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Benefits for UK fishermen following tough negotiations in Europe

Reforms to the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy will lead to improvements in fish stocks, substantial quota increases and a more profitable industry, the government have announced… Following negotiations at the annual EU Fisheries and Agriculture Council, Fisheries Minister George Eustice has announced tough UK decisions have delivered significant reforms. During the...
Nottingham Trent University-College of Arts and Science, School of Education

International Association for Practice Doctorates

Few people living in this modern world could have failed to notice the crisis and the stark injustices affecting millions of people emerging from conflict in Syria. No one could have failed to notice also the qualitative range of hospitality extended by leaders, other agencies and individuals from people...
mental health

NUS survey finds students experience mental health issues

The majority of students experience mental health issues, but do not seek help for their problems, it has emerged… A new survey from the National Union of Students revealed eight out of 10 students have experienced some form of mental health issue during last year. The survey of 1,093 students in...

Birmingham council boss criticises austerity

The newly-elected leader of Birmingham City Council has lambasted government austerity measures as he faces making £250m in cuts… The new head of Birmingham City Council John Clancy has warned government austerity is not working. He said the size and continuity of budget cuts were a clear signal measures enacted...
innovation agriculture

EU agriculture industry needs greater innovation

Leading agriculture and food organisations have reiterated the call for a greater push to increase innovation within the sector… Innovation should be considered during every stage of the legislative process, said leading EU agriculture and food organisations during the 7th European Innovation Summit. The Knowledge4Innovation event was hosted at the European...
3d printing

The benefits of bringing 3D printing into the classroom

Wyn Griffiths, Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University outlines how 3D printing can bring excellent benefits for both students and teachers into the classroom…  3D printers are one of the hottest new innovations in the manufacturing and design world, and this new tech is fast moving past its infancy. To many, it’s...
energy efficiency

Multi-million pound energy efficiency programme for NHS Tayside

Investors have committed £15.4m funding to a new energy efficiency project for NHS Tayside… Aviva Investors have committed £15.4m to a new energy efficiency project that will benefit NHS Tayside. Investment was made through the REaLM infrastructure funds on behalf of its clients, including the UK Green Investment Bank, which...
Original Sauce for e-liquid solutions

Original Sauce – Leading UK suppliers of e-liquid

Original Sauce is a UK based company that supply e-liquid products. All of our goods are produced to the highest possible standard and are subjected to rigorous testing and quality control procedures before being offered for sale to our customers. Original Sauce,with their range of e-liquid products, offer a new level...
Esbjerg Kommune

Esbjerg Kommune

In the municipality of Esbjerg there are 2,000-3,000 people with a physical, social, mental or sensory impairment which impacts on their everyday life. Under the Danish Act on Social Services, the municipality must provide support and assistance to these individuals to enable them to lead fulfilling lives alongside their...

Ofsted warn of north-south divide in English schools

There is a growing divide between the results seen in northern schools and those in the south, it has emerged… Education watchdog Ofsted has warned there is a significant divide between standards in the north and south of England. According to the watchdog’s latest annual report on education standards around a...
South Karelia

South Karelia District of Social & Health Services

There are many problems with the design of existing ambulances that may impact negatively on patients’ care and frontline ambulance clinicians alike.  The Smart Ambulance European Procurers Platform (SAEPP) is comprised of ambulance services, healthcare research bodies, hospitals and other healthcare organisations who formed a consortium with the aim...

National Soil Dynamics Laboratory

Agriculture’s role in environmental issues are both large and complex, often contributing to both problems and solutions to the global environment. For example, agricultural practices have the potential to increase soil C storage which can positively influence soil quality and help mitigate the rise in atmospheric CO2.
researcher in a lab

A European leader in cancer clinical trials

Denis Lacombe, John Bean and Mathilde Fenoulhet from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) outline how clinical trials play an integral role in tackling cancer…  The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) is a European, academic, cancer clinical research organisation. A leader in...


How to move away from linear production and consumption to a circular economy – to an economic model where there is virtually no waste but more secondary raw materials that can be re-injected in a European Circular Economy.

Practice, experience and research-philosophy-education: A personal profile

Setting up and running the professional doctorate programme at Nottingham Trent brought together dimensions of my experience in education, research, philosophy, rock-climbing/mountaineering, so constituting the basis for rethinking the practice of research. The professional doctorate programme at Nottingham Trent in 2008 I set up working with two colleagues from Social...
tenancy agreement

Licensing scheme for landlords launched in Wales

In a bid to improve the image of the private rental sector a new licensing scheme has been launched for landlords in Wales… A new licensing scheme has been launched for the private rental sector in Wales. Rent Smart Wales gives landlords 12 months to register and decide whether to...
health spending

NHS deficit is set to reach £2.2bn by the end of the year  

NHS trusts across England are reporting a significant shortfall in the year to date and look set to end 2015 in massive debt… Earlier this year the NHS reported it had already seen a massive overspend. As we approach the end of 2015 the magnitude of that deficit is looking...
stacks of money

Local authorities hold £22.5bn in non-ringfenced reserves

Information from the government has revealed a significant increase in the amount of non-ringfenced reserves held by local authorities… Councils are under significant pressure to do more with less. Services and staffing levels have been scaled back dramatically to meet saving targets set by the government and with less funding...
target reached

Scottish affordable homes target exceeded

The five-year target set by the Scottish government to deliver 30,000 affordable homes has reportedly been surpassed… Affordable housing remains a hot topic across the UK, with the housing shortage pushing the market into crisis. However, there is good news. The Scottish government announced it has exceeded its five-year target to...

98 per cent of doctors vote for strike action

Junior doctors have voted in favour of taking action against ministers in a row over contracts and pay… In what is certain to be a controversial and divisive decision, junior doctors have voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking strike action. With some 98 per cent voting in favour of a full...

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