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Dependable, secure and trustable wireless sensor networks

Dr. Werner Rom, Head of Department Cross Domain at the VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center highlights a key enabler to the Internet of Things... Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are a key to achieve the full potential of the future Internet of Things (IoT). They will significantly increase the level of...

Cumbria Council opens grants for community waste prevention

Cumbria County Council has launched a waste prevention fund to help reduce the amount of household waste in Eden… A new grant aimed at reducing household waste has been launched by Cumbria County Council. The community waste prevention fund supports projects that seek to prevent waste while improving the quality of...

Council leaders urge for Right to Buy reform

Council leaders have called for action after figures revealed the number of homes replaced under the Right to Buy scheme fell by 27 per cent… Fears for the future of social housing have been raised by council leaders after figures revealed a fall in the number of replacements for homes...

Children’s allegations of sexual abuse

Professor Kim P Roberts, PhD, of Wilfrid Laurier University talks about research into how children's memory works in cases such as sexual abuse... One thing I have learned after conducting over 2 decades of research, is that one can never assume anything about children’s memory. In fact, I began work in...

SIOPE (the European Society for Paediatric Oncology)

AG (August 2016) Collaborating with AG has been a real pleasure, as it made possible to raise awareness on the topic of childhood cancer survivorship in the framework of the European Week Against Cancer 2016. We are more than willing to continue this collaboration in the future. Giulia Petrarulo, SIOPE...

Digital economy: Why a brighter future could be in our pocket

The digital economy is here, and growing every day, sometimes in surprising ways. As ministers gather for major meetings in Paris and Cancun, Andy Wyckoff, Director of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation at OECD outlines how government leaders should be in no doubt about the key role...

Open source towards safe flood defences

Efficient, open minded and international collaboration of research and engineering is vital to safeguard the densely populated and growing urban areas across the world which are facing the consequences of sea level rise and natural hazards... In times of political uncertainty and economic turbulence, the global challenges of population growth...

UK’s membership to the single market boosts GDP

New research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies has found staying in the single market could add an extra four percent to the UK’s economy… Leaving the single market could have a significant impact on the UK economy, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). The think tank investigated the...

Are we prepared for the new industrial age?

Dr. Julian Francis Director of Policy and External Affairs, ACE discusses the impact of automation on the future of industry... In Britain, and all over the Western world, huge numbers of people feel the system no longer works for them. Globalisation has driven a wedge through our society that affects people both...

EU-funded researchers discover clues to prevent pandemics

Scientists funded by the EU have found new ways of detecting infectious pathogens, which can be used to prevent pandemics… In a bid to understand the spread of diseases, researchers have been investigating how pathogens can lead to pandemics such as those seen in 2014 with the deadly Ebola virus,...

The National Mental Capacity Forum

Professor Baroness Finlay of Llandaff highlights the work of the National Mental Capacity Forum and the key priorities it aims to tackle… The National Mental Capacity Forum has started its work. In September, as the appointed chair answerable to Ministers, I began to explore the reasons that the 2005 Mental...

Should we bother to teach chemistry anymore?

Professor Colin Suckling discusses the importance of chemistry... As the year moves on into August we in Universities start to prepare for the next academic year and beyond. Amongst the routine revisions that take place is the information for prospective students who will apply during the next academic year. I’ve...

73% of farmers have no plans in place for the future

A new survey has revealed a lack of planning from farmers for the future, with 73 per cent stating they have no intention of changing their business… A lack of planning in the farming sector has been brought to light following a new survey. Lantra found that some 73 per...

Finding your motivation for exercise

Paule Miquelon, professor at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, is studying the self-regulation of physical activity behaviour – specifically, how the quality of motivation influences the adoption and maintenance of such activity. Engagement in regular physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Research shows regular exercise to...

Is Hinkley rethink good or bad for state of UK energy infrastructure?

Oliver Johnson, Policy Executive at Association for Consultancy and Engineering questions whether the decision to postpone approval for Hinkley Point C was the right decision… The decision to postpone approval for Hinkley Point C taken by the government last week is not a stabilising one. British hesitance on the matter...

Brexit vote has not slowed UK consumer spending

A new survey has revealed despite the shock of the Brexit vote the UK has continued to spend… New figures suggest UK consumers have continued to splash out on clothes, meals out, and day trips in the wake of the vote to leave the EU. According to the data provided by...

The latest edition of AG is now live!

Since the last edition of AG, some major changes have taken place in Europe, mainly in the UK. The result of the EU referendum meant that the UK will indeed be leaving the EU. As well as the Brexit, the UK now has a new Prime Minister. Following the...

MPs to fight May’s plans for grammar schools

Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs have warned they will stand against government plans to launch new grammar schools across England Plans to allow new grammar schools across England has been met with criticism from MPs. Both Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs have warned they will fight against plans put forward by...

Bioinspired green methods for functional nanomaterials

Dr. Siddharth V. Patwardhan, Head of the Green Nanomaterials Research Group at the University of Sheffield highlights nanomaterials and their functions… Nanomaterials are worth multibillions of dollars globally but their production is wasteful and environmentally damaging. At the Green Nanomaterials Research Group, University of Sheffield, we focus on discovery, design...

Surrey County Council to turn off 40,000 street lights

In a bid to save money, Surrey County Council is to turn off more than 40,000 street lights overnight… Over 40,000 street lights will be turned off overnight in an attempt to cut costs. The announcement was made by Surrey County Council, but which lights will be turned off has...

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