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stethoscope calculator

NHS overspends by nearly £1bn in three months

New figures have revealed the NHS has run up £930m deficit in just three months… NHS trusts in England are in significant financial trouble after collectively racking up debts approaching £1bn. Regulators said the figures, which relate to the first three months of the financial year, showed the amount of...
education pack

NFU and FACE launch farm education pack

A new education pack aimed at primary schools has been launched by two leading agriculture organisations. The National Farmers Union (NFU) and Farming and Countryside Education (FACE) have launched a new education pack, ‘Why Farming Matters’. The resource, which gained backing from Environment Secretary Liz Truss, will show young people where...
scottish council

Syrian refugees welcome, say Scottish council leaders

Scottish council leaders have confirmed 2,000 Syrian refugees will be offered shelter, with some arriving before Christmas. The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) has confirmed a coordinated effort between the 32 councils in Scotland to offer shelter to at least 2,000 Syrian refugees. Many thousands more have made the...

Prediction of cancer treatment outcome using physics

Vittorio Cristini1,2, Eugene J. Koay3, and Zhihui Wang1,2 1Department of NanoMedicine and Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX 77054, USA 2Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX 77030, USA 3Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer...

Improved access to radiotherapy needed, says experts

Doctors have revealed that millions of people have died unnecessarily from cancers that could have been treated by radiotherapy. New data presented at the European Cancer Congress suggest as many as nine out of 10 people in low income countries cannot access radiotherapy treatment. Experts warn that even high-income countries where...

Alterra Wageningen

Being the global hotspot for agricultural world trade, the Metropoolregio Rotterdam – Den Haag (MRDH) holds extremely high stakes in food logistics, safety and quality. At the same time it is a place where local, regional and global agro-food processes have a great potential for generating synergy.

University of Basel

While progress is based on development, a revolution is associated with turning points and phase-transition (speaking in the terms of physics). Over the last 10 years a tremendous progress could be observed within the network of researchers studying functional cell components that have no weight but never the less...

Illustration of Variation in Muscle Radiodensity

Our research group has developed a novel lens with which to view cancer patients: using computed tomography (CT) images routinely taken during clinical assessment, to precisely quantify body composition (muscle and adipose) in relation to clinical outcomes (Prado et al 2008, Lieffers et al 2009, Lieffers et al 2011,...

Investigation into the impact of smartphones on behaviour in lessons

An investigation into training teachers to tackle poor pupil behaviour will also cover issues relating to smartphones in lessons. Schools Minister Nick Gibb has announced an investigation into behaviour will be expanded to cover issues including the use of mobile phones and devices in schools. Tom Bennett, former teacher and government...

University dropout rates fall after the increase in tuition fees

A new report has examined the impact of increased tuition fees on the number of students completing university courses. In 2006 university tuition fees increased to around £3,000. The move, while highly contentious, has had at least one positive outcome: it has reduced the number of dropouts. A report carried out...
ETH Zurich

Electrically isolated post-tensioning tendons

Very high durability and the possibility for long-term monitoring and inspection of post-tensioning tendons in concrete structures are obtained with electrically isolated tendons. Post-tensioning created new possibilities for the structural use of concrete: large span concrete bridges, special containment vessels, domes, nuclear and marine structures. At present, most of the...

Advanced Knowledge Management in Smart Cities

New ways to deal with the complexity and dynamics of change in our cities On-going urbanisation makes cities focal points for economies and societies. As its share of resource consumption and emissions grows, economies become knowledge intensive. City life accelerates, its complexity grows exponentially along with various instabilities, challenges, uncertainties...

How standards benefit the UK economy

Daniel Mansfield Head of Policy Engagement at BSI discusses how standards contribute to the UK economy, and focuses on the stand-out sectors  Independent research by Cebr (Centre for Economics and Business Research), commissioned by BSI, the UK’s National Standards Body and funded by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills,...

Energycaps: High power and high energy lithium ion capacitor

A research project in the frame of Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) – Marie Curie Actions The management of the electricity supply interruptions that can occur unexpectedly is vital for hospitals, telecommunication centers, airports, supermarkets, banks, tunnels or critical production plants. About 20 seconds are needed to start an additional electric...

Understanding thermal energy storage

Lindsay Wright, Policy Engagement Manager at the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC), outlines the potential for thermal energy storage in the UK Thermal energy storage uses different technologies to collect heat for future use, whether that’s hours, days, or even months later. This can happen at building, district, town or regional...
energy efficiency

Energy efficiency and housing: what next for local authorities?

Ian Hutchcroft, Head of Local Delivery at the Energy Saving Trust explains how local authorities can retrofit for energy efficiency and deliver benefits for carbon reduction, health, jobs and growth There is no doubt that the drivers for local authority action on housing energy efficiency are strong, and getting stronger. With...

Volcanoes and geothermal and mineral resources

Analogue and numerical modelling Volcanoes are one of the main geological systems hosting economic and energetic reservoirs; i.e. geothermal energy. As soon as magma (i.e. molten rock generated at the Earth interior) enters the crust, for example, as a shallow intrusion beneath a volcano, the normal geothermal gradient of about...

Taking action to improve efficiency & reduce costs

Alexandra Latham, Communications Officer at the European Geothermal Energy Council details how RHC technologies including Geothermal go hand in hand for a sustainable energy supply with stable prices The need to ensure stable and affordable energy prices for consumers thereby elevating fuel poverty and enabling growth, and the need for this...

Reimagining what’s possible for clean energy

David Mooney, Director of the Strategic Energy Analysis Center, at the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, explains how understanding energy is important to the success of clean energy technologies Moving from today’s energy system to a clean energy system will require a profound transformation. While today’s energy...

E3-Modelling research finds first-mover advantage for the European Union as frontrunner in climate action

In Paris, delegates from the 196 UN parties will meet in December 2015 to negotiate a global climate agreement. Countries accounting for roughly a quarter of global emissions met the March deadline to provide targets for curbing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) while at the same time some of the...

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