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Winning Support for Continuous Improvement Projects

Your quick step-by-step guide Gaining support to implement and sustain a continuous improvement program is an oft-voiced concern within organisations. These concerns reflect frustration in both senses of the term – feeling frustrated personally and encountering attitudes that frustrate the effectiveness of the program. Three sets of skills and methods have...

Agriculture and climate change

Agriculture both contributes to, and is affected by climate change. The EU needs to reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions from agriculture and adapt its food-production system to cope. But, climate change is only one of many pressures on agriculture, The European Environment Agency explains further Faced with growing global demand and...

Glycol – a rare resource

Areas of Expertise: We have developed a globally unique purification method whereby we purify used glycol so that it can be re-used. In this manner, we will save the Earth’s resources since glycol is extracted from crude oil and is a non-renewable resource. In addition, glycol is a scarce commodity since...

Sustainable Sweden

Open Access Government looks at how Sweden is aiming to become a sustainable nation, highlighting the government’s key environmental priorities Sweden has gone through something of a recycling revolution in the past decade. More than 99% of all household waste is recycled in one way or another – compared to...

Durability challenges for new and existing reinforced concrete structures

Concrete and reinforced/pre-stressed concrete is and will be the main construction material for civil engineering infrastructure. Much more than in the past this construction technology faces challenges that have been discussed at the International RILEM workshop held at ETH Zurich in Switzerland on 17-18 April 20121. For new structures that...

The efit21 strategy – transforming education

The Federal Ministry for Education and Women’s Affairs (BMBF) details how new digital technologies are transforming classrooms across Austria Information and communication technologies transform teaching and learning. New teaching and learning methods such as the flipped classroom or Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are opening up the classroom: learning takes...

China to the UK: Tackling cancer across borders

The China-United Kingdom Cancer (CUKC) Conference 2015 welcomed approximately 200 experts, including senior medics, scientists and scholars from world leading, international institutions to discuss strategies to fight cancer. The two-day event invited presentations from leading scientists and clinicians on effective cancer prevention, early diagnosis, aggressive treatment and rehabilitation recovery...

Dental diagnostics system (DDS)

Providing clear information for patient and provider. Our medical colleagues have been capturing the causes of death for centuries using standardised diagnostic terms. The first international conference to revise the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) was convened in 1900. In 1948, the World Health Organisation (WHO) took responsibility for the...

How standards benefit the UK economy

Daniel Mansfield Head of Policy Engagement at BSI discusses how standards contribute to the UK economy, and focuses on the stand-out sectors  Independent research by Cebr (Centre for Economics and Business Research), commissioned by BSI, the UK’s National Standards Body and funded by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills,...

E3-Modelling research finds first-mover advantage for the European Union as frontrunner in climate action

In Paris, delegates from the 196 UN parties will meet in December 2015 to negotiate a global climate agreement. Countries accounting for roughly a quarter of global emissions met the March deadline to provide targets for curbing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) while at the same time some of the...

Agroforestry and its impact

Dr Thomas J. Sauer, Research Leader at the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, U.S. Department of Agriculture details the importance of agroforestry for the environment Agroforestry is a land-use practice that involves growing perennial woody vegetation (trees, shrubs, or hedges) integrated with forages, crops, fruits, berries and nuts, herbs,...

Supporting rural communities

EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan believes rural areas hold many of the solutions for 21st Century challenges, and EU programmes are making this a reality Rural areas cover some 80% of the EU’s territory and are home to about half of our 500 million citizens. The...

Challenges for civil engineering in a changing world

Prof. Dr Bernhard Elsener from ETH Zurich, Institute for Building Materials details how civil engineering must evolve with a changing society Civil engineering is traditionally focused on construction – bridges crossing valleys, tunnels under the mountains, high skyscrapers, but also the less spectacular but essential infrastructure for society. Concrete and...
Mental health crisis care is inadequate

Mental health crisis care is inadequate

Care regulator warns the mental health system is struggling to cope with demands, leaving many people in crisis without adequate care… The Care Quality Commission (CQC) reviewed the mental health system and found it was failing many people in serious crisis. The commission, which regulates the system, looked at the help given...

Ordnance Survey: Connecting the lives of everyone in Britain

We are Britain's mapping agency. We make the most up-to-date and accurate maps of the country. But we're also a digital business, and we use our content to help governments, companies and individuals be more effective both here and around the world. What we do In fifteen short years, we’ve changed...
Addressing EU water challengesAddressing EU water challenges

Addressing EU water challenges

Pavel Misiga, Head of the Water Unit at the European Commission’s Environment DG, outlines how the EU Water Framework Directive can help to ensure clean water in sufficient quantities for people and nature The main aim of EU water policy is to ensure that throughout Europe a sufficient quantity of good...
The importance of adequate rail infrastructure financing

The importance of rail infrastructure financing

Libor Lochman, Britta Schreiner and Hans Besser from CER – the Voice of European Railways, emphasise the importance of infrastructure investment throughout Europe… Mobility is vital for the European Union’s internal market, for the quality of life of Europe’s citizens, and for society as a whole. Effective mobility requires a modern,...

A reasonable approach to improving access for disabled people

Ten years after the deadline passed for businesses to make sure their premises and services were accessible, it may be considered surprising to find that many are still vulnerable to claims for discrimination Then again it may be entirely predictable. There are still many people who do not recognise the...

The Digital Economy

Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society details the importance of a digital economy and sustainable online services There are few business sectors emerging as fast as the digital economy. Just a year ago almost no one has ever heard of the taxi company Uber or the...

A new ecosystem for learning

Alastair Creelman, an e-learning Specialist from Linnaeus University, Sweden discusses the benefits of universities embracing new changes in learning The worldwide demand for higher education is exploding and projections show an increase from 100 million today to 250 million by 2025. The traditional university system simply cannot cope with this...

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