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The Security Impact of Drones

Dr Chris Wyatt, Research Fellow at the School of Government and Society at the University of Birmingham discusses a recent report that looks at the challenges and opportunities drones could bring the UK With the introduction of new, modern technologies, the question is often asked of their benefits weighed against...

Assessing the impact of CCTV

James Kelly, Chief Executive at the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) outlines why CCTV remains a crucial pillar to public safety and highlights the importance of implementing standards across the sector as a whole With between 4 million and 5.9 million CCTV surveillance cameras in the UK alone, the CCTV...

The importance of adequate rail infrastructure financing

Libor Lochman, Britta Schreiner and Hans Besser from CER – the Voice of European Railways, emphasise the importance of infrastructure investment throughout Europe  Mobility is vital for the European Union’s internal market, for the quality of life of Europe’s citizens, and for society as a whole. Effective mobility requires a modern,...
eu water

Addressing EU water challenges

Pavel Misiga, Head of the Water Unit at the European Commission’s Environment DG, outlines how the EU Water Framework Directive can help to ensure clean water in sufficient quantities for people and nature  The main aim of EU water policy is to ensure that throughout Europe a sufficient quantity of good...

Durability challenges for new and existing reinforced concrete structures

Concrete and reinforced/pre-stressed concrete is and will be the main construction material for civil engineering infrastructure. Much more than in the past this construction technology faces challenges that have been discussed at the International RILEM workshop held at ETH Zurich in Switzerland on 17-18 April 20121. For new structures that...

Dhaka, The Productive City

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, is often reminded as a poor, busy and polluted city in the heart of an often-flooded country. For a long time it was a quiet town, without any turbulence until recently some tension emerged. Deeper causes are not yet revealed but could have something...
© Bulat Silvia ageing population

Musculoskeletal health: perspectives in an ageing society

Dr Benjamin Ellis, Senior Clinical Policy Adviser at Arthritis Research UK details the importance of good musculoskeletal health in an ageing population  Over the last century, life expectancy has steadily risen at an extraordinary rate. Yet though we live for longer, those additional years are often plagued by ill health....
Musculoskeletal health in an ageing population

Musculoskeletal health in an ageing population

Dr Benjamin Ellis, Senior Clinical Policy Adviser at Arthritis Research UK details the importance of good musculoskeletal health in an ageing population Over the last century, life expectancy has steadily risen at an extraordinary rate. Yet though we live for longer, those additional years are often plagued by ill health....
Water in the city

Water in the city

With population growth, urbanisation and economic development, the demand for freshwater in urban areas are increasing throughout Europe. At the same time, climate change and pollution are also affecting the availability of water for city residents, as discussed here by The European Environment Agency… In July 2011 intense rains left...
A Polish agriculture transformation

A Polish agriculture transformation

Following Poland’s accession in 2004, their agriculture sector has seen a transformation in terms of growth, but the desire for improvement continues. AG outlines the latest developments…                        Poland’s accession into the European Union in 2004 has enabled the country...
The Digital Economy

The importance of a digital economy for Europe

Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society details the importance of a digital economy and sustainable online services… There are few business sectors emerging as fast as the digital economy. Just a year ago almost no one has ever heard of the taxi company Uber or the...
Council set to invest £38m in housing stock

Council set to invest £38m in housing stock

Wrexham Council to invest £38m in the existing social housing stock in a bid to meet a 2020 deadline for improving standards... Wrexham Council is expected to meet targets to bring its entire social housing stock up to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) by the 2020 deadline following an...

An inclusive approach to evacuation plans

It is vital for a business to have facilities and procedures in place to help disabled people move around a building – and it is even more important to have effective systems in place to help them get out. When the need arises to evacuate a building the likelihood is...

Passivhaus Tradesperson Course

Saint-Gobain UK and Ireland has announced the launch of its Passive House Tradesperson Course, enabling tradespeople to gain international accreditation for one of the world’s most efficient energy standards. Delivered by experienced personnel from the Passive House Academy in partnership with Saint-Gobain, the next course will be run from 25th-29th...
Committee MPs should get £10,000 pay rise

Committee MPs should get £10,000 pay rise

According to the think tank Reform, MPs who sit on Commons select committees should receive a £10,000 pay increase... Committees responsible for debating and amending legislation should be given an increase in their pay. Think tank Reform has called for a £10,000 rise for the 180 MPs who sit on committees...
The importance of effective wound care

The importance of effective wound care

Alexandra Bishop, Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist at Plymouth Wound Care discusses how effective wound care can make all the difference to a patient, and the NHS… The importance of effective wound care cannot be underestimated. Wounds in complex patients and those that are poorly managed can lead to the development of...
Minimum wage is set to increase by 20p

Minimum wage is set to increase by 20p

The government has announced the National Minimum Wage is set to increase by 20p from October... The National Minimum Wage is set to increase, it has emerged. The news comes a day after an independent review found numerous high street chains had not committed to the Living Wage. Currently, the minimum...
High street chains will not commit to living wage

High street chains will not commit to living wage

An investigation conducted by The Independent has revealed that the big high street stores have not signed up to the living wage... The living wage has been something of a contentious issue lately. Many companies have signed up to give their employees the minimum rate of £7.85 an hour (£9.15...
The value of apprenticeships

The value of apprenticeships

As National Apprenticeship Week draws to a close, Adjacent Digital Politics examines the value of these training schemes and how they can help young people... Since taking power, the coalition government has been keen to push apprenticeships as an alternative method of training for the workplace. Many of the largest...
MPs say UK should be given GM regulatory powers

MPs say UK should be given GM regulatory powers

A report published by MPs has said the UK should be given the regulatory power to grow genetically-modified crops... The current European Union rules for genetically-modified (GM) crops are “politicised and unscientific”, according to new report from a committee of MPs. Andrew Miller, the chair of the science and technology committee,...

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