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Combined authority in West Midlands moves closer

West Midlands combined authority moves closer

Plans to form a combined authority in the West Midlands has moved a step closer after two councils revealed they would be prepared to join... Coventry City Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council have pushed plans to form a combined authority in the West Midlands a step closer. The two...
Worcestershire councils agree shared service contract

Worcestershire councils agree shared service contract

Three local authorities in Worcestershire have signed a contract for Civica to oversee their shared service centre and manage their customer services Worcestershire County Council, Worcester City Council, and Malvern Hills District Council have reached an agreement regarding their shared services. In a deal worth £13m, the three local authorities...
Kendal affordable homes project nears completion

Kendal affordable homes project nears completion

A multi-million-pound project to deliver 27 new affordable homes in Kendal is nearing completion The lack of affordable homes is a growing issue. With many young people giving up on property ownership altogether the pressure is on the rental market to deliver quality homes for affordable prices. In areas that are...
The death of civil liberties?

The death of civil liberties?

As the government pushes forward proposals to increase its surveillance powers and to repeal the human rights act, Adjacent Digital Politics examines the impact on civil liberties... No one likes the idea of being spied on. I get affronted if someone looks through my front window when passing the house,...
Investing in the future of agriculture

Investing in the future of agriculture

Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Commission details the importance of investment and innovation in agriculture Agriculture is humankind’s primary occupation – the only economic activity which can be truly said to nourish the world. The principle of food security needs to be a top priority...
Osborne sets out devolution plan for England

Osborne to set out devolution plan for England

In George Osborne's first post-election speech, he is set to discuss the issue of devolution in England's cities. Adjacent Digital Politics examines what it means for local authorities and if it is really needed. The issue of English devolution is one that was stirred up during the referendum for Scottish...
Cheshire East Council has revealed a total of 36,000 new homes need to be built across east Cheshire by 2030 to meet demand for housing

36,000 homes needed in East Cheshire

Cheshire East Council has revealed a total of 36,000 new homes need to be built across east Cheshire by 2030 to meet demand for housing... It is no secret there is a housing shortage across the UK. With demand outstripping supply there is a significant amount of new builds needed...
Three party leaders step down following election

Three party leaders step down following election

Leaders of UKIP, the Labour party, and the Liberal Democrats have all stepped down from their positions in the wake of devastating results in yesterday's election... This election has undoubtedly kept everyone on their toes. Despite polling to the contrary, the Conservatives have won by a majority, taking the 326...
girl sat with long sleeves looking uncomfortable

Self-harm reaches five year high in Wales

Figures have revealed the number of cases of self-harm among young people in Wales has hit a five year high... According to Welsh government figures more than 1,500 patients between 10 and 19 were treated in hospitals between 2013 and 2014 for self-harm. Almost four times as many girls were...
Obesity levels are expected increase by 2030

Obesity levels are expected increase significantly by 2030

A new report from the World Health Organization has revealed the growing issue of obesity... By 2030, 74 per cent of men and 64 per cent of women in the UK will be overweight. These figures are higher than the 70 and 59 per cent, respectively, seen five years go. The...
Tackling child mental health

Tackling child mental health

Dr Alistair Thomson, MindEd Consortium Executive and Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) details the importance of tackling the growing number of child mental health cases arising in the UK… Barely a day goes by without children and young people’s mental health hitting the headlines. And...
Saint Gobain

How To Boost Education Through Building Design

Saint-Gobain, the world leader in the sustainable habitat and construction markets, has identified five key elements that contribute to our comfort levels indoors; thermal comfort, audio comfort, visual comfort, indoor air comfort and economic comfort. Stacey Temprell, Residential Sector Director at Saint-Gobain, explains how it is bringing My Comfort,...
Fee warning for mortgage borrowers

Fee warning for mortgage borrowers

Homeowners are being warned to be aware of high fees attached to falling mortgage rates... Tumbling mortgage rates might be a good thing for the consumer, but experts are warning homeowners to be aware of high fees. It follows news the Co-op is launching a two-year fixed mortgage at 1.09 per...
More than 200,000 ballot papers stolen

More than 200,000 ballot papers stolen

A van containing more than 200,000 UK ballot papers for next week's parliamentary and council elections has been stolen... Replacement ballot papers are being printed after a vehicle containing blank election ballot papers was stolen by thieves. The papers were headed for Eastbourne, Hastings, and Rye in time for voting...

Department of Emergency Medicine – BRIPPED Project

Healthcare providers are challenged daily to rapidly diagnose and treat life threatening respiratory illness. Ultrasound is a non-invasive, rapid bedside tool that enables providers to quickly identify and treat undifferentiated shortness of breath. The BRIPPED project is a rapid, acute approach to using ultrasound in the evaluation of shortness...
New standards for children’s unscheduled care

New standards for children’s unscheduled care

Dr Stephanie Smith, Consultant Emergency Paediatrician and spokesperson for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health details the changes needed to children’s healthcare… The NHS has been dubbed the key issue at next month’s General Election – with polls consistently revealing it’s the top priority for voters. A recent...
Musculoskeletal health in an ageing population

Musculoskeletal health in an ageing population

Dr Benjamin Ellis, Senior Clinical Policy Adviser at Arthritis Research UK details the importance of good musculoskeletal health in an ageing population Over the last century, life expectancy has steadily risen at an extraordinary rate. Yet though we live for longer, those additional years are often plagued by ill health....
University class sizes are falling

University class sizes are falling

A new study has revealed that while universities are spending more money upgrading facilities, class sizes have reduced An analysis carried out by the Complete University Guide has found that while there was an initial decrease in the staff-to-student ratios after 2010, it was followed by an improvement across the...
Kent children placed in London schools

Kent children placed in London schools

Kent County Council has revealed some children have been offered places in London schools after the closure of a local secondary school After the closure of a struggling secondary school in Hextable, Kent County Council (KCC) has been forced to offer children places in London schools. The county council opposed the...
First chief digital officer appointed in Wales

First chief digital officer for Wales

The Welsh government has announced it will appoint a chief digital officer to oversee public sector delivery... In a bid to transform public sector delivery of digital services at a national and local level the Welsh government has announced it will appoint a chief digital officer. The news follows the recently...

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