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US TRIPS waiver, intellectual property

What happens now that the US supports the TRIPS waiver?

Rachel Thrasher, Research Fellow at the Global Development Policy Center in Boston, explains how the new US stance could change the TRIPS waiver debate.
UK vaccine hesitancy, COVID

Research reveals five reasons behind UK vaccine hesitancy

New data explores why some in the UK continue to experience vaccine hesitancy - with one man explaining that "it is human nature to have second thoughts".
uk social care system, healthcare

Report finds UK social care system will “collapse” without unpaid carers

The Social Care 360 Report finds that unpaid carers contributed time worth £400 million to the UK social care system - daily, since the COVID-19 pandemic begun.
blood clot risk

Under 40s will be offered an alternative to the Astrazeneca vaccine

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that all under 40s should be offered an alternative to the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine following blood clot risk.
european commission trips waiver, vaccines

European Commission hesitates on TRIPS waiver for pandemic

The European Commission on Thursday (6 May) responded to a US declaration of support for the TRIPS waiver, stating that they were open to further discussions without explicit agreement.
hand dermatitis

Two-thirds of the public have hand dermatitis due to rigorous hand washing

More than two-thirds of the public may have hand dermatitis due to stringent handwashing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
depression during lockdown, adults

One in five UK adults experienced depression during lockdown

According to new ONS data, one in five adults experienced some form of depression during lockdown - more than double the pre-pandemic rate.
curevac mrna vaccine, clinical trial

CureVac mRNA vaccine can be stored at normal fridge temperature

The CureVac mRNA vaccine is currently in final stages of clinical trials - but it is expected to perform like Pfizer and Moderna, with the bonus of surviving at ordinary refrigeration temperatures.
assisted living

How IoT is revolutionising the wellbeing of residents in assisted living

Emma Mahy, CEO and co-founder of IoT Solutions Group, discusses how Internet of Things (IoT) technology is being used to help local authorities improve their adult social care services.
TRIPS waiver, intellectual property

US declares support for TRIPS waiver on COVID vaccines

The TRIPS waiver would temporarily stop an intellectual property law that stops poorer countries to manufacture the vaccine - the US now joins India and South Africa in the proposal.
experiencing loneliness

53% of cancer patients are experiencing loneliness during the pandemic

According to a new study, more than half (53%) of adult cancer patients have been experiencing loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID booster dose 2021, mutation

Fully vaccinated UK adults to get COVID booster dose in 2021

Adults over the age of 50 in the UK could get the COVID booster dose in 2021 - the third dose of the vaccine could be given as soon as Autumn.
future viruses

Screening healthcare workers could serve as warning system for viruses

Researchers have suggested that data from healthcare workers could be used to rapidly estimate the severity of future viruses.
Examining the effects of post hospital discharge care on enhancing the physical and cognitive functioning of people with dementia

The effects of post hospital discharge care for dementia

Examining the effects of post hospital discharge care on enhancing the physical and cognitive functioning of people with dementia

How can the c-suite walk-the-walk on climate change?

Chris Bowden, Managing Director at Squeaky, outlines how the c-suite can walk-the-walk on climate change and the challenges leaders are facing in the race to net-zero.

Using UVC light on disinfectants makes them safer to use

A new study from the University of Waterloo has found that applying UVC light to common disinfectants makes them safer to use against COVID-19.

Philanthropists must follow the governments lead and take a moonshot approach

James Chen, a philanthropist, discusses how philanthropists can follow the governments lead on addressing moonshot issues.
COVID vaccine 12 year olds, pfizer

Pfizer applies for COVID vaccine to be given to 12-year-olds

Pfizer could make their COVID vaccine available to 12-year-olds in Europe from June, after clinical trials in March showed 100% efficiency for those aged 12 to 15.
childhood vaccinations

More than 25% of children have not received childhood vaccinations

According to new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, more than a quarter of American children had not received common childhood vaccinations in 2018.
fix the digital skills gap

How can the north-west fix the digital skills gap?

Matt Adam, chief executive of We Are Digital, explains how the north-west is fixing the digital skills gap.

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