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Rehabilitation Robotics: What are the benefits?

Dr Thierry Keller Director of Rehabilitation at TECNALIA Research & Innovation discusses how robotic technologies can help assist rehabilitation Rehabilitation robotics includes a wide range of stationary and portable electromechanical assisted training devices with the main purpose to train lost body functions caused by neurological or traumatic events. Although a...
© Tortoon horizon 2020

EU funding for health, demographic change and wellbeing projects

Sarah Collen-Godman, Senior Policy Manager – NHS European Office at the NHS Confederation discusses how the Horizon 2020 programme will help to address major societal challenges Horizon 2020, Europe’s research and innovation programme, was launched at the beginning of 2014 and will run until 2020. It is the EU’s overarching, multi-disciplinary...

Predicting drug responses

Luminex xTAG® CYP2D6 Kit v3 and xTAG® CYP2C19 Kit v3 assays may aid in determining therapeutic strategies for drugs metabolized by CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 gene products Physicians have long been aware of the subtle differences between patients and their responses to medications. The recognition that a part of this variation...

Health in Europe: A matter of good economics

Open Access Government details the priorities and intentions of the new European Health Commissioner, Vytenis Andriukaitis Born in 1951, Vytenis Andriukaitis holds degrees in medicine and history and started his political career just after high school. He is one of the authors of the Lithuanian Constitution of 1992 and a...

Good indoor climate AND energy efficiency = TRUE

Poor ventilation is a growing health risk in today’s society. Poor ventilation in offices, schools and healthcare facilities often causes discomfort and impair work performance, making it an economic issue as well. Fresh air for all is not a matter of course. Good ventilation and a proper indoor climate cost...
Moving towards a paperless NHS

Moving towards a paperless NHS

Scott Sommerville, Chief Information Officer at Essentia, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, considers the benefits a paperless NHS could bring… Technology has become an essential part of almost every aspect of our daily lives. We rely on it to improve the speed, efficiency and ease with which we...

Building a road to resilience

by Paul Bomke, Nathaniel Kendall-Taylor and David Cawthorpe. The on-going need to improve mental health outcomes globally and in Germany presents significant pressure on service organizations to design and implement innovative approaches (Bomke/Kendall-Taylor 2014, Bomke 2014 a, Bomke 2013). In an attempt to meet needs with resources that are becoming...
How science has contributed to cancer research

How science has contributed to cancer research

Daniel Bridge, Policy Manager at Cancer Research UK gives consideration to how science has contributed significantly to cancer research. Medical research provides the foundation of modern medicine; it is vital to tackling the health challenges of the future. We know this because of the remarkable results research has produced to...
Diana Agacy, Blood Transfusion Nurse Practitioner and Phlebotomy Manager at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation gives an overview of the importance of patient safety during blood transfusions…

Practising patient safety during blood transfusions

Diana Agacy, Blood Transfusion Nurse Practitioner and Phlebotomy Manager at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation gives an overview of the importance of patient safety during blood transfusions. As a transfusion practitioner, the main aspect of my role is to educate healthcare professionals in safe transfusion practice and the first thing...

Empower, support and encourage action

Emma Greenwood, head of policy development at Cancer Research UK explains the importance of early diagnosis for cancer within local communities. Cancer remains a major focus for the health service in England and, after the Health and Social Care Act came into force earlier this year, local authorities have an even...

Pets, people and pathogens

Clifford Warwick, Senior Scientific Consultant for the Emergent Disease Foundation examines the links between zoonotic pathogens and human disease. Introduction Whether priceless personal ‘friends’, hobbyists’ favoured fancies, or simply delivering big bucks to animal dealers, pets have long been a fixture of society. Key among the numerous human benefits is companionship, although...

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