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Citizen and the state: The government at your service

Citizen and the state: The government at your service

The relationship between the citizen and the state is sacrosanct. Cabinet Minister Ben Gummer explains how the government will work for the people
engineering workflow prof dr alexander fay

Engineering workflow: Challenges and methods for improvement

Prof Dr Alexander Fay, Head of the Automation Technology Institute at HSU Hamburg, describes how methods, models and tools can support engineering workflow The engineering of huge and complex technical systems, such as buildings, production, transportation and energy systems, requires the coordinated contributions of different crafts and organisations over a...
migrants mental health refugees beach

Europe needs a plan to address refugees’ and migrants’ mental health

Refugees' and migrants' mental health care needs must be addressed, and a coordinated response is essential, stresses Ophélie Martin at Mental Health Europe More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015 and 2016, with more expected to arrive in 2017. Many of them have endured physical...
sustainability through technology wind farm

Sustainability through technology: The power of N

Popularism and bumper sticker science should not stop us tackling sustainability through technology, argues Ingenuity Lab Director Carlo Montemagno Ingenuity Lab is a unique organisation, designed and created to solve many of the grand challenges facing a modern world. Ingenuity Lab is a research organisation that focuses on the development...
smart private hospitals of the future

Planning the smart private hospitals of the future

UEHP President Dr Paul Garassus writes on the importance of investing in smart private hospitals for sustainable healthcare In an historical moment in which uncertainty is becoming a regular in our agenda, with recent elections and political changes worldwide, social policies and healthcare systems could be shocked by new constraints...
gender diversity uk businesses

How do we drive forward gender diversity?

There’s still a way to go to achieve gender diversity in business, as Dr Jill Miller at CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development, explains Few would disagree that enabling talented people to reach the top of their game is the right thing to do, irrespective of our...
specialist training for interviewers of child victims

Do we need specialist training for interviewers of child victims?

Based on her research, Dr Kim Roberts of Wilfrid Laurier University stresses the need for specialist training for interviewers of child victims of abuse There are many ways to interview alleged victims or suspects of crimes ranging from hostile interrogation tactics to active listening that encourages open, uninterrupted free recall...

From tactics to practice: Pfalzklinikum updates its strategy work

A health and welfare institution’s unique features are no longer sufficient to grant its future success. Pfalzklinikum, service provider for mental health, has analysed and standardised the processes of strategy development in its individual departments. As a result new ideas and business models are developing, having changed the strategic...
Daniel Termont EUROCITIES European democracy

Cities are at the heart of European democracy

Daniël Termont, Mayor of Ghent and current EUROCITIES president, outlines why cities are central to European democracy and how they can solve modern problems The European Union is going through difficult times. People are feeling disconnected, and we are seeing conflicting visions giving rise to extremist ideas. We must acknowledge and...
issues arctic communities face polar canada

POLAR: Investigating the issues Arctic communities face

Polar Knowledge Canada, a new federal organisation, brings together indigenous and scientific expertise to look at the issues Arctic communities face today Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR) is primed to set Canada at the forefront of the search for new knowledge of the Polar Regions. Based in Nunavut, the new federal...
sight test for low vision

Out of sight: Low vision is a National Eye Institute priority

Low vision can be a blight on the lives of those it affects, which is why it’s a National Eye Institute priority, as Dr Cheri Wiggs told Open Access Government Around 4.2 million people in America are visually impaired, which is expected to increase to 7.2 million in 2030. Of...
Georges Dassis President EESC

Read Georges Dassis’ foreword to AG February 2017

Open In his foreword to AG February 2017, EESC President Georges Dassis reflects on the events of 2016 and hopes Europe will defend its values in the year ahead Once upon a time those wishing to know the future could consult the Oracle of Delphi. This High Priestess must have...
Sweidsh agenda to end AIDS Gabriel Wikstrom

The Swedish agenda to end AIDS by 2030

Gabriel Wikström, Minister for Health Care, Public Health and Sport, sets out the Swedish agenda to end AIDS by 2030 to Open Access Government Today we have the knowledge and tools to end AIDS by 2030, but to reach zero AIDS-related deaths, stop the HIV epidemic and prevent discrimination, knowledge...
talent management in the public sector overhead interview

We need to keep attracting talent to the public sector

HR managers need to focus on talent management and promoting the public sector as an attractive place to work, writes Sue Evans, President of the PPMA As the public sector takes on a new shape against the backdrop of perma-austerity and a post-Brexit Britain, people managers have a critical role...
treatments for prostate cancer psa test

Treatments for prostate cancer: Pros and cons

Dr Sumith A Kularatne, vice-president of R&D at On Target Laboratories, explores the pros and cons of various existing treatments for prostate cancer Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men, with about 1.1 million new cases and approximately 307,000 fatalities per year globally. This...
health technology Finland former minister Olli Rehn

For health technology, Finland is a haven

In Finland, health technology benefits from research investment and a culture of collaboration, as the former Minister of Economic Affairs details here When it comes to health technology, Finland is said to be among the three strongest economies in the world, with digital health being its largest high-tech export. Innovations...
digital healthcare fitness tracker wristband

A strategy for digital healthcare in France

M Warrender highlights the strides made on digital healthcare in France and outlines what Health Minister Marisol Touraine is doing to secure its future Digital healthcare in France has evolved immensely over the last decade. New technology and innovations are leading the way to help to reduce the burden of...
Old and young woman make personal budgets dementia friendly

Making personal budgets dementia friendly

A sea change is needed among local authorities to make personal budgets dementia friendly, argues George McNamara of the Alzheimer’s Society People with dementia and their families tell us of the very real impact personal budgets have had on their lives – from the 85-year-old woman who returned home after...
economic roadmap

Dissecting the government’s new economic roadmap

Dr Julian Francis, Director of Policy and External Affairs, ACE, discusses the government’s new Industrial Strategy and economic roadmap
Innovation Exeter city centre

Pursuing growth with Innovation Exeter

Exeter City Council is aiming for growth in one of the UK’s foremost regional economies through the Innovation Exeter programme, as Richard Ball explains Independent studies have identified Exeter’s economy as outperforming larger cities in the UK, confirming its positive regional economic impact. As the powerhouse of its own sub-region,...

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