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Oxfordshire councils shake-up scrapped despite £113m savings

Plans to reform local government across Oxfordshire have been scrapped, despite the potential of major savings… Plans to reform Oxfordshire councils will not go ahead, it has emerged. Officials said there was no point discussing the findings of two reports costing £200,000 that examined how to cut the number of...

The silent progression of Parkinson’s disease

Ramón Cacabelos, President, EuroEspes Biomedical Research Center says it is time to rethink the causes and treatments for Parkinson's disease... It is highly unlikely that James Parkinson (1755-1824), who first described the “paralysis agitans” in his ‘An Essay on the Shaking Palsy’ in 1817 (years later rebadged by Jean-Martin Charcot as Parkinson’s...

Innovation in health and social care

John Bowis OBE, Honorary President of Health First Europe and former Member of the European Parliament, outlines how healthcare innovations are a key instrument to achieving sustainable healthcare solutions… “Health care providers are currently faced with an extremely complex challenge characterised by rising demand, increasing cost and insufficient funding. In...

Hampshire Council fined £100k for data breach

Hampshire County Council has been fined for a data breach after it failed to protect the personal information of more than 100 people… The Information Commissioner’s Office has fined Hampshire County Council £100,000 for failing to dispose of personal data relating to more than 100 individuals. The information was left at...

Post-Brexit revolution needed for farming subsidies

The way in which farming subsidies are granted in England needs to be reformed, according to the CPRE… The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has called for a reform of the farming subsidy system in England. The organisation said there needed to be a post-Brexit “revolution”, as there are disparities...

Mapping the Universe to understand its origin 

European-supported research in Milan is paving the way to next-generation cosmology experiments, as explained by Luigi Guzzo from the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) & Universita’ Statale di Milano (Italy)… What is the nature of the mysterious “dark energy”? How does it relate to the ubiquitous “dark matter”? These...

Digital tax system timeline set by HMRC

HMRC has set a timeline for when it will upgrade its system to introduce digital tax accounts… It is expected that by 2020, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will have moved its tax accounts to a fully digital system. The government department set out its timeline for the system, which will...

Improving the long-term health of childhood cancer survivors

SIOPE – the European Society for Paediatric Oncology highlights the importance of strengthening collaborations to ensure childhood cancer survivors lead a healthy life… All childhood cancer survivors should be able to lead a normal life. In Europe however, in spite of the increase of the survival rates, many of them...
Honeywell Hymatic

Cryogenic technologies for precision tactical and space applications

Through expertise in Joule-Thomson cryogenic coolers, linear Stirling cycle cryocoolers and compressors and extensive knowledge of long life stored energy technologies, Honeywell offers customers an integrated solution for their cooling requirements.
Uni of Strathclyde

It’s a Question of Balance – Broadening Concepts of Drug Discovery

Professor Colin Suckling discusses drug discovery and how a linear approach is no longer relevant… Since the 1960s it’s been accepted that the way to discover new drugs is to take a well-characterised disease with a good understanding of the biological cause of the disease.

Herefordshire Council pays thousands in pothole compensation

Figures show more than £60,000 has been paid by Herefordshire Council in compensation due to potholes… A freedom of information request from the Hereford Times has revealed more than £60,000 has been paid out to drivers and cyclists in Herefordshire over the last three years because of potholes. The data showed...

Language acquisition and bilingualism

Lydia White, James McGill Professor of Linguistics at McGill University, discusses research conducted by the Language Acquisition Research Group, based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada... Language acquisition is a unique accomplishment, realised under many different circumstances. In an increasingly multilingual world, it is essential to understand the nature of second language...

Councils spend £2.3bn on waste collection

New figures have revealed councils spent £2.3bn during 2013/14 on waste collection and disposal services… Figures from the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) have revealed local authorities in England and Wales spent nearly £2.8bn on waste collection and disposal in 2013/14. Local authorities reportedly also managed to recover...

Digitisation agenda in Slovenia

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia outline how they are digitising their culture and heritage in line with the European Digital Agenda… In December 2013, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia issued a lengthy report on Guidelines for Collection, Long Term Preservation and Accessibility...

Treasury to underwrite funding approved for Horizon 2020 projects

The government has revealed it will underwrite funding for Horizon 2020 projects that gained grants before the UK leaves the EU… British businesses have been offered a lifeline after the government said it would underwrite any Horizon 2020 funding approved before the UK departs from the EU. Concerns over what will...

High temperature particulate erosion: Setting limits with confidence

Tony Fry, Principal Research Scientist, National Physical Laboratory talks about high temperature particulate erosion... Lord Kelvin is credited with saying that, “When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in...

An education for every child

The Ministry for Education in Ontario answers AG’s questions on the importance of every child in Canada benefiting from world class education Education in any country is important and it’s key that every child has the chance to achieve their full potential. In Canada, it is no different and the...

Infection prevention and control: setting the right standards for patients

Gaynor Evans, Head of Infection Prevention and Control (North) at NHS Improvement details how the organisation helps the NHS to maintain high standards and encourage best practice for infection control in healthcare settings… As providers see more patients with more complex needs, the financial and operational strain on the NHS...

Nearly Zero Energy Building Solutions

The Nordic Built 'Active Roofs and Facades' project reveals how building renovations can be developed with sustainable energy in mind.

DfT launches £2m fund to improve roads with technology

Councils have been invited to apply for a slice of £2m funding to improve roads through new technology… The Department for Transport has launched a new fund aimed at helping councils to improve roads by utilising new technology. Local authorities have been invited to apply for a share of the £2m...

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