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NHS structure, NHS

Doctors threaten to boycott ‘passport for free treatment’ plans

Plans to tackle ‘health tourism’ by asking patients to show their passport to prove they are eligible for free treatment have been criticised by doctors News that patients could be asked for their passport and another form of identification to provide that they are eligible for free hospital treatment have...

Making science popular in Italy

Marco Ferrazzoli, Head of the Press Office of Italian National Research Council, and professor at University of Rome Tor Vergata, highlights their aim to make science popular for young people in the country 'Quo Vado?' of Checco Zalone, the film that has broken all Italian records at the box office,...
CECAD ebook immunity metabolism

CECAD: Interplay between immunity and metabolism

Immunity can be defined as the ability of an organism to defend itself against invading microbes (bacteria, fungi and viruses) and the cells of its own origin which show abnormalities (e.g. cancerous cells).
AG 12

AG 012 | November 2016

The end of 2016 – and what has been an eventful year – is fast approaching. In the November edition of AG, thought is given to a range of topics that have been at the forefront of policy makers’ minds in the last few months We start the edition off...

Sweden’s fightback against AMR

Gabriel Wikström, Swedish Minister of Healthcare, Public Health and Sports, discusses the need for leadership and action in the global fightback against AMR For the first time, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is being actively discussed on a much wider stage than just by health experts and scientists. A high-level meeting on...

Science that transcends politics for a truly global reach

Politics cannot get in the way of scientific and global collaboration. Professor Colin J Suckling OBE DSc FRSE, Research Professor of Chemistry, Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde discusses The impact of the referendum debacle will take time to work through in policy and in practice. Meanwhile...

Getting inspired to study physics

Antigone Marino, a Member of the European Physical Society, and Researcher at the Italian Research Council’s Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems, outlines the challenge of getting young people interested in physics. I assume that everyone has seen at least one TV show in which a young lawyer succeeds...

Air quality in working environments

Blanca Beato Arribas, Asset Performance Team Leader at BSRIA sheds light on how indoor air quality can impact working environments. Indoor environments may feel like a safe haven from external pollution, however, sometimes they can be 8- 10 times more polluted than the exterior, according to the World Health Organization...

What can we do to protect our lung health?

Professor Guy Joos, President of the European Respiratory Society and Dan Smyth, Chair of the European Lung Foundation, look at the importance of healthy lungs and how air pollution can affect them… Regular exposure to air pollution is linked to the development of certain lung conditions, such as chronic obstructive...

Supporting young research talent in Norway

Anne Kjersti Fahlvik, Executive Director of Innovation at the Research Council of Norway talks to Editor Laura Evans about the importance of supporting young researchers in Norway and collaborations between universities and industry… High-quality research in Norway is viewed as an integral way to meet global challenges and transform the...

Anatomy and cell biology

Dr. Troy Harkness’ lab at the University of Saskatchewan, in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, has used funds provided by the CIHR Institute of Aging to advance our knowledge of how cells age using budding yeast as a model… The Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) provides funding...

Hunt introduces new online 111 services

The government has revealed plans to expand 111 into a new online service in a bid to move towards a paperless NHS… Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced an expansion of NHS services online. The planned measures will enable patients to book appointments, access medical records, and order prescriptions online. In...
Reducing HCAIs on hospital wards

Preventing and reducing HCAIs

Professor Alan Johnson, Head of the Department of Healthcare-Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance at Public Health England, explains to Editor Laura Evans about healthcare association infections and how they link to antibiotic resistance Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAIs) are infections that are contracted within healthcare settings, such as hospitals and care homes. They...

SIOPE (the European Society for Paediatric Oncology)

AG (August 2016) Collaborating with AG has been a real pleasure, as it made possible to raise awareness on the topic of childhood cancer survivorship in the framework of the European Week Against Cancer 2016. We are more than willing to continue this collaboration in the future. Giulia Petrarulo, SIOPE...

Antibiotic resistance: a global threat

Ivo Holanec, Research Project Manager at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries highlights a new report published regarding the significant problem of resistance to antimicrobials. This report examines the clinical implications, plausible effects on mortality and potential economic cost of antibiotic resistance… Antibiotics have been central to modern healthcare since...

Infectious disease is a global problem

Professor Colin J Suckling, Research Professor of Chemistry at the Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde looks at how the recent EU Referendum could impact his institution and research. Like many British academics, the result of the recent referendum on the UK’s place in Europe was a...

Neurodegenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases are a growing global challenge as medical advances ensures more individuals live longer. By 2020 there will be more than 40 million individuals in the world with Alzheimer’s disease and by 2040, without the development of truly disease modifying drugs this will be more than 80 million.

Nanotherapy and its role in multiple myeloma treatment

A new class of nanotherapy blockades the genetic drive for multiple myeloma progression. Gregory M. Lanza and Michael H Tomasson, of Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine explain... Multiple myeloma is malignancy of plasma cells that reside in the bone marrow and normally function as part of our immune defence...

£57.5m funding for biomedical and quantum technology

The government has announced £57.5m funding will be made available for the UK’s energy and infrastructure, biomedical, and quantum technology sectors… A new funding boost has been given to help develop the UK’s energy and infrastructure, biomedical, and quantum technology sectors. The £57.5m fund was announced by Business Secretary Sajid Javid during...
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Anatomy and Cell Biology

Dr. Troy Harkness’ lab at the University of Saskatchewan, in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, has used funds provided by the CIHR Institute of Aging to advance our knowledge of how cells age using budding yeast as a model. Over the past 2 decades it has been...

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