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cancer care

The challenge of sustainability in cancer care

All.Can shares their profound insights into the challenges concerning the need to improve the efficiency of cancer care, focusing on better outcomes for patients Healthcare budgets are under increasing pressure. We face an urgent question about how we can sustain high-quality healthcare. All.Can is an international multi-stakeholder initiative set up...
blockchain world

Are we ready for a blockchain world?

Marta Pierkarska, Director of Developer Ecosystem, Hyperledger asks if we are ready for a blockchain world in the future Blockchain, the hype, the buzzword of the decade, the fairy dust that is supposed to solve all our problems. Technology that underlies Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies and is often confused...
mental illness

Genetic studies of suicide risk and research into mental illness

The Department of Psychiatry; University of Utah School of Medicine lifts the lid on their research into mental illness and suicide Nearly 800,000 people die by suicide every year, and suicide is the leading cause of death for people aged 15-29. While the environment has had an undeniable impact, evidence...
clinical pharmacy practice

Fostering and supporting excellence in clinical pharmacy practice

Islam Elkonaissi and Zahra Laftah from the UKCPA explore the British model of supporting excellence in clinical pharmacy practice In the UK, evidence that pharmacists can provide better clinical outcomes and more efficient, consistent and sustainable services for patients, is increasing. In this article, key themes are discussed to showcase...

From biobanking to precision medicine

A group of experts from ISBER shed light on the science of biobanking and its role in delivering modern and precision medicine
research equipment

Research equipment and facilities at Dublin City University are open to the world

Dublin City University is creating an environment where research equipment and state-of-the-art facilities are available for open use

Europe can lead the way to a cure for asthma

Susanna Palkonen of the European Federation of Allergies and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations underlines research around asthma in Europe today
future of blockchain

The future of blockchain: Learning from things yet to happen

Disruption, pivot, 10X change – these words describe current strategic interest in everything new, but how do we decide the future of blockchain?
public health concern

Suicide: A major public health concern

Dr Jane Pearson from NIMH highlights suicide as a public health concern and addresses how can be prevented and the contributing factors behind it
European health information

European health information project BRIDGE Health looks to the future

Petronille Bogaert and Herman Van Oyen at BRIDGE Health provide a fascinating overview of the European health information project today
rare diseases

Modern research into rare diseases

Research infrastructure project manager at EURORDIS, Virginie Bros-Facer highlights the extent of rare diseases in Europe in this insightful article

How HSCN can improve the NHS digital strategy

Michael Bowyer of Innopsis highlights the need for improved connectivity to boost the government's NHS digital strategy and improve integration

Can a new light-based therapy help with Alzheimer’s disease?

Prof Michael R Hamblin of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital discusses a new light-based therapy for Alzheimer’s disease

Biomedical research: crossing discipline borders

Biomedical research crosses borders of disciplines to help shape new imaging approaches, as scientists from Technical University of Munich explain

Environmental chemicals: factors for neurodevelopmental disorders?

Pamela Lein, University of California, looks at whether environmental chemicals influence individual risk for the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders

Queueing theory: the solution to unsustainable wait list practices

David Stanford, Richard Boucherie, and Peter Taylor outline how queueing theory could help tackle some of the challenges in the healthcare sector

Progressing health research in the North of Canada

Health Sciences North Research Institute shares the progress it has made in health research in Northern Canada, highlighting some of its major focus areas

The burden of non-communicable diseases

The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health shares the strategies in place for non-communicable diseases and the importance evidence-based prevention policy
proactive security

Using proactive security to protect against cyber attacks

Aaron Pickett, Digital Forensic Examiner at IT Group UK Ltd highlights proactive security as a way to protect the public sector from possible cyber attacks
health research

Health research, from molecules to patients, at DCU

Director of Research Support Dr Ana M Terres notes the importance of health research and the strides being achieved by researchers at Dublin City University

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