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heart disease, cardiac diagnostic imaging

The future of cardiac diagnostic imaging

The future of cardiac diagnostic imaging – Danish company MedTrace is leading the way.
long covid test, immune monitoring

Could immune monitoring be the route to a Long COVID test?

Dr. Shivani Amdekar, Medical Director at Oxford Immune Algorithmics, believes deep immune monitoring could be the key to creating a Long COVID test.
amyloidosis blood condition

Amyloidosis: A rare but devastating blood condition

Dr Peter Diamond, Head of Research from the Leukaemia Foundation, describes what we need to know about amyloidosis, a rare but devastating blood condition

Combining AI tech with drug development efforts

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) change the process of drug development for the pharmaceutical industry?
autism boys girls, autism symptoms

Diagnostic differences between boys and girls with autism

Using AI, researchers find that brain organisation can differ between boys and girls with autism - because of gender disparities in generally male-focused research.
AI cancer

AI & cancer: Big data, big gains for medicine

Orlando Agrippa, CEO and Founder of RwHealth, turns the spotlight on AI and cancer, where big data brings big gains for medicine
danish initiative, personalised medicine

Denmark: Moving towards personalised medicine

Magnus Heunicke, Minister for Health at the Danish Ministry of Health, argues that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to Denmark moving towards personalised medicine.
tb prevention Africa

Tuberculosis prevention efforts in Africa

Dr Michel Gasana & Dr Hugues Lago from WHO - Regional Office for Africa, spoke to OAG about the status of tuberculosis prevention
dehydration care homes, dehydration research

Dehydration in older adults in care homes

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, provides several perspectives on dehydration in older adults in care homes, starting with a general overview.
blood test cancer

New blood test identifies metastatic status of cancer

A new minimally invasive and inexpensive blood test can detect a range of cancers in patients with non-specific symptoms, and can indicate whether the cancer has spread.
covid patients

Study identifies factors in blood linked to severe COVID

Unique “indicators” in the blood of patients with severe and fatal COVID could create simple diagnostic tests - to help doctors identify who could become critically ill.
Research Switzerland

Investing in Switzerland’s researchers and their ideas

Assistant Editor of Open Access Government, investigates how the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is shaping research in Switzerland
digital transformation nhs

Partnership is the key to unlocking transformation in digital healthcare

Professor Sultan Mahmud, Director of Healthcare for BT’s Enterprise unit, discusses how BT is redefining its healthcare ambitions through co-creating NHS-first solutions with its vanguard partners.
histopathology nhs

LDPath: A virtual histopathology department for every NHS trust

Sanj Lallie, Director of Operations at LDPath, charts a vision of a virtual histopathology department for every NHS trust
project alzheimer's

Preparing for the next pandemic: Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease, a growing silent pandemic, is discussed here by Project Alzheimer’s Value Europe (PAVE), who introduce their stakeholder forum that focuses on developing new research in the field, such as emerging therapeutic & diagnostic innovations.

Transforming pathology using digital platforms and AI

Rapidly scaling health-tech player in the emerging Pathology Computer Aided Diagnostics sector Deciphex uses digital pathology and AI to accelerate pathology diagnosis by improving productivity and patient outcome.
covid rapid testing, respiratory viruses

Rapid testing to differentiate between COVID-19 & other infections

Shiao Fong Yee, Marketing Communications Manager at Novacyt Group, discusses the importance of rapid testing to differentiate between COVID-19 and other infections in light of facing winter respiratory viral challenges.
AI assurance ecosystem, national AI strategy

The steps required for the UK’s AI assurance ecosystem

The CDEI has established the steps essential to building the UK’s AI assurance ecosystem, ensuring the effectiveness and compliance of AI, as set out in the National AI strategy.
optical sensing, crop management

Optical sensing in 21st-century precision crop management

Here, we find out about the research of Christian Nansen from UC Davis, Department of Entomology and Nematology in California concerning spectral repeatability – that is cracking the code to unleash optical sensing in 21st-century precision crop management.
NHS staff shortages, NHS backlog

Reducing the NHS patient backlog – A long term plan

Andrew Metcalfe, Director of Intelligent Infection Control Services Limited, LumiBio, discusses the benefits of utilising existing technologies to mitigate the ongoing staff shortages in the NHS.

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