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female engineers

International Women’s Day: BSRIA asks if we are doing enough for female engineers

BSRIA is celebrating International Women’s Day on Thursday 8th March but as an industry – Julia Evans, Chief Executive, BSRIA – asks: are we doing enough to nurture and inspire the excellence of female engineers – both into the construction industry and beyond the ‘glass ceiling’?
clinical trials and medicines

New UK-wide agreement to speed up clinical trials and medicines R&D

Life Science leaders from across the UK have welcomed a new agreement that will make it easier for life-changing clinical trials and medicines research and development to take place across different parts of the UK
electrical safety standards

Electrical safety standards to be improved for private tenants

Recommended new safety measures to better protect private tenants have been published for consultation
food prices

Lords launch inquiry into post-Brexit food prices

The House of Lords EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee have launched an inquiry into the impact of Brexit on the price, and availability, of food for UK consumers Thirty per cent of food consumed in the UK comes from the EU, including over 83% per cent of its fresh vegetables...

Integrating nanomaterials safety data so that it is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable

Professor Iseult Lynch from University of Birmingham, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences explores the amazing opportunities offered by nanotechnologies Nanotechnologies and the ability to manipulate matter at the nanoscale (1-100nm) have opened up amazing new opportunities for industry and consumers. Nanotechnology has been identified as a key enabling...
Open Access Government Issue 17

Open Access Government February 2018

Open Access Government February 2018 underlines a wide range of government policy issues from all around the world, including health, science and research, ICT, transport, environment, energy, the built environment and agriculture. A selection is given below: Reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases in Finland Minister of Social Affairs and Health in Finland,...

Understanding mental health – through our stomachs

Alex Schubert from the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) explores the link between our mental health and what we eat Every day we consume a wide variety of substances with the specific goal of modifying our mental states. These can range from substances that are overtly mood-altering, such as coffee...

Challenges and opportunities of living amidst diversity

In this special in-depth feature, Dr Anouk Tersteeg and Dr Gideon Bolt Faculty of Geosciences from Utrecht University both explore the challenges and opportunities of living amidst diversity in today’s world Dr Anouk Tersteeg and Dr Gideon Bolt Faculty of Geosciences from Utrecht University unveil fascinating findings from the PhD-thesis,...
Kuben Management

Zero Emission Methodology for Active House City Areas of the future

Peder Vejsig Pedersen of Kuben Management A/S discusses Active House and the implementation of 100% zero energy building standards How is it possible to obtain a common standard for energy efficient building, which aims high for  new buildings, while also being utilised for existing buildings? The best starting point for this discussion is...
food policy

Member of the EESC Workers’ Group (Group II) European Economic and Social Committee

National Officer of European and International Affairs Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (the Food, Beverages and Catering Union in Germany) Never before in the history of Europe have food safety and quality been as high as they are today. More food is being produced in Europe than ever before and it has never been...
commercial aircraft

Agenda 2030 and international aviation

Dr. Fang Liu, Secretary-General of the International Civil Aviation Organization, explores how international aviation contributes to Agenda 2030 by empowering local sustainable development through global connections Every 24 hours, some 10 million global travellers are being carried around the world on just over 100,000 flights. Commercial aircraft also carry over half...
Infrastructure Finance

Public, private, or a mix? How to best finance infrastructure

The UK must improve the way it decides between infrastructure finance options if it wants to pick the best value finance options, argues Graham Atkins from the Institute for Government The UK government is planning for £242 billion of public and private infrastructure investment between 2016/17 and 2020/21 (see fig....
Labour Market

Keeping pace with today’s rapidly changing labour market

Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility offers her thoughts on today’s rapidly changing labour market To succeed in today’s rapidly changing labour market, you need skills. And “static” skills will not be enough. Your skills have to evolve along with changes in the world of...
Cereal Species

New markets for traditional cereal varieties

Bernadette Oehen and Martina Eiseltová from shares their thoughts on new markets for traditional cereal varieties The diversity of cultivated cereal species and varieties has been severely reduced over the past 50 years. Even though there are regional differences, common wheat, grain maize and barley are the most common...

The role of the bioeconomy in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan recently revealed his thoughts on the role of a well-functioning bioeconomy in Europe, during a speech at Bio-based Industries Joint Stakeholder Forum At the Juncker Commission, we are convinced that a well-functioning bioeconomy can provide solutions to many of the challenges facing the EU, particularly in relation...
Health Promotion

Reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases in Finland

Minister of Social Affairs and Health in Finland, Pirkko Mattila explains how she aims to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases in Finland Finland has a long successful history of health promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCD’s). Activities to influence the NCD’s were started in the early 70’s when...
cancer care

The challenge of sustainability in cancer care

All.Can shares their profound insights into the challenges concerning the need to improve the efficiency of cancer care, focusing on better outcomes for patients Healthcare budgets are under increasing pressure. We face an urgent question about how we can sustain high-quality healthcare. All.Can is an international multi-stakeholder initiative set up...
European cities

A sustainable future for cities is within our grasp

Abdeluheb Choho, deputy mayor of Amsterdam and chair of EUROCITIES Environment Forum shares his thoughts on the sustainable future for European cities As European cities, we are committed to making the transition to a circular economy. Building a more sustainable economy is an urgent environmental necessity and vital to our...
UK's industrial strategy

UK’s Industrial Strategy falls way below expectation

Nigel Wilcock from the Institute of Economic Development provides his opinion on the UK’s Industrial Strategy in terms of the future economy of Britain If you weren’t watching carefully, the UK’s Industrial Strategy was published in November 2017. Launched on the day of the Royal Wedding announcement and followed by...
modern, accessible and equitable health care system

A modern, accessible and equitable health care system

Open Access Government sheds light on the priorities of Sweden’s Minister for Social Security, Annika Strandhäll to promote a modern, accessible and equitable health care system Sweden’s Ministry of Health and Social Affairs is responsible for all issues that fall under the concern of the welfare of society. This predominantly...

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