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MPs to challenge emergency surveillance law

MPs to challenge emergency surveillance law

Two MPs are set to challenge the government's surveillance law, questioning whether it is compatible with human rights... The issue of surveillance has been at the forefront of discussions since the Conservatives stepped back into power. For better or worse it is an area that Home Secretary Theresa May seems...
Council houses get external wall insulation

Council houses benefit from external wall insulation

Council houses across Wrexham are set to receive a face lift due to an external improvement programme, which will insulate and improve the outer appearance of the properties... Tenants living in non-traditional Council Houses across Wrexham County Borough are set to see a significant drop in their energy bills, and...
Council could fine homeless people up to £1,000

Council could fine homeless people up to £1,000

Under plans to tackle antisocial behaviour linked to rough sleeping and begging, homeless people in parts of east London could receive fines of up to £1,000... Hackney Council has been accused of social cleansing as it launched a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). Under the order, homeless people who are...
Residents benefit from housing improvements

Residents benefit from housing improvements

Communities in Wrexham are seeing extra benefits from Housing Improvement Works. Here, the county borough council explains... Employment and Modern Apprenticeships in Wrexham County Borough have received a boost as a result of the comprehensive improvement works programme Wrexham Council’s Housing Department are carrying out to ensure their properties meet...
MPs should get 10 per cent pay rise

Regulator says MPs should get 10 per cent pay rise

The body that regulates the pay of MPs has recommended a 10 per cent pay increase, despite public sector pay freezes and significant redundancies... Among the backdrop of public sector pay freezes and numerous job losses the organisation that regulates MPs pay has recommended a 10 per cent wage increase. The...
The number of agency staff to be reduced

The number of agency staff to be reduced

Jeremy Hunt has called for the NHS to cut its spending on agency workers, but what does this mean for the health service? Adjacent Digital Politics discusses the issue... Agency workers are part and parcel of the health system. On any given shift there is likely to be an agency...
Addressing EU water challengesAddressing EU water challenges

Addressing EU water challenges

Pavel Misiga, Head of the Water Unit at the European Commission’s Environment DG, outlines how the EU Water Framework Directive can help to ensure clean water in sufficient quantities for people and nature The main aim of EU water policy is to ensure that throughout Europe a sufficient quantity of good...
Underfunding threatens childcare

Underfunding threatens childcare

Childcare providers have warned chronic underfunding could push the system to breaking point as the government announces plans to double free provision for three and four-year-olds... This morning the government announced its intention to bring forward plans to double free care for three and four-year-olds. The pledge, which formed a...
Council calls for Blue Badges for over 85s

Council calls for Blue Badges for over 85s

Cheshire East Council is pushing for a change to the law that would see people over 85 automatically qualify for the Blue Badge... The Blue Badge scheme is aimed at ensuring people with mobility problems are able to access services by parking closer to destinations. The Blue Badge enables holders...
Rugby coaches to build character and resilience

Rugby coaches to build character and resilience

Premiership rugby coaches will be drafted into schools in a bid to instil character and resilience in disaffected children... A new scheme will see premiership rugby coaches work with school pupils as part of the government's core mission to deliver social justice. Fourteen professional clubs will receive £500,000 funding to design...
The pros and cons of Right to Buy

The pros and cons of Right to Buy

Adjacent Digital Politics looks at the scheme and examines the pros and cons of selling off England's publicly-owned housing stock... There has been a lot of hand wringing and mud slinging over the issue of Right to Buy. For better or worse, the system allows council tenants to purchase their local...
Smoking ban spares children serious illness

Smoking ban spares children serious illness

New research has revealed the smoking ban has prevented thousands of children from serious illness and reduced the number of hospital admissions The smoking ban, which was introduced in England in 2007, has prevented illness in thousands of children. Research published in the European Respiratory Journal examined hospital admission records of...
Cameron holds EU reform talks with Merkel

Cameron holds EU reform talks with Merkel

Prime Minister David Cameron is meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a bid to gain support for EU reforms... Determined to gain a new “fairer” deal for the UK, David Cameron is today meeting with numerous EU leaders, including the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. EU reform is the topic of...
New UK Energy Bill proposed

New UK Energy Bill proposed

Adjacent Digital Politics examines the new Energy Bill introduced yesterday during the Queen's speech and highlights the key points of the legislation... During the state opening of parliament yesterday, the government introduced a new Energy Bill aimed at improving energy security, giving local communities more say over wind farms, and...

Nordic Council of Ministers

AG (May 2015)  "We were happy to be able to publish an article in AG, as it provided an excellent platform for our international outreach on green growth and sustainable development." Michael Funch, Senior Adviser/Communication, Nordic Council of Ministers

Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Forests are important as reservoirs of biodiversity, and as wildlife habitats. In addition, they represent substantial economic value, and provide societal health and recreational benefits. They also, mitigate climate change by storing carbon dioxide.

A reasonable approach to improving access for disabled people

Ten years after the deadline passed for businesses to make sure their premises and services were accessible, it may be considered surprising to find that many are still vulnerable to claims for discrimination Then again it may be entirely predictable. There are still many people who do not recognise the...

Why governance matters

David Armstrong, Head of Profession at the Chartered Quality Institute details the benefits of using governance to transform organisations For all organisations, the delivery of high-quality products and services is essential. The consequences of failure grow ever more significant in today’s world of increasing customer and stakeholder expectations, regulatory oversight...

The future of public services: how to manage change effectively

Change can be integral to an organisation or business, here Barry Pirie, President of the PPMA outlines the key points when integrating and managing changes  Improving the delivery of public services has always been critical for any public sector organisation which wants to remain relevant and valued by the citizens...

The “place” in economic Development

In view of the significant transformation towards a knowledge-based economy which is taking place, as investment and people are now more mobile than ever before, so does the consideration of the quality of a place also become much more important. The most important component of this transformation is a much...

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