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executive dysfunction and ptsd, brain

Scientists find link between emotional regulation and PTSD

Researchers believe that they have found a PTSD marker in the brain region associated with emotional regulation - with the marker being strongest in people with "impaired executive dysfunction".
flexible workers

How to develop resilience for flexible workers

Juliette Cosgrove, Chief Nurse & Director of Clinical Governance, NHS Professionals, argues that a focus on flexible worker resilience is needed to support those who support the NHS.
cybersecurity threats

Cybersecurity threats to the COVID-19 vaccine

Raymond Pompon, Director of F5 Labs, looks at the cybersecurity threats to the COVID-19 vaccine amid the rise in cyber attacks since the onset of the pandemic.
covid cases per city, eviction

Scientists say evictions will create 49,000 more COVID cases per city

The researchers found that COVID cases per city could increase by 49,000 to 53,000, if evictions are allowed to continue for atleast 1% of households.
data-driven government

A transparent and data-driven Government is central to public services

Alison King, CTS’s account manager for the public sector, discusses why Government needs to make modernisation a core focus in 2021, applying the lessons learned in the importance of data during the pandemic.
third vaccine dose, pfizer

Pfizer says people will need third vaccine dose after 12 months

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla suggested that fully vaccinated people would need their third vaccine dose, maybe 12 months after they got their second - the EU is currently in talks to secure a further 1.8 billion doses.
NHS contract, topwood ltd

NHS contract given to Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s family company

According to HSJ, Health Secretary Matt Hancock's family-owned company were awarded an NHS contract for services - but the Secretary failed to declare any connection to Topwood Ltd.
life science sector

The importance of the life science sector to the post-COVID economic recovery

Dean Billington, Chief Operating Officer at Brains Bioceutical, discusses the pivotal role of the life science sector in spearheading the post-Covid economic recovery and why driving forward R&D and innovation should be the nation’s top priority.
contract with pfizer, european commission

EU to create new contract with Pfizer for 1.8 billion doses

Yesterday (14 April) EU President Ursula von der Leyen announced that the Commission would create a third contract with Pfizer, for 1.8 billion doses between 2021 to 2023.
moderna and novavax, mixing vaccine

New UK study will mix Moderna and Novavax COVID doses

Researchers in the UK started a clinical trial on mixing vaccines in February - today (14 April) a new study will look into mixing Moderna and Novavax doses.
muslim COVID vaccine, covid

Muslims can get COVID vaccine without breaking fast

The NHS said that Muslims can take the COVID vaccine during Ramadan without breaking their fasts, with some centres offering extended opening times.
johnson & johnson vaccine, astrazeneca

US stops Johnson & Johnson vaccine to investigate blood clot risk

US authorities paused the use of the Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccine as they look into six cases of blood clots that developed in women aged between 18 and 48.
elderly falls

After COVID, can we better manage and prevent the likely rise in elderly falls?

Barak Katz, VP and GM Essence SmartCare, discusses the future of fall prevention and establishing more proactive elderly care, post COVID-19.
STI prevention, STI

Why does the U.S. need an STI National Strategic Plan?

Open Access Government discusses STI prevention in the U.S., and the benefits and priorities of the STI National Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
addressing health inequality

A long-term collaborative approach to addressing health inequality

Christine Hancock, Founder and Director at C3 Collaborating for Health, discusses the ongoing issue of health inequality that COVID-19 has exposed, and how to ensure healthy lives for all.
mild covid-19 infection

1 in 10 suffer long-term effects 8 months after mild COVID-19 infection

According to a new study, by researchers at Danderyd Hospital and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, 1 in 10 people still experience symptoms of COVID-19 8 months after infection.
alternative vaccine astrazeneca, under-30s vaccine

Healthy under-30s should take alternative vaccine to AstraZeneca

The UK's medical authorities cleared continued use of AstraZeneca, but say that 18-29 year olds should take an alternative vaccine to AstraZeneca if possible.
implantable sensors, gold nanoparticles

Are gold nanoparticles the next generation of implantable sensors?

Scientists have developed an implantable sensor using gold nanoparticles, which can function in the human body for "several months" to report health changes.
cancer treatment and services

Improving cancer treatment and services during and beyond COVID-19

Greg Quinn, BD UK, explores how cancer treatment and services have been impacted by the pandemic and the potential role of medical technology in supporting the NHS during this complex time.
healthier european union

A vision for a healthier European Union

Open Access Government explores the health priorities of Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, asking if lessons learned from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic can help to improve European healthcare?.

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