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UK and France in nuclear energy agreement

The UK and French governments have issued a joint communique declaring their commitment to developing safe nuclear energy, commercial opportunities and skills. The declaration, which comes ahead of national leaders’ discussions over the EU’s 2030 energy and climate policy framework, reiterates the two Governments’ shared view that nuclear power has...
Laboratory of RNA

Laboratory of RNA

The Laboratory of RNA Biology and Biotechnology at the Centre for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) of the University of Trento, Italy, is focusing on RNA to develop better diagnostic tools and therapeutics for a range of genetic diseases and cancers. The research projects developed in the laboratory also aim at...
Spanish Research Council

Spanish Research Council

All available data shows that, despite a better understanding of the biology of tumour cells, the treatment of most cancers has not significantly changed for the past three decades. For the main types of cancer, survival rates for people diagnosed when their tumours were in an advanced stage has changed...

2030 climate goals outlined by EU

The European Commission has set out its plans for climate and energy policy 2030. Goals announced by the Commission include achieving a competitive, secure and low-carbon EU economy. Proposals set out by the Commissioners suggest a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% below the 1990 level, and an EU-wide...

Tougher rules to support missing children

The government has announced new rules for when children go missing from home or care. Unveiled by the Children and Families Minister Edward Timpson – the new rules will see all children, who return, receive an independent interview organised by their local authority. Only once this interview has taken place will...
planting forest

Four million new trees to be planted in 2015

Government is investing £30 million to support the planting of 2,000 hectares of new woodland. As part of the investment two hundred thousand hectares of existing woodland will also be protected or improved. The investment will support landowners – including charities, local authorities and businesses – in their commitment to planting...
high street

£8m tech boost for UK high streets

A new £8m initiative designed to re-invigorate UK high streets, has been announced by Science and Universities Minister, David Willetts, today. The initiative, a funding competition run by the UK’s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board, will allow businesses to compete for funding awards, in order to trial innovative ways...
mental health nurses

Extra funding for mental health nurses

An extra £25m of funding has been announced to enable mental health nurses to be based at police stations and courts in the UK. The funding announced by Care and Support Minister, Norman Lamb will ensure people with mental health and substance misuse problems get the right treatment as quickly...

MRI technology to treat IBS

Scientists at The University of Nottingham are leading the world in exploiting MRI technology to assist in the treatment and diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a condition that causes serious inconvenience and discomfort to sufferers. In three separate studies, researchers examined the condition in detail and uncovered a novel...

Decline in honeybees across Europe

A honeybee shortage is threatening crop pollination in more than half of European countries, according to new research. A study published in the journal ‘Plos One’ reveals that the shortage is more severe in Britain, which has only a quarter of the honeybees required. Across Europe though, overall numbers of honeybee...

Winter months increase mental health risks

A mental health charity said people who go without daily sunlight are at risk of mental health problems. Mental Health Research UK (MHRUK) has said through the winter months going without sunlight can lead to developing lethargy, depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The charity surveyed around 2,000 British adults which...

Vitamin E could be beneficial in dementia

New research suggests a daily dose of vitamin E could help people with dementia. A study carried out by US researchers in the journal JAMA found people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease on high doses of vitamin E had a slower rate of decline than those given a dummy...

More people choosing green transport methods

Efforts to make it easier for people to travel more sustainably are working, according to a new report. The door to door action plan published by the Department for Transport shows that efforts to make it easier for people to choose greener ways of travelling to and from public transport hubs...
CO2 GeoNet

CO2 GeoNet

CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) involves the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) from industrial sources such as fossil-fuel-based power stations, refineries, steel or cement plants followed by compression of this CO2 into a highly dense liquid form, and its injection deep underground into the pore space (i.e. the...


The production of cosmogenic radionuclides on Earth result from nuclear reactions initiated by primary and secondary energetic cosmic ray particles which, during their passage through the atmosphere and into the first few meters of the Earth’s crust, interact with various atoms of atmospheric gases and surface rocks, respectively, as...

Norwegian Polar Institute

A government agency under the auspices of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) is Norway’s main institution for research, environmental monitoring and topographic and geological mapping in Norwegian polar regions. The Institute also advises Norwegian authorities on matters concerning polar environmental management and runs...
Odense University Hospital, Dept of Nuclear Medicine ebook

Odense University Hospital, Dept of Nuclear Medicine

Health expenditure has reached above 10% of the gross domestic product in most Western countries with an upward trend indicating that 20% may already be reached in the present decade, unless something drastic can turn the tide (1). Prevention is the vision, but many such efforts remain to translate...
Uni Groningen logo / blind

More than words

In the past, those born both deaf and blind were consigned to a life of limited or non-existent communications – but a research team based at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands in close collaboration with the Royal Dutch Kentalis Deafblindness Center for Excellence – is developing new techniques...

Pharmacodynamics Group – Uppsala University

“Central nervous system diseases are on their way to become as abandoned as infectious diseases, in spite of the enormous need for new treatments to reduce the suffering and the huge societal costs handling these diseases.” Appropriate drug delivery to the brain is one of the main hurdles for treating...
The Real Apprenticeship ebook

The Real Apprenticeship

The true value of an apprenticeship can only be fully appreciated if we are able to fully explain how it works and why so many organisations across the public and private sector have taken this pathway as part of their post-recession recovery and sustainability strategies. At the heart of...

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