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Forest engineering, the backbone of timber and fiber supply

Forests and some of the services they provide have been prominently on the international agenda, gaining considerable public attention: conservation, biodiversity, carbon storage, recreation or wilderness are the most notable issues thereof. Although those services only came on the public agenda from the 1960s, they have dominated the set...

Managing the forests of Switzerland

Forests play a pivotal role in the environment, here AG assesses how Switzerland’s forests are maintained. Forests not only act as places of tranquillity and recreation, but also play a major role in providing essential services and resources for people, plants and animals. Across the globe, forests contribute substantially to...

Added value to animal nutrition

The need for the world’s food products from animal origin, like meat, milk or eggs, will continue to grow in the coming decades. The main reasons are population growth and an increase in the numbers of people who can afford valuable food, like the fast growing middle-classes in China...

A Bio-secure future for poultry farms

Biosecurity is an integral part of poultry farming to ensure a high level of health and welfare is achieved, here the European Rural Poultry Association (ERPA) explains why. European Rural Poultry Association (ERPA) was created in May 2007 to defend, support and develop the production of rural poultry in the European...

A biosecurity and disease control partnership

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) in Northern Ireland sheds light on how government and the poultry industry are working together to help reduce epizootic diseases. Poultry diseases greatly reduce the efficiency of food production, both in developed and Third World countries. Governments regulate certain diseases where it is in...

A Warning to the World

Dr Jan-Gunnar Winther, Director of the Norwegian Polar Institute gives an overview of the environmental challenges facing the Polar Regions. Scientific information from the Polar Regions boosts our knowledge of the environmental issues facing the world and is vital in order to grasp the challenges facing us, be it climate...

Vienna: Planning for Change

Maria Vassilakou, Deputy Mayor of Vienna, gives an overview of the Vienna Urban Development Plan STEP 2025. Vienna is immediately associated with culture, heritage and high quality of life, but this first impression is incomplete. The Vienna metropolitan region has seen an era of dynamic development since the political changes of...
Pfalzklinkum fur Psychiatrie

Pfalzklinikum für Psychiatrie

Social and epidemiological changes present major challenges to the health systems of the Western industrial countries and, thus, also to the German health system. This goes along with the strengthening of the position of care profession among the actors in the health care sector which gives rise to diverse...

Flying the Flag

At long last, the Approved Documents L to the Building Regulations for Wales (ADL 2014) have come into force. Much like the English Approved Documents, they bring a renewed focus on building fabric performance; however there are also several noticeable differences between the two Documents, both for domestic and...
10% of NHS drugs budget spent on diabetes prescriptions

10% of NHS drugs budget spent on diabetes drugs

According to the Health and Social Care Information Centre, prescriptions for diabetes account for almost 10 per cent of the NHS primary care drugs budget in England. The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) has revealed that almost 10 per cent of the NHS primary care drugs budget in...
Volunteering – developing key skills for employment

Volunteering: developing key employment skills

Volunteering can help young people develop essential skills they need for the world of work, here Fiona Blacke, CEO of the National Youth Agency details why. It is a very difficult time to be young. The recession has hit young people particularly hard, with youth unemployment hovering just below a...
JCB Finance

Competitive Finance on New September 2014 Vehicle Registrations

September vehicle registrations will soon be upon us - so this is a timely reminder that JCB Finance can finance all makes and models of cars and vehicles and probably save you money in the process. Remember that you can also claim Pound for Pound tax relief if you are...
UK unemployment rate has fallen

UK unemployment rates have fallen

Figures from the Office for National Statistics have revealed that unemployment figures are at the lowest rate since 2008. Unemployment rates fell to 6.4 per cent in the three months leading up to the end of June. The figures, released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), represent the lowest...
Dr Daniel Fels

Dr. Daniel Fels

The term ‘fields of the cell’ refers to the fact that electrodynamic fields surround every cell and cellular organelle. It includes fields belonging to all charged cell components, i.e ions and polar molecules, as well as those components generated by cell chemistry. This further refers to the modal of...
Callsafe Services

CDM2007 Design Risk Management Course

Association for Project Safety (APS) CDM2007 Design Risk Management Course The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM2007) require a cultural change in the management of health and safety by the construction project team, but particular emphasis is placed on the requirements for competence of designers, design co-ordination and communication of...

Chemical biology and drug discovery

The power of flexible teamwork is the key to successful research in chemical biology and drug discovery in the work of Professor Colin Suckling at the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. Over the past 10 years, research has challenged major problems of...
Unlocking SME trade competitiveness

Unlocking SME trade competitiveness

Rajesh Aggarwal, Acting Director in the Division of Business and Institutional Support at the International Trade Centre (ITC) provides insight into the role of SMEs in integrating successful international markets. SMEs play an important role in every economy, more so in developing and the least developed countries, in terms of...
Diana Agacy, Blood Transfusion Nurse Practitioner and Phlebotomy Manager at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation gives an overview of the importance of patient safety during blood transfusions…

Practising patient safety during blood transfusions

Diana Agacy, Blood Transfusion Nurse Practitioner and Phlebotomy Manager at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation gives an overview of the importance of patient safety during blood transfusions. As a transfusion practitioner, the main aspect of my role is to educate healthcare professionals in safe transfusion practice and the first thing...
Armed forces need to be mentally fit

Armed forces need to be mentally fit

Professor Jamie Hacker Hughes, Military Psychologist, and Director at the Veterans and Families Institute, Anglia Ruskin University, highlights the importance of our armed forces being in excellent mental health. The mental fitness of Britain’s Armed Forces is every bit as important as the physical fitness for which they are rightly...

Weather extremes

Extreme weather events may cause severe damage to our society. Examples include hurricane Sandy in 2012 (the second-costliest hurricane in United States history), European windstorms Lothar and Martin in 1999, and, more recently, the exceptional sequence of floods in southern England in the winter of 2014. Insurance companies need...

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