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Britain expects to be part of EU decision-making until Brexit

The Prime Minister has said she expects the UK will be part of any decisions made relating to the EU until Brexit occurs The Brexit vote should not change the UK’s role in the EU until full withdrawal occurs. Prime Minister Theresa May said the UK should be involved in...

The UK may still have to pay into the EU after Brexit

An unnamed cabinet member has told the BBC the UK may still have to pay into the EU after Brexit in order to secure preferential trading terms There has been lots of speculation over what the UK will look like after Brexit, particularly the UK’s relationship with the EU. Discussion...
Matteo Renzi

Italy’s PM says UK will not have special rights post-Brexit

Italy’s PM says the UK should not expect to have more rights than other countries outside the EU following Brexit… During an interview the BBC, Italy’s Prime Minister warned the UK should not expect to receive special treatment once it leaves the EU. Matteo Renzi said the UK should expect to...

Labour says it will replace any funding shortfalls caused by Brexit

Labour has committed to replace regional funding lost as a result of leaving the EU, it has emerged… A multi-billion pound commitment has been made by Labour to reassure businesses and industry that face a funding shortfall in the wake of Brexit. The commitment forms the “central plank” of Labour’s next...

Michel Barnier to lead Brexit task force

The European Commission has revealed Michel Barnier will act as chief negotiator during the process of Britain exiting the EU… The European Commission has set up a task force to handle the UK’s exit from the European Union. The group will be led by Michel Barnier, who will take the...

BCC cuts UK growth forecast following Brexit vote

Following the vote to leave the EU, the British Chamber of Commerce has cut its forecast for growth to 1.8 per cent, down from 2.3… The UK’s growth forecast has been slashed in the wake of the Brexit vote, it has emerged. The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) said it...

UK ministers must focus on the “opportunities” of Brexit

Prime Minister Theresa May has called upon the UK to focus on what Brexit can offer, as she confirms there will be no second referendum… In a meeting with her cabinet at Chequers, Prime Minster Theresa May said there would be no second referendum and urged the UK to look...

How will Brexit affect the UK’s shale gas industry?

Claire Brook, Partner at law firm Bond Dickinson, asks how the UK’s regulatory regime for unconventional hydrocarbon development might be impacted post-Brexit… We are in interesting and uncertain times. Attempting to predict the future for the shale gas industry in the current economic and political climate is not easy. In...

House prices to fall next year due to Brexit

A new report has warned Brexit uncertainty will see the housing market contract next year… A new report from estate agency Countrywide has said it expects to see house prices fall next year and warned the market will not recover until 2018. The report estimated the growth of house prices will...

Post-Brexit revolution needed for farming subsidies

The way in which farming subsidies are granted in England needs to be reformed, according to the CPRE… The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has called for a reform of the farming subsidy system in England. The organisation said there needed to be a post-Brexit “revolution”, as there are disparities...

Brexit vote has not slowed UK consumer spending

A new survey has revealed despite the shock of the Brexit vote the UK has continued to spend… New figures suggest UK consumers have continued to splash out on clothes, meals out, and day trips in the wake of the vote to leave the EU. According to the data provided by...

Brexit deal needs to be decided before new independence referendum

Almost a third of Scottish voters are calling for a deal over the EU to be laid out before a new independence referendum is called… A new poll has revealed almost a third of Scottish voters want to wait for a Brexit deal to be laid out before holding another...

Brexit decision has significant impact on economic activity

New data has suggested the impact of the vote to leave the EU has caused a “dramatic deterioration” in economic activity… The UK’s economic activity has seen a slump since the vote to leave the EU was cast. According to new data from Markit’s Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI), there was a...
housing market

Overseas buyers have increased mortgage enquiries since Brexit

The number of overseas buyers enquiring about mortgages has doubled since the Brexit decision… deVere Mortgages, a firm that specialises in UK mortgages for expats and overseas buyers, has reported enquiries are up 50 per cent since the outcome of the EU referendum vote. The firm, which is part of the...

Johnson: Brexit does not mean “abandoning” UK’s friends

New Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has reiterated the UK plans to keep relationships with its EU neighbours… In his first step onto the international stage, Boris Johnson has said the UK’s exit from the EU does not means “abandoning” its friends or leaving Europe. Johnson, who was among the leaders of...

Juncker says he bet on Brexit vote

President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has revealed he thought the UK would vote to leave the EU… In a joint interview with the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, Jean-Claude Juncker said he bet on a Brexit vote and said the UK’s outgoing commissioner Jonathan Hill owes...

EC Commissioner Hogan provides clarity to UK farmers after Brexit

European Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan has provided farmers clarity in the wake of the Brexit vote… Farmers have been offered clarity regarding their circumstances in the wake of the vote to leave the EU. European Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan wrote to National Farmers’ Union President Meurig Raymond to assure farmers that...

Research Councils UK sets out its stance post Brexit vote

The UK research sector must retain its relationships with the EU, irrespective of the vote, to maintain its global position in the future… Research Councils UK (RCUK) has said it will continue to develop relationships and collaborate with research partners both in the EU and globally in the wake of...

Johnson calls for clarity regarding Brexit

Boris Johnson has called for the government to explain how voting to leave the EU could benefit the UK… The vote to leave the EU was undoubtedly divisive, but there needs to be greater explanation of how Brexit could be positive for the UK. Boris Johnson, former London Mayor and...

UK financial markets recovering in the wake of Brexit vote

After the financial markets slumped last Friday there has been some growth in the value of the pound as well as UK shares… Following the vote last week the UK’s financial markets took a hit. However, ground is starting to be made with the value of the pound and shares...

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