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Council proposes own adult social care firm

Council proposes own adult social care firm

Staff at Salford City Council are looking to set up their own company in a bid to protect adult social care services from further budget cuts... The proposal for a staff-owned company to run adult social care service for Salford City Council is set to go before the cabinet this...
Business group warns of post-election power vacuum

CBI warns of post-election power vacuum

Business group CBI has warned if no party wins outright during the General Election in May it could impact the UK economy... The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has urged all parties to ensure they minimise “post-election uncertainty”, stating a power vacuum following the election could have significant consequences for...

The need to re-focus mental health service provision to endorse recovery and resilience to...

by Joachim Schnackenberg and Paul Bomke. The Hearing Voices Movement (HVM) has been a key player fighting for fundamental and paradigm societal and mental health provision change in the past 28 years. At its heart is the simple but crucial demand for a normal life, based on recovery and resilience...
Committee MPs should get £10,000 pay rise

Committee MPs should get £10,000 pay rise

According to the think tank Reform, MPs who sit on Commons select committees should receive a £10,000 pay increase... Committees responsible for debating and amending legislation should be given an increase in their pay. Think tank Reform has called for a £10,000 rise for the 180 MPs who sit on committees...
TU Munich

Liver cancer: Future scientific and clinical challenges and forthcoming problems in Europe

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) reflects the most common primary liver cancer as well as the 2nd most common cause of cancer related death in humans worldwide. In most cases HCC is caused by chronic liver damage that is either induced by chronic viral infections (e.g. Hepatitis B or C viruses),...
Geothermal energy: a low carbon resource for the UK

Geothermal energy: a renewable, low carbon resource for the UK

Jon Busby, Team Leader Renewables, Energy Storage and Clean Coal at the British Geological Survey details the benefits of deep geothermal heat sources in the UK… In simple terms ‘geothermal energy is the energy stored in the form of heat beneath the earth’s surface’. Most people will associate it with...
Strong case for interest rates falling or rising

Strong case for interest rates falling or rising

According to the Chief Economist at the Bank of England interest rates are just as likely to fall further as they are to rise... In March 2009, interest rates were reduced to 0.5 per cent. Since then they have remained consistently low. However, Andy Haldane, a member of the Bank of...
Mental health budgets have reduced by 8 per cent

Mental health budgets have reduced by 8 per cent

During the course of this parliament, mental health budgets have fallen by more than eight per cent in real terms... Figures have revealed that a significant amount has been sliced from mental health budgets over the last five years. The reduction means around £600m has been lost from these services. The...
Northern transport plans set out

Northern transport plans set out

The government has set out new plans to revolutionise transport in the north of England... The Northern Transport Strategy report includes details of a multi-billion pound railway scheme, as well as long term plans to improve road links. The Chancellor George Osborne hopes this will create a “northern powerhouse”. The report...
The importance of effective wound care

The importance of effective wound care

Alexandra Bishop, Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist at Plymouth Wound Care discusses how effective wound care can make all the difference to a patient, and the NHS… The importance of effective wound care cannot be underestimated. Wounds in complex patients and those that are poorly managed can lead to the development of...
Help to buy ISAs will push up house prices

Help to buy ISAs will push up house prices

The Chancellor's announcement that first-time buyers will receive help to get on the housing ladder through a new Help to Buy ISA has been criticised by housing experts... Purchasing a house as a first-time buyer is increasingly becoming an impossibility. Without substantial help from family or the ability to save...
Strengthening Europe’s digital economy

Strengthening Europe’s digital economy

Gerard de Graaf, Director – ‘Digital Economy and Coordination’ Communications Networks of the European Commission explains the importance of closing the ICT skills gap… Digital technology, automation, computing and the Internet have revolutionised our daily lives and transformed the way products and services are designed and offered. This 4th industrial revolution...
Council borrowing needs to be scrutinised

Council borrowing needs to be scrutinised

A report from the Accounts Commission has called for better scrutiny of council borrowing across Scotland... The public spending watchdog has revealed Scotland's 33 councils have mounted a total of £12.1bn worth of debt from borrowing. An additional £2.7bn has also been borrowed from the Public Private Partnerships, which brings...
A “catalogue of faults” at London Bridge

A “catalogue of faults” at London Bridge

The £500m redevelopment of London Bridge railway station has been delayed by a “catalogue of faults”, according to a leading transport union... The Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union has accused the contractors working on the redevelopment of London Bridge railway station of creating disruptions, which have led to overcrowding,...
Stoke-on-Trent to become Housing Zone

Stoke-on-Trent to become Housing Zone

Stoke-on-Trent is set to become one of 20 authorities outside London to receive Housing Zone status... Stoke-on-Trent City Council has been chosen as one of 20 local authorities outside London to drive home building. The Chancellor George Osborne announced today that the region will receive specialist Housing Zone status. This...
Mortgage lending slowdown may be at an end

Mortgage lending slowdown may be at an end

Industry data revealed mortgage lending dropped again in January, but economists forecast a rise in house prices may improve circumstances... The outlook for lending may be improving, according to industry experts. Despite a bleak outlook in January, economists said an increase in house prices forecast for the rest of the...
A new blood test could help with antibiotic use

A new blood test could help with antibiotic use

A new blood test that can determine whether an infection is caused by a bacteria or a virus within two hours could stop patients receiving unnecessary antibiotics... Research published in PLOS One has revealed that a new blood test can help doctors establish whether an infection requires antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics are...
Skin cancer: deadly but preventable

Skin cancer: deadly but preventable

Jon Pleat MA DPhil FRCS(Plast), Plastic Surgeon and Scientific Advisor at SCaRF details the risks of skin cancer and how it can be prevented… Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer globally. There are more than 80,000 deaths a year from its different forms. Within the UK, the incidence...
Civil servants 'gagged' by new media rules

Civil servants ‘gagged’ by new media rules

According to the FDA union, civil servants are being silenced by new rules that change how they interact with the media... The change, which has been brought in by Cabinet Minister Francis Maude, has caused something of a furore with the FDA. The union, which represents senior managers and professionals in...

Chancellor set to reveal pre-election Budget

Later today, the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is set to unveil his spending and taxation plans for the Budget... The speech, which is due to be given at 12.30pm today, will deliver “no giveaways” or “gimmicks”, according to the Chancellor George Osborne. It is expected his speech will contain...

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