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restorative dentistry

Oral health and restorative dentistry

Karlo Jacutan, on behalf of Dental Arch, comments on the importance of promoting oral health among populations during the COVID-19 pandemic and restorative dentistry.
cancer treatment

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer treatment

Experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the University of Molise chart the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer treatment.
empowering governments, digitisation, digital

Empowering governments and their people through digitisation

Tracey Lethbridge, head of UK public sector at OpenText, discusses how digital technologies could empower governments and their people during the current pandemic and beyond.
diagnosing depression, patient

The challenge of diagnosing depression could be solved by machines

Machine learning could be the solution to the "big challenges" of accurately diagnosing depression, say scientists at the University of Birmingham.
dispensing optics

The science and art of dispensing optics

The science and art of dispensing optics are ever dynamic, writes Daryl Newsome from the Association of British Dispensing Opticians. Opticians must adopt new technology, adapt their practice of dispensing and take ownership of innovation, he argues.
south african mutation, vaccine

AstraZeneca vaccine cannot stop the South African mutation

The new results led to the South African Government suspending use of AstraZeneca in their vaccination programme, as it is no longer able to stop the mutation - but could still prevent hospitalisation and fatality.
vaccine safety

UK regulator assures safety of COVID-19 vaccines

Recent data published by the UK’s independent medicines regulator assures the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccines meet strict regulatory standards for safety
COVID-19 vaccine doses

Clinical trial looks into mixing different COVID-19 vaccines

A world-first clinical trial looking into mixing different COVID-19 vaccine doses has been backed by £7 million of government funding.
climate change in south africa, labour

Climate change in South Africa could cost up to 20% of GDP

The impact of climate change in South Africa can be seen in economic productivity, healthcare outcomes and labour availability - but what could it cost the population in the future, if left unchecked? 
reduce COVID-19 death, ECMO

ECMO machine reduces COVID-19 deaths by 45% for “sickest patients”

According to data collected by 400 healthcare professionals at the worst moment of the US outbreak, the life support machine that acts in place of the heart and lungs is crucial to reducing COVID-19 deaths for the critically ill.
die after heart transplant, medicaid

Data shows young, Black adults twice as likely to die after heart transplant

The American Heart Association found that young, Black adults are more than twice as likely to die in the first year after a heart transplant - in comparison to non-Black transplant recipients of the same age.
offered COVID access, mutation

All UK adults could be offered COVID vaccine by May

According to recent reports, all UK adults could have their first dose of the COVID vaccine by May, 2021 - opening up the potential of a real summer.
Valneva vaccine

UK purchases additional 40 million doses of Valneva vaccine

The UK government has announced that it has secured early access to a further 40 million doses of the Valneva COVID-19 vaccine.
bovine tuberculosis

Treating bovine tuberculosis (bTB) with artificial intelligence

Craig Rhodes, EMEA Industry Lead for Artificial Intelligence Healthcare and Life Science at NVIDIA, explores how bovine tuberculosis (bTB) can be monitored and treated more effectively and efficiently using Artificial Intelligence (AI).
giving COVID vaccines, primary care

Three ways to solve the logistical challenges of giving COVID vaccines

An anonymous Doctor explains their ideas for how the NHS could tackle the significant logistical challenges of giving COVID vaccines.
executive orders on climate, biden

President Biden signs bundle of executive orders on climate change

Yesterday, President Biden signed a slew of executive orders on climate change, describing the new proposals as a way to fight an "existential threat".
health framework

CCS and NHS digital launch Digital Capability for Health framework

Crown Commercial Service's have announced that there new Digital Capability for Health framework in collaboration with NHS Digital is now live.

Engineers design model for using one ventilator on two patients

Engineers at the University of Bath have published a mathematical model that could help clinicians to safely ventilate two COVID patients on one ventilator.
psychological distress

1 in 3 adults are anxious about COVID-19

Researchers at Duke-NUS Medical School have reported that one in three adults are experiencing psychological distress related to COVID-19, including anxiety and depression.
insulin supplies

Diabetics are concerned about disrupted insulin supplies due to Brexit

Diabetics living in the UK are worried about disruption to insulin supplies as a result of Brexit, according to a new social media study.

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