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COVID-19 - search results

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safety standards

Schools need Gov approved cleaning procedures & clear safety standards

Graham Mimms, Hygiene Aviation Expert and co-founder of Safe Surface Sensor, explains why the only way to stop a future health crisis is to ensure we have strict hygiene policies in place.
public bodies

Public procurement, a brave new world?

Peter Ware, Partner and Head of Government sector at Browne Jacobson, discusses public procurement and the extent to which this is a brave new world.
EU Digital Finance strategy

The new EU Digital Finance strategy

Giovanni Caccavello from Open Banking Excellence (OBE) believes a tighter action plan for the EU Digital Finance strategy will promote prosperity across Europe.
digital recovery in Europe

A green & digital recovery in Europe after COVID?

Louise Grabo, President of the EESC's Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market, looks at a green and digital recovery in Europe after the COVID crisis.
meeting places

Creating caring meeting places

Romy Rawlings, Commercial Director at Vestre Ltd, discusses the right to public access for everyone, and the importance of fostering a sustainable, accessible and inclusive community spirit.

How pandemic start-ups are dominating the UK business industry

Mike Elliff, CEO of Tyl by Natwest, dives into the findings compiled by the company that reveals how on average, 50,000 start-up businesses were created every month in 2020.
obesity prevention

Queen’s Speech addresses key obesity prevention plans

Mhairi Brown, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Action on Salt and Action on Sugar, ponders the Queen's speech discussing the Government’s commitment to legislate their key obesity prevention plans by 2022.
NextGeneration EU

Closing education gaps with the NextGeneration EU recovery plan

Salvatore Nigro, CEO of JA Europe and Andzelika Rusteikienė CEO of JA Lithuania, discuss why the NextGeneration EU recovery plan must close the gaps in education that the COVID-19 crisis has exposed.
private sector firms

What the new IR35 off-payroll regulations mean for private sector firms

Debbie Sadler, senior associate in the employment team at Blaser Mills Law, discusses what the new IR35 off-payroll regulations mean for private sector firms and how they can ensure compliance.
safe nhs environments

Safe NHS environments: For patient, clinician & support worker

Kate Edwards, Director at Intelligent Infection Control Services Limited, LumiBio, underlines the importance of creating safe environments for the patient, clinician & support worker in the NHS.
sniff out positive COVID-19

Dogs can sniff out coronavirus with 96% accuracy

According to a new study, led by the University of Pennsylvania, specially trained detection dogs can sniff out positive COVID-19 samples with 96% accuracy.
remote-first workforce, digital

Workplace technology design for a remote-first workforce

David Turner, Managing Director of MSC Digital, outlines the key features of technology design to ensure your organisation can support a complete or partial remote-first workforce.
outpatient waiting list

Reducing outpatient waiting list backlog through innovation

Adapting their existing digital framework, SymlConnect address the severe outpatient waiting list backlog created by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, to enable secure patient-clinician remote communication.
COVID uk care homes, care homes

PHE say 43,398 COVID patients sent into UK care homes

Public Health England (PHE) have revealed that 43,398 COVID-positive people were sent into care homes in the first ten months of 2020.
work from home fraud

Are you protected against work from home fraud?

Working from home is now the norm for so many people, but with one in ten employees still wanting a remote lifestyle for the foreseeable future, what does that mean for employers and what exactly are the risks?.
single-dose Johnson johnson, vaccine

UK approves use of single-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine

The UK today (28 May) approves use of the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine that provides enough protection against the virus in one injection.
arterial blood clots, blood clot

Scientists link AstraZeneca vaccine to arterial blood clots

Over the last three months, scientists have been tracing rare instances of blood clots in veins in connection to the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine - now, they have the first evidence of arterial blood clots, which can cause stroke.
side effects Johnson & Johnson vaccine, blood clot

What are the side effects of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine?

Here, we discuss some of the common misconceptions about side effects of the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine.
policy goals

To scale the circular economy, we must unite and work towards common policy goals

Miranda Schnitger, Government Lead at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, discusses the importance of the Universal circular economy policy goals to deliver the circular economy, particularly as we enter the year of COP26.
local economic growth, property

Property: An enabler to kick-start local economic growth

Dr Janet Young, Government Chief Property Officer for the UK government and a Director General in the Cabinet Office, explains why property is seen as an enabler to kick-start local economic growth.

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