokyo, the world’s largest metropolis with 36 million inhabitants, Germany’s largest city Berlin, with a population of 3.5 million, seems downright...

Managing the forests of Switzerland

Forests play a pivotal role in the environment, here AG assesses how Switzerland’s forests are maintained. Forests not only act as places of tranquillity and recreation, but also play a major role in providing essential services and resources for people, plants and animals. Across the globe, forests contribute substantially to...

Added value to animal nutrition

The need for the world’s food products from animal origin, like meat, milk or eggs, will continue to grow in the coming decades. The main reasons are population growth and an increase in the numbers of people who can afford valuable food, like the fast growing middle-classes in China...
Sustainable cities

Denmark focuses on sustainable cities

Sustainable cities are a key focus for Denmark, says Danish Minister for the Environment Kirsten Brosbøl The world is changing and we have to change along with it. Cities need to be sustainable and adapted to a future with scarce resources. We have to change the way we live, the way we...

21st Century Latvian culture

Dace Melbarde, Minister for Culture in Latvia gives thought to cultural policies in the country and why the concept of national culture is important. First of all, I have to explain that I believe in the concept of national culture and nation-state in the 21st Century. Among the theorists and...

Peace of mind

IT assets disposal that offers 100% security, 0% landfill and a share in re-sale profits. At Restore-IT Efficient we’ve built our business of adding value to redundant IT and telecoms assets by offering clients a consistently high quality service, flexible thinking and industry expertise. Our clients rest assured that all our...
sustainable transport

Encouraging sustainable transport in local areas

Transport is a sector that affects everyone, whether it be via train, catching a bus or driving through rush hour traffic. However, road transport is reportedly the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU after power generation
sustainable vision

Sharing the sustainable vision

Lord Mayor of the City of Copenhagen, Frank Jensen gives details of how the City is becoming the first CO2 neutral capital in Europe…
sustainable growth

Driving smart, sustainable growth

Commissioner for Regional and Urban Policy, Johannes Hahn explains what smart and sustainable growth means for European cities… 
The Real Apprenticeship ebook

The Real Apprenticeship

The true value of an apprenticeship can only be fully appreciated if we are able to fully explain how it works and why so many organisations across the public and private sector have taken this pathway as part of their post-recession recovery and sustainability strategies. At the heart of...


The European Cyber Security Protection Alliance is a results oriented initiative set up by 17 organisations active in ICT. Operating as a European project from October 2012 to March 2015, CYSPA is using this opportunity as the seed funding to launch an Alliance with a goal of self-sustainability beyond the...

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