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Embracing Horizon 2020

The French National Research Agency explain their investment in Horizon 2020 in order to tackle societal challenges, such as climate change and food security… As a funding agency, one of the greatest challenges of The French National Research Agency (ANR) lies in coordinating the different funding instruments that exist at...

The future of agriculture and sustainable development

Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development looks at how the Commission is supporting Europe’s farmers to succeed and be resilient… The Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) was originally designed to feed the starving populations of Europe in the post-war era, and it has met that challenge with resounding...

Open source towards safe flood defences

Efficient, open minded and international collaboration of research and engineering is vital to safeguard the densely populated and growing urban areas across the world which are facing the consequences of sea level rise and natural hazards... In times of political uncertainty and economic turbulence, the global challenges of population growth...

Is Hinkley rethink good or bad for state of UK energy infrastructure?

Oliver Johnson, Policy Executive at Association for Consultancy and Engineering questions whether the decision to postpone approval for Hinkley Point C was the right decision… The decision to postpone approval for Hinkley Point C taken by the government last week is not a stabilising one. British hesitance on the matter...

Europe’s transition to a circular economy – let’s speed it up

Cillian Lohan, environmental scientist and a member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), outlines why we must push ahead with the transition to a circular economy… The Circular Economy is not about one big circle, but rather a series of interconnected and inter-influential circles. It is much more than...

€8.5bn investment announced for Horizon 2020

The budget for 2017 has been set at €8.5bn for the European Commission’s research programme Horizon 2020… The European Commission has announced the research and innovation budget for its flagship programme Horizon 2020 (H2020) will stand at €8.5bn during 2017. The announcement was made following an update to the Work Programme...

The future of solar power: what it means for small businesses

Phil Foster, Managing Director of Love Energy Savings shares his thoughts on the future of solar power and what this may mean for small businesses... Whilst less than 2% of the world’s electricity is currently generated through solar photovoltaic technology, a recent report estimated that this figure could increase to as much...

A carbon capture and storage reset

Judith Shapiro, Policy and Communications Manager at the Carbon Capture and Storage Association outlines to AG what the focus needs to be for CCS in the upcoming months… CS has featured a number of times in AG and the last article was published just before all hell broke loose on...

IUSS launches the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024)

Following the International Year of Soils 2015, the International Union of Soil Sciences has proclaimed the International Decade of Soils to increase the momentum of raising awareness of the importance of soil for life... The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) is the global union of soil scientists and the...

Bratislava Declaration aims to secure funding for EU regions

As politicians from across the EU meet this weekend for the biannual European Summit of the Regions, the Slovak Presidency presents the Bratislava Declaration… The largest event of the historic first Slovak Presidency of the European Union is taking place in the country’s capital this weekend. To coincide with the...

£57.5m funding for biomedical and quantum technology

The government has announced £57.5m funding will be made available for the UK’s energy and infrastructure, biomedical, and quantum technology sectors… A new funding boost has been given to help develop the UK’s energy and infrastructure, biomedical, and quantum technology sectors. The £57.5m fund was announced by Business Secretary Sajid Javid during...

HPC fuelling innovation: The Irish experience

Jean-Christophe Desplat, Director at the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) explains the benefits of high-performance computing… High-performance computing (HPC) has emerged as a key platform technology of modern times. Its ability to boost performance and speed is transforming domains such as energy exploration, environmental monitoring, next-generation computing and medical devices,...

A softer footprint in the Arctic snow

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for the Environment details why a stronger and more focused approach is needed to protect the Arctic… If there is one place in the world where climate change is plainly visible, it is the Arctic region. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest...

Investing in scientists of the future

AG Editor, Laura Evans highlights new investments for UK science and what Minister for Science and Universities, Jo Johnson thinks a Brexit could mean for our status in this arena… The UK has developed some keystone discoveries in science, including: hydrogen by Henry Cavendish, and penicillin by Alexander Fleming, and...
offshore wind

£1.5m funding for Scottish offshore wind research project

The Scottish government has revealed £1.5m will be made available to support research and innovation in the offshore wind sector… A total of £1.5m funding will be used by the Carbon Trust to develop and support an offshore wind innovation programme. The Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) research and design scheme aims...
radiator thermostat

Oxford City Council investigates city-wide heat network

A study into how buildings in Oxford use heat and electricity is being conducted by the city council and its partners… A new study examining how buildings that use a lot of heat and electricity can reduce their carbon foot print is being undertaken by Oxford City Council and its...

European rail supply industry

Natasha Marie Levanti, Association for Consultancy and Engineering discusses the European rail supply industry and outlines what the new EU resolution means for the sector...  On 9 June the EU Parliament has adopted the Resolution on the competitiveness of the European rail supply industry (2015/2887(RSP)), which will serve to...

A new Sustainable Development Strategy for Switzerland

Daniel Dubas, Head of the Sustainable Development Section at the Federal Office for Spatial Development outlines the Federal Council’s Sustainable Development Strategy and its aims… In Switzerland, sustainable development is a constitutional obligation. To ensure that the country continuously meets this obligation, the Swiss Federal Council (government) recently renewed its...

Strengthening partnerships between cities

Hella Dunger-Löper Member of the European Committee of the Regions (COR) outlines the core principles that should shape the EU’s new Urban Agenda… A wall once ran through my city. When it came down, two halves had to be connected, neglected areas restored, new communities created, a shared direction agreed....

A rare opportunity to ‘turn the tide’

Oliver Johnson, Policy Executive at Environmental Industries Commission outlines the challenges caused by flooding and highlights details from the Turning the Tide report... Previously occasional, major flooding in the UK is an increasingly dependable disaster. Every year, western and northern parts of the country are battered by ‘unprecedented’ rainfall. Meteorologists...

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