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Elena Nekhaev

Programmes Director - World Energy Council

Continual Learning, Continual Improvement

Keith Parsons, Managing Director, Dembridge provides an insight into learning and delivering Lean Six Sigma People see Lean Six Sigma as a massive toolbox. It is much more than that. It is true that there are many, many tools that can be used to bring about improvements, but the real objective...


People see Lean Six Sigma as a massive toolbox. It is much more than that. It is true that there are many, many tools that can be used to bring about improvements, but the real objective of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is to bring about changes in behaviour –...

A new bio-based sorbent for water and wastewater treatment applications

Water is essential to life and there is no substitute to it. It is one of the most important natural resources on Earth contributing in many aspects of our lives, namely economy, ecosystems, and personal welfare. In our modern societies, water is essential to many industries and to agriculture....

Low Cost Production of Nematodes for Biological Control of Insect Pests

J.A. Morales-Ramos1, M. G. Rojas1 and D. I. Shapiro-Ilan2 1USDA ARS SEA Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, Stoneville, MS 2USDA ARS SEA SE Fruit and Tree Nut Research Unit, Byron, GA Entomopathogenic nematodes are produced in two ways: in artificial media using liquid or solid fermentation methods (in vitro) or by...
A Quest Into Muscle Plasticity

A Quest Into Muscle Plasticity

Muscle weakness and associated poor fatigue resistance is a major challenge to modern Western Society. It arises due to a reduction in the force producing capacity of skeletal muscle with prolonged unloading due to inactivity (disuse), injury or disease. This eBook details more about the quest into muscle plasticity, and...


Understanding that access to personal data implies heavy responsibilities the date driven marketing industry is centred on the customer, and depends on the trust that the customer puts in his relationship with the marketer. The European data driven Marketing industry has been proactive in fostering ethical data management, as well...
Mobile devices on the increase in local government

Mobile devices on the increase in local government

New research has revealed that local government organisations issued four time more mobile devices compared with 2010 figures... Almost 9,000 mobile devices were issued to local government staff, according to new research. The data, which was collated by Citrix via a Freedom of Information request, revealed there has been an...
Council initiative launched to strengthen communities

Council initiative launched to strengthen communities

North Yorkshire County Council has launched a new initiative aimed at supporting and strengthening communities… The Stronger Communities initiative will support empowered and vibrant communities to provide a range of services. It is hoped the scheme will help people to utilise local assets, prevent loneliness, support troubled families, and contribute...
Tower Hamlets new mayor named

Tower Hamlets new mayor named

Labour’s John Biggs will become Tower Hamlets directly-elected mayor after winning by nearly 32,800 votes… After the controversies surrounding Tower Hamlets’ former mayor, it must be something of a relief to have new blood leading the region. Former mayor, Lutfur Rahman, was removed from office in April after he was convicted of...
Mental health crisis care is inadequate

Mental health crisis care is inadequate

Care regulator warns the mental health system is struggling to cope with demands, leaving many people in crisis without adequate care… The Care Quality Commission (CQC) reviewed the mental health system and found it was failing many people in serious crisis. The commission, which regulates the system, looked at the help given...
£5bn could be cut from child tax credits

£5bn could be cut from child tax credits

The government has announced it is considering reducing tax credits for millions of working families as it prepares to cut £12bn from the welfare budget... The issue of welfare was a significant area of contention before election. The Conservatives announced plans to slice £12bn from budget, but only hinted at the areas...

Community Development and Planning

Varberg will be an attractive place to live, visit and work in The municipality's goal is to plan for a development that is ecologically, socially and economically sustainable. Development specialization provides a comprehensive picture of the long-term planning approach of the municipality. Varberg has great need of new areas for both...
Skin cancer prevention in Europe

Skin cancer prevention in Europe

Veronique del Marmol European Chair and Alexander Stratigos Vice-Chair of Euromelanoma look at the growing burden of skin cancer in Europe, and the importance of making people aware of the risks… Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the world. It is usually caused by unprotected or excessive exposure...
Osborne set to implement Budget surplus law

Osborne set to implement Budget surplus law

The Chancellor of the Exchequer is expected to try to prevent future governments from overspending by maintaining a surplus when the economy is growing... During his annual Mansion House speech today, Chancellor George Osborne will outline his plans to prevent future governments from overspending. The proposed changes were first brought...
Smart budgeting – smart councils

Smart budgeting – smart councils

Maia Beresford and Claire Mansfield from the New Local Government Network (NLGN) shed light on how some councils are embracing new ways of budgeting…   When you think of public service innovation, you might think of fluorescent post-it notes, Lego, and innovation ‘labs’ where passionate hipsters dash about formulating ideas to join-up...
Hardest places in the UK to find construction work

Hardest places in the UK to find construction work

New research has shown the hardest places in the UK to find regular construction work... A new study has revealed the North East and Wales are considered the hardest places in the UK to find regular construction work. Electricians and bricklayers were found to be the two trades that struggled...
EWEA calls for national renewables targets

EWEA calls for national renewables targets

The European wind industry has called for new national renewable targets to help ensure low carbon energy investment continues... The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) has called upon EU member states to set indicative goals for the amount of renewable energy they plan to install by 2030. Last year, the 2030...
Cameron tells ministers to back him on EU

Cameron tells ministers to back him on EU

Prime Minister David Cameron has warned his ministers to back any deal he makes in regards to the UK's relationship with the EU or to leave the government... David Cameron's approach to democracy this week has been an unusual one. He has reportedly warned his ministers to back any deals...
Two Tory MPs say they will accept a pay rise

Two Tory MPs say they will accept a pay rise

Two Conservative MPs have criticised colleagues for undermining the decision of regulatory body Ipsa to increase pay by 10 per cent... Earlier this week it emerged that regulatory body, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa), was planning on pressing ahead with pay increases for MPs. The public sector has undergone significant...

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