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A future flood resilient built environment

A future flood resilient built environment

One in 6 homes are now under threat of flooding from rivers, sea and surface water. BRE’s Centre for Resilience is calling for a new approach to dealing with the risks along with investment and the development of innovative technologies to improve flood resilience. Director of the Centre, Dr...
South Gloucestershire broadband extended

South Gloucestershire broadband extended

Fibre broadband coverage extends to 17,000 more homes and businesses across South Gloucestershire... The Great Western Broadband (GWB) partnership between South Gloucestershire Council, Wiltshire Council, and BT has announced services will roll out to more homes and businesses throughout the region. The first phase of the rollout is expected to complete...
Warm Up Bristol: City-wide energy efficiency

Warm Up Bristol: City-wide energy efficiency

A part of Bristol’s status as 2015 European Green Capital involves becoming the UK’s most energy efficient major city. Here, the Council outline their Warm Up Bristol initiative targeting poorly insulated and energy inefficient homes…   Bristol has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe and each year in the...
Thousands of people are struggling to buy property in Wolverhampton due to a chronic housing shortage...

Housing shortage hitting thousands in Wolves

Thousands of people are struggling to buy property in Wolverhampton due to a chronic housing shortage... A new report has revealed the scope of the housing problem in Wolverhampton. Between 2006 to 2026, a total of 13,400 new homes were supposed to be built. However, over the last nine years...
Fixed Term Parliaments Act was a mistake

Fixed-Term Parliaments Act was a mistake

Former Conservative Cabinet Minister Ken Clarke has said setting fixed-term parliaments was a mistake... The Fixed-Term Parliaments Act formed part of a deal between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives. The terms of the act mean elections must be brought every five years, and an election can only be brought...
Healthy workforce, happy customers, healthy bank

Healthy workforce, happy customers, healthy bank

Employee health and well-being can make a significant difference to an organisations productivity and costs. Here Dr Jill Miller, Research Adviser at CIPD explains further… Investing in employee well-being isn’t just nice to have – studies consistently show that having a well thought-out well-being strategy reaps dividends for both the...
Minimum wage is set to increase by 20p

Minimum wage is set to increase by 20p

The government has announced the National Minimum Wage is set to increase by 20p from October... The National Minimum Wage is set to increase, it has emerged. The news comes a day after an independent review found numerous high street chains had not committed to the Living Wage. Currently, the minimum...
Top graduates encouraged to move into social work

Top graduates encouraged to move into social work

A new scheme aimed at enticing top graduates into social work has been launched in a bid to improve mental health services... The £1.6m programme hopes to attract between 80 and 100 top graduates into mental health roles in an effort to improve services. Mental health problems affect one in four...
Musculoskeletal disorders in the working population

Musculoskeletal disorders in the working population

Vern Putz Anderson from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) details the risk factors, symptoms and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace… Aches and pains are a part of life, but musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs, such as back...
More support for education career development

More support for education career development

Thousands of teachers will receive additional support to develop their careers and to improve teaching in the classroom... Welsh teachers will see measures put into place to help develop their careers and to deliver the new curriculum. The scheme will see all 37,000 teachers in Wales receive a learning passport by...
SNP will bring positive changes for UK

SNP will bring positive changes for UK

The SNP will be a constructive force at Westminster after the General Election, according to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon... During a speech today the First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon is expected to say she has “clear and constructive views” on a number of policies that will impact the UK...
Climate cooperation in Europe’s first macro-region

Climate cooperation in Europe’s first macro-region

Maxi Nachtigall, Adviser Sustainable Development, Council of the Baltic Sea States, CBSS sheds light on how the Baltic Sea Region is taking action to limit the impact from climate change…   The Baltic Sea region (BSR) is Europe’s first macro region. Since 2009, the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea...
Social housing tenants have the right to move

Social housing tenants have the right to move

Under new plans social housing tenants will have the right to move in order to find employment... New regulations have been green lit that will enable social tenants to relocate to new areas. The changes come following a public consultation, which took place at the end of last year. Now,...
Cancer services must adapt

Cancer services must adapt

The Public Accounts Committee said the NHS is struggling to meet demand for cancer services, and the drive to improve care has “lost momentum”... In a bid to meet waiting time standards and deliver efficient, effective care, the NHS needs to adapt. MPs on the Public Accounts Committee said despite...
National Express pledges living wage for UK workers

National Express pledges living wage for UK workers

Transport firm National Express is set to become an accredited living wage employer, paying workers more than the National Minimum Wage... National Express will become the first transport company to promise to pay employees the living wage. This will mean workers will earn 20 per cent higher than the National...
Housing costs impacts relationships

Housing costs impact relationships

According to a new survey, one in 10 UK adults feel they are stuck in an unhappy relationship because they cannot afford to rent or buy alone... Charity Shelter found that a number of people feel unable to end bad relationships because of the cost of housing. In a survey of...
Scotland facing GP recruitment crisis

Scotland facing GP recruitment crisis

The British Medical Association has called for action after claiming almost a fifth of GP practices in Scotland have a vacancy... According to figures released by the Scottish GP committee at the British Medical Association (BMA), Scotland is facing a recruitment crisis. Of 463 practices surveyed, 17 per cent reported...
Putting skin cancer in the shade

Putting skin cancer in the shade

Sarah Williams, Senior Health Information Officer at Cancer Research UK sheds light on the increased number of skin cancer diagnoses and the importance of prevention… More than 100,000 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the UK. Most of those are non-melanoma skin cancer, which is much more...
Teachers who perform exceptionally well in schools across England and Wales could be given a pay rise of up to two per cent under new plans...

High performing teachers could get pay rise

Teachers who perform exceptionally well in schools across England and Wales could be given a pay rise of up to two per cent under new plans... Under new plans teachers who perform well in schools could receive a pay increase of up to two percent, it has been announced. It is...
The value of apprenticeships

The value of apprenticeships

As National Apprenticeship Week draws to a close, Adjacent Digital Politics examines the value of these training schemes and how they can help young people... Since taking power, the coalition government has been keen to push apprenticeships as an alternative method of training for the workplace. Many of the largest...

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