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brazilian covid mutation, p.1

Brazilian COVID mutation more likely to evade immunity

The city of Manaus was hit so overwhelmingly by the Brazilian COVID mutation, it was believed that 75% of the population had COVID - what new truths are scientists learning about this powerful variant? 
booster vaccines

UK Government purchases 60 million Pfizer booster vaccines

The UK Government has purchased a further 60 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to help support the booster vaccination programme.
side effects of the Pfizer vaccine

What are the side effects of the Pfizer vaccine?

Here, we assess some of the most common side effects of the Pfizer and BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
needle phobia

How patients can overcome needle phobia and get the COVID vaccine

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores what can be done to help patients who refuse the COVID-19 vaccination due to needle phobia.
side effects of the Moderna vaccine

What are the side effects of the Moderna vaccine?

Here we list some of the most common and uncommon side effects of the Moderna vaccine and discuss the latest trials on pediatric participants.
astrazeneca vaccine side effects, pfizer side effects

One in four people get Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine side effects

New data from the UK's vaccination programme suggests that one in four people get Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine side effects - with most peaking in the first 24 hours, then gone in two days.
minorities with opioid use disorder, racial minorities

How is COVID impacting racial minorities with opioid use disorder?

Researchers worked with racial minorities with opioid use disorder to document how this doubly-vulnerable group were impacted by COVID.
science via zoom, experiment

Teachers create new ways to explain science via Zoom

The COVID pandemic compelled students to migrate to screens, leaving teachers to get creative to protect their educational progress - which now means teaching science via Zoom.
lawsuit astrazeneca, astrazeneca

EU begins lawsuit against AstraZeneca over vaccine deliveries

Yesterday (26 April), the EU sued AstraZeneca over a perceived failure to deliver COVID vaccines.
diabetic ketoacidosis

Surge in T2D children presenting diabetic ketoacidosis during pandemic

A new study from Children's Hospital Los Angeles has revealed a surge of pediatric patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
build back better

NHS: How can we build back better?

Paul Styler, Director of Infrastructure Solutions, ETL, explores the challenges facing NHS Trust to support the build back better agenda.
engine and fossil fuel, energy

Phasing out internal combustion engines and fossil fuels

How does the phasing out of internal combustion engines and fossil fuels fit into an overall climate change plan? 
social value model

Why the Gov’s Social Value Model offers commercial benefits outside the public sector

Sarah Stone, Director of Samtaler, explores how the new Central Government Social Value Model can be used as a strong commercial driver for all organisations to develop a cohesive and more strategic Social Value offer.
hospital fires, ICU

COVID oxygen use increases risk of hospital fires

In India and Iraq, patients recently died in hospital fires caused by oxygen explosions - an increased amount of oxygen is needed to treat COVID-19.
Omega-3 index

High Omega-3 index reduces premature death

New research shows that people with a high Omega-3 Index are 13% less likely to die prematurely compared to those with low levels.
respiratory symptoms

Smoking both e-cigs & tobacco cigarettes increases risk of respiratory symptoms

Research led by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital reveals that people who use both e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes are more likely to develop respiratory symptoms compared to those using either one alone.
data-driven age

What can the public sector do to prosper in this new data-driven age?

Charles Southwood, Regional VP Northern Europe and MEA at Denodo, discusses how the pandemic has become a digital catalyst for the public sector and what organisations need to do to prosper in this new data-driven age.
low-code technology

Low-code technology: Enabling councils to support citizens

Richard Farrell, Chief Innovation Officer at Netcall, talks about the challenges that local councils have faced and the role that low-code technology can and should play in enabling local authorities to guide and support citizens.
internet use

Frequent internet use improved mental health during lockdown

A new study from the University of Surrey has found that frequent internet use by older people during lockdown improved the quality of their mental health.
return to work

My employee doesn’t want to return to work – what can I do?

Here, Alan Price, CEO of BrightHR, advises what businesses can do when an employee doesn't want to return to work, when it is safe to do so.

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