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New rule will force larger companies to reveal gender pay gap

Companies with more than 250 employees will be forced to reveal the differences in pay between their male and female employees. The gender pay divide is about to go public after new plans will force employers to reveal the pay of their male and female staff. The rules will apply to...
access control

Access control and what the future looks like

James Kelly, Chief Executive of the BSIA discusses access control and what the future looks like…

E3-Modelling research finds first-mover advantage for the European Union as frontrunner in climate action

In Paris, delegates from the 196 UN parties met in December 2015 to negotiate a global climate agreement. Countries accounting for roughly a quarter of global emissions met the March deadline to provide targets for Curbing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) while at the same time some of the leading...

The circular economy opportunity

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation sheds light on the circular economy and why it is an opportunity not to be missed Today’s linear economy – in which resources are extracted, made into products, sold and ultimately thrown away – arguably faces its biggest challenges, on a number of fronts. A range...

Investing in a greener future

EU Commissioner for the Environment Karmenu Vella explains how the EU’s LIFE programme can contribute to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and sustainable future Natural resources underpin our economy and our quality of life. But the world’s population is rising sharply, and coupled with the impacts of climate change, ever greater demands are...

Implementing Bioeconomy with Electrobiorefinery

Food, chemical and industrial sectors are challenged with the growing population, increasing longevity and quality of life. In consequence, the demand for fossils energy sources, agricultural land and drinking water what will lead to irreversible changes in climate with unpredictable consequences. A recent declaration of G7 leaders that in...

Materials characterisation in support of power generation

Mechanical characterisation of high-performance materials has been a long-standing area of expertise at Swansea University. A succession of academics has promoted an intimate relationship with the power generation industry, in particular, working on alloys aligned to gas turbine technologies. A world-renowned research group focussing on high-temperature creep, fatigue and...
areospace © Corepics Vof

Inspiring growth in the aerospace industry

John Laughlin, Aerospace Programme Lead at Innovate UK answers AG’s questions regarding investment in the aerospace industry and how Innovate UK play an integral role in this UK businesses are well placed to take advantage of growing global demand for faster, quieter and greener aircraft. As the biggest aerospace industry...

Reducing the obesity burden

Dr João Breda and Jo Jewell from the WHO Regional Office for Europe highlight the latest projections in regards to obesity throughout Europe and how WHO works with countries to reduce the burden Of the 6 WHO regions, the European Region is the most severely affected by non-communicable diseases (NCDs):...

Systems medicine approaches in dermatology

Although a small field in medicine, dermatological diseases are very frequent and span a wide range of illnesses such as allergies, inflammation (e.g. atopic dermatitis, psoriasis), autoimmune diseases or malignancies (e.g. melanoma). Thus, translational dermatological research is an important, innovative field for future basic and clinical research for many...

Reducing the obesity burden

Dr João Breda and Jo Jewell from WHO Regional Office for Europe highlight the latest projections in regards to obesity throughout Europe and how WHO work with countries to reduce the burden Of the six WHO regions, the European Region is the most severely affected by non-communicable diseases (NCDs): collectively, cardiovascular disease,...

Wates cooks up 1,000th Wrexham kitchen revamp

Affordable housing provider, Wates Living Space, is celebrating the completion of its 1,000th kitchen refurbishment for Wrexham County Borough Council’s Housing Service, marking a key milestone in a programme of property improvements across the district... Wates commenced delivery of the £9.8m project in January this year, which is seeing residents...
life sciences

New plans for a new life science centre is revealed

Plans for a new world-renowned health and life sciences centre has been revealed using the former home of pharmaceutical firm Novartis
Original Sauce for e-liquid solutions

Original Sauce – Leading UK suppliers of e-liquid

Original Sauce is a UK based company that supply e-liquid products. All of our goods are produced to the highest possible standard and are subjected to rigorous testing and quality control procedures before being offered for sale to our customers. Original Sauce,with their range of e-liquid products, offer a new level...

Ofsted warn of north-south divide in English schools

There is a growing divide between the results seen in northern schools and those in the south, it has emerged… Education watchdog Ofsted has warned there is a significant divide between standards in the north and south of England. According to the watchdog’s latest annual report on education standards around a...
researcher in a lab

A European leader in cancer clinical trials

Denis Lacombe, John Bean and Mathilde Fenoulhet from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) outline how clinical trials play an integral role in tackling cancer…  The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) is a European, academic, cancer clinical research organisation. A leader in...
target reached

Scottish affordable homes target exceeded

The five-year target set by the Scottish government to deliver 30,000 affordable homes has reportedly been surpassed… Affordable housing remains a hot topic across the UK, with the housing shortage pushing the market into crisis. However, there is good news. The Scottish government announced it has exceeded its five-year target to...

98 per cent of doctors vote for strike action

Junior doctors have voted in favour of taking action against ministers in a row over contracts and pay… In what is certain to be a controversial and divisive decision, junior doctors have voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking strike action. With some 98 per cent voting in favour of a full...
empty wallet

Young people poorer than previous generation

A  new report has revealed during every stage of their lives young people will be worse off than the generation before them… New analysis from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has revealed this generation will be poorer at every stage of their life than their parents. The study is not...
mark britnell

Are we prepared for an ageing society?

Dr Mark Britnell, Chairman and Partner of the Global Health Practice at KPMG answers AG’s questions about the impact of an ageing society on the economy and NHS services…  As populations grow and get older and more complex, there is an ever growing pressure on healthcare budgets and services. In the...

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