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sustainable agroecosystems

Sustainable agroecosystems: Cropping using regenerative agricultural principles

Richard Teague, from Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Texas A&M University, provides more insight into sustainable agroecosystems, focussing on cropping using regenerative agricultural principles.
waterborne transport

FIBRESHIP Project: The sustainability of the European waterborne transport and shipbuilding industry

Here, we learn that FIBRESHIP, a revolutionary R&D H2020 project has placed the spotlight on a new potential market in Europe, focused on the design and construction of large-length commercial vessels greater than 500 GT (50m-length) in lightweight composite materials.
shipping containers

3 ways shipping containers have aided capacity issues during COVID-19

Johnathan Bulmer, MD at Cleveland Containers, explains how shipping containers are supporting capacity efforts during coronavirus.
detecting pain, pain

Chemistry: Microfluidic devices for detecting pain

Jay Sibbitts, Shu Jia, Obdulia Covarrubias-Zambrano, Stefan H. Bossmann and Christopher T Culbertson from Kansas State University’s Department of Chemistry walk us through what we need to know about microfluidic devices for detecting pain.
medical professionals

How can AI ease the strain on medical professionals in the NHS?

Mark Frankish, Data Scientist, SAS UK, discusses how AI and analytics can help to streamline the workload of doctors and medical professionals in the NHS and what needs to be done to implement this technology successfully.
causes of pain

Arthritis and related conditions: The biggest causes of pain in the UK

Stephen Simpson, Director of Research at Versus Arthritis, charts arthritis and related conditions, the biggest causes of pain in the UK today.
sexual abuse

The failures of the legal system in adopting a compassionate approach to sexual abuse...

Victoria Myers, Partner & Head of Abuse Law at Graham Coffey & Co. Solicitors, describes the failures of the legal system in adopting a compassionate approach to sexual abuse cases.
battle against COVID-19

Can nanotechnology aid the battle against COVID-19?

Aarthi Janakiraman, Research Manager, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, explores if nanotechnology aids the battle against COVID-19.
negotiating with bidders

Authorities negotiating with bidders during COVID-19 must be transparent and fair

Sanny Yau, public services expert at PA Consulting, discusses why authorities negotiating with bidders during COVID-19 must ensure that technology is used correctly and supports equal treatment and transparency in procurements.
child maintenance

What to do if you can’t afford to pay child maintenance during lockdown

Lucinda Holliday, partner and head of family and divorce law at Blaser Mills Law, offers advice to parents who find themselves unable to meet their child or spousal financial commitments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
mental strain

Easing physical and mental strain in the workplace

Caroline Payne, Head of Customer Advisory, Public Sector at SAS UK & Ireland, discusses how workforce analytics can be applied to help improve physical and mental strain in the workplace.
relationship with AI, pegasystems

Are we facing an ‘AI Winter’ or is our relationship with AI evolving?

Peter van der Putten, assistant professor in AI, Leiden University, Director of decisioning at Pegasystems, explores the 'AI Winter' and our relationship with AI.
unpaid invoices

How to chase unpaid invoices if you are freelancing

Matt Dowling, CEO and Founder of Freelancer Club, suggest six effective ways freelancers and small businesses can chase unpaid invoices amid the COVID-19 uncertainty.
Global Aqua Survey Ltd pioneer marine engineering in Taiwan

Global Aqua Survey Ltd discuss marine engineering in Taiwan

Global Aqua Survey Ltd possess a full range of sonar equipment and are leading the way with Taiwan's marine engineering sector and offshore projects.
climate crisis, climate change

How can AI help us tackle climate change? 

Nikolas Kairinos, CEO, Fountech.ai, discusses why artificial intelligence (AI) holds the key to solving the climate crisis.
post-COVID world, emissions

How can businesses create a more sustainable post-COVID world?

Edward Harbison, Corporate Marketing Manager at Instant Offices shares his thoughts on how businesses can be more sustainable after we emerge in a post-COVID world.

Scientists design novel chemical compounds using AI to combat SARS-CoV-2

Scientists at TCS designed novel chemical compounds using AI that can inhibit the 3CL protease of SARS-CoV-2, which is responsible for viral replication. Ananth Krishnan, Chief Technology Office, TCS, discusses the research here.
brain diseases

Brain diseases at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic

Prof Monica Di Luca, President, European Brain Council, highlights the importance of continuous prioritisation and attention to brain research during the COVID-19 pandemic.
curing hepatitis C

Drugs used for curing hepatitis C might also help against COVID-19

Several drugs used for curing hepatitis C have been identified as potential candidates to treat COVID-19, according to research conducted using the MOGON II supercomputer at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
strain on the NHS

Intelligent automation technology can relieve strain on the NHS

James Loft, COO of Rainbird, discusses how intelligent automation technology can be used to relieve pressure and strain on the NHS during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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