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Development of multiple drug resistance (MDR)

Terra G. Arnason and Troy A.A. Harkness from the Departments of Medicine, and Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Saskatchewan detail current strategies to prevent or reverse multiple drug resistant malignancy… Multiple drug resistance (MDR) can be present from the outset (inherent) or develop (acquired) in response to...

Reclassifying neurodegenerative diseases for drug development

Professor Duncan McHale, Head Global Exploratory Development, UCB discusses reclassifying neurodegenerative diseases to enable drug development and to help patients... Neurodegenerative diseases are a growing global challenge as medical advances ensures more individuals live longer.  By 2020 there will be more than 40 million individuals in the world with Alzheimer’s disease and...
doctor with tablet

PATHway leading the way: ERS paving the way

René Schippers, Director, Electronic Record Services B.V. discusses the PATHway project and its role in cardiac rehabilitation...  PATHway vision Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of premature death (30% of all deaths) and disability in Europe and worldwide (WHO), costing the EU economy almost EUR 196 billion a year. With changing demographics and...

The ocular lens as a tool for developing antioxidant therapies

Peter F. Kador, Ph.D., FARVO, College of Pharmacy, University of Nebraska and President and CEO, Therapeutic Vision, Inc. discusses antioxidant therapies.

The latest edition of AG is now live!

This latest ebook from Open Access Government looks into how the coming months could prove to be very important for the UK.
AG 10

AG 010 | May 2016

The coming months could prove to be very important for the UK. In June voters will be heading to the polls to decide whether they want the country to remain as part of the European Union. If the result is a Brexit, this could prove tricky for a number...

The cost of dementia

Julia Stuart of the Alzheimer’s Society sheds lights on the true cost of dementia on the UK’s finances and resources and what it means for care received. The Health Secretary’s ambitious aim to make the UK the most dementia-friendly society in the world by 2020 will fail without a dramatic...

Corruption in healthcare in Europe

Paul Vincke, Managing Director of the European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption network highlights corruption in the healthcare sector, ranging from informal payments to industry kickbacks. In October 2013 the European Commission published a “Study on corruption in healthcare” (HOME/2011/ISEC/PR/047-A2). The study was developed by ECORYS, a Dutch consultancy and research company, in collaboration with...

Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark

‘Nuclear Medicine Research’ digital e-book "We had a visit by our Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt  and Minister of Health, Nick Hækkerup,  who arrived for an ultra-short visit of our Hospital to see how cancer patients are received at our Emergency Department and hear about “AgeCare”. "Instead of delivering a page or...
stem cell

How stem cell research is being boosted in Switzerland

Adrian Heuss, Head of Knowledge Transfer on the NRP63 Programme tells Editor Laura Evans more about NRP63 and Stem Cell Research Stem cell research can play an integral role in developing new treatments and therapies for major healthcare challenges, such as cancer. It is still considered a relatively new area with...

Where will our new medicines come from?

A view from one of the drug discovery teams at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland Earlier this year I completed a three-year term as a ‘Public Partner’ on the Scottish Medicines. Consortium (SMC), which is the body that advises the National Health Service in Scotland on the cost-effectiveness of medicines....

It’s all around us – Heterocyclic chemistry

No surprise that the public interest is readily attracted through the media to the latest fashions in science and it’s good that there is a continual stimulus of discoveries and inventions to whet the practical and intellectual appetites. Behind all the innovations the basic rules of the chemical and...

Implementing Bioeconomy with Electrobiorefinery

Food, chemical and industrial sectors are challenged with the growing population, increasing longevity and quality of life. In consequence, the demand for fossils energy sources, agricultural land and drinking water what will lead to irreversible changes in climate with unpredictable consequences. A recent declaration of G7 leaders that in...
© Kwanchaidt healthcare

Health research – the Canadian way

Open Access Government looks at how health research can play a pivotal role in preventing major diseases throughout the country  Over the decades we have changed the way we live, which can have a major impact on our health. For example, new technologies we use and the environment can all...

Reducing the obesity burden

Dr João Breda and Jo Jewell from the WHO Regional Office for Europe highlight the latest projections in regards to obesity throughout Europe and how WHO works with countries to reduce the burden Of the 6 WHO regions, the European Region is the most severely affected by non-communicable diseases (NCDs):...

Systems medicine approaches in dermatology

Although a small field in medicine, dermatological diseases are very frequent and span a wide range of illnesses such as allergies, inflammation (e.g. atopic dermatitis, psoriasis), autoimmune diseases or malignancies (e.g. melanoma). Thus, translational dermatological research is an important, innovative field for future basic and clinical research for many...

Corruption in healthcare in Europe

From informal payments to industry kickbacks… In October 2013 the European Commission has published a “Study on corruption in healthcare” (HOME/2011/ISEC/PR/047-A2). The study was developed by ECORYS , a Dutch consultancy and research company, in collaboration with EHFCN, the European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network. Aside from being the first ever on...
fraud © Michael Shake

Tackling healthcare fraud

Joel Alleyne from the Global Health Care Anti-fraud Network (GHCAN) outlines how the organisation helps with the fight against healthcare fraud  At a conference in Edinburgh in October 2009, the European (including the UK NHS), American, and Canadian health care anti-fraud associations signed a Memorandum of Understanding to combine their efforts...
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Application of Mathematical Pathology

Mathematics pathology is a research branch of pathology in which mathematics and physical principals are applied to the study of diseases. In this field of cancer research, the objective of mathematical pathology is to explain the structural and functional mechanisms that control cancer. By understanding these mechanisms, we can provide...

Reducing the obesity burden

Dr João Breda and Jo Jewell from WHO Regional Office for Europe highlight the latest projections in regards to obesity throughout Europe and how WHO work with countries to reduce the burden Of the six WHO regions, the European Region is the most severely affected by non-communicable diseases (NCDs): collectively, cardiovascular disease,...

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